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11 pages of results. 11. Shifting Poles. Ch.8 Poles Displaced (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... a tilting of the axis would explain the geographical position of the ice in the past, but it would not account for other phenomena observed, such as the extent of the glacial cover and the suddenness with which it enveloped the earth. Agassiz realized this, and in support of the idea that the ice ages came suddenly, he quoted Cuvier. Cuvier died before the Ice Age theory was promulgated, but he understood that the climate must have altered suddenly in order to encase the large quadrupeds of Siberia in ice as soon as they were killed, and to preserve their bodies from, decay since then. "Therefore," wrote Cuvier in prophetic anticipation of the debate that ...
... bya large class of men as an essential part of their professional education, and from that time the science was cultivated in Europe more ardently and systematically. Werner's mind was at once imaginative and richly stored with miscellaneous knowledge. He associated every thing with his favorite science, and in his excursive * Nov. comm. Petr. XVII. Cuvier, Eloge de Pallas. . CH. IV.] WERNER. 47 lectures, he pointed out all the economical uses of minerals, and their application to medicine ; the influence of the mineral composition of rocks upon the soil, and of the soil upon the resources, wealth, and civilization of man. The vast sandy plains ...
13. Evidence of Careenings of the Globe [Books]
... to rest on Mt. Parnassus, Greece. The elevation above present sea level of this mountain is 8,000 feet. The Hellenes (Greeks) were descended from Deucalion's son, Hellen. The ancient Hindus, Chaldeans, and the Jews all have records indicating that a great deluge occurred slightly more than 5,000 years ago. Cuvier refers, without identification, to an ancient Brahman collection of Indo-European prose which had a recurrent flood theory. William Thomasson says in his book The Glacial Period and The Deluge that "the Chinese have a wonderful tradition, that properly interpreted, tells of their sudden, flying leap to the Arctic .. .. It is the story ...
14. The Caves Of England. Ch.2 Revolution (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... says: "It is equally difficult to imagine that they could have passed their winters in lakes or rivers frozen up with ice." If cold-blooded land animals are unable to hide themselves in the ground over the winter, in icy climates their blood would freeze solid: they lack the ability to regulate the temperature of their bodies. Like Cuvier, Buckland was "nearly certain that if any change of climate has taken place, it took place suddenly."7 Of the time the catastrophe occurred, which covered with mud and pebbles the bones in the Kirkdale cave, Buckland wrote: "From the limited quantity of postdiluvian stalactite, as well as from the un-decayed condition of ...
... was marked by an intense antagonism between the neptunists, who attributed most of the Earth's rocks and sediments to the precipitative aftereffects of an immense flood, and the vulcanists and plutonists who saw the cause as volcanic action arising from great heat coming from deep in the Earth. The neptunists, who included Buffon, Leibnitz, Halley, Whiston, Cuvier and especially the very influential A.G . Werner, developed a model of global floods and immense rare catastrophes followed by successive rock and mineral deposition out of the receding world ocean. The vulcanists, whose ranks (at different times) included Demarest, de Dolomieu, Hutton, Playfair, Conybeare, Buckland and Sedgwick, argued that ...
... in the minds of those geologists who accepted a literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis, and in particular, the account of the Noahic flood." How accurate is this statement? Velikovsky has employed the Bible and folklore and legends of ancient people to show that ancient man witnessed global catastrophes. His approach is similar to that of Georges Cuvier, the founder and father of the science of paleontology-the study of fossils. Stephen Jay Gould, the well-known Harvard biologist and historian of science says this about Cuvier's method of employing the Bible and folklore and legends of ancient people to prove that there was a universal flood in ancient times. "Cuvier's methodology may have been naive, but ...
17. Precursors [Journals] [Kronos]
... , and at the end of the year 1680; and he believed that it will return again in 2256. He also came to the idea that the Earth was a comet before it became a planet. He did not recognize the role of the planets in historical cataclysms. The second author whom I would like to mention is Baron Georges Cuvier (1769-1832). He is regarded as the father of the paleontology of the vertebrates. Investigating the strata of the ground, he came to the conclusion that the Earth underwent a series of cataclysms: "We discover in the midst of even the oldest strata of marine formation, other strata replete with animal and vegetable remains of terrestrial ...
18. Poleshifts, Catastrophes, And Myths [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... Too often, men of science have sneered at legends as unscientific, while themselves, postulating speculations not much more than legends." Allan 0 Kelly Impact Geology, (Encinitas, Calif., 1985) Page 15 The process of citing legends from oral and written ancient history was employed by many of the early catastrophists. For example, Cuvier, ". .. cites references from ancient Chaldean, Hindu, Persian, and Chinese records to prove his point, [of recent global catastrophe], and mentions [Alexander von] Humboldt's suggestion that references to a deluge may also be found in the `barbarous hieroglyphics' of the American Indians."1 Louis Agassiz stated ...
19. Catastrophism And Evolution. Ch.15 Cataclysmic Evolution (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... More and more scientists subscribed to evolution; religious minds clung to the belief that there had been no change since the creation of the world. Actually the debate was between liberals and conservatives in the matter of science. The radicals did not participate; for catastrophism was dying out with the generation of the founders and classicists of geological science. Cuvier died in 1832; in England, geologists like Buckland of Oxford and Sedgwick of Cambridge, set in their belief in Mosaic tradition, ascribed the ubiquitous vestiges of the catastrophe to the action of the Deluge. But they could not point to a satisfactory physical cause of such catastrophe, and expert estimate made it obvious that, had all ...
20. The Ivory Islands. Ch.1 In the North (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... tusks have been dredged in nets from the bottom of the Arctic Ocean; and after arctic gales the shores of the islands are strewn with tusks cast up by the billows. This is regarded as an indication that the bottom of the Arctic Ocean between the islands and the mainland was dry land in the days when mammoths roamed there. Georges Cuvier, the great French paleontologist (1769 -1832), thought that in a vast catastrophe of continental dimensions the sea overwhelmed the land, the herds of mammoths perished, and in a second spasmodic movement the sea rushed away, leaving the carcasses behind. This catastrophe must have been accompanied by a precipitous drop in temperature; the frost seized ...
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