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11 pages of results. 101. Henry H. Bauer and Immanuel Velikovsky [Books]
... population growing more quickly than the means of existence. Darwin acknowledged his debt to Malthus, whose book he read in 1838. Herbert Spencer and Alfred R. Wallace independently came to the same views as Darwin and the expression survival of the fittest' was Spencer's." (Emphasis added) Velikovsky also wrote about the earlier contributions of Georges Cuvier in the same chapter; he distinctly pointed out these other evolutionists who preceded Darwin. And in the very same terms Bauer employed, i.e ., "Darwin, whose notable contribution was to provide the idea for a mechanism of natural selection through which the process of evolution could be understood." (40) Velikovsky said ...
102. Radiocarbon Dating The Extinction [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... , who presented the first analysis that certain fossils were always associated with various sedimentary rock layers as a tool for understanding, the geological column, in a broadsheet published in 1835 entitled Deductions from established facts in geology, suggested that an episode of sudden freezing was evidenced by "an entire elephant preserved in the ice of Siberia."134 Cuvier was emphatic, based on the evidence of his geological and paleontological research, that the last of the great cataclysms had occurred in the time of human history. ". .. if there is any circumstance thoroughly established in geology, it is that the crust of our globe has been subjected to a great and sudden revolution, the ...
103. Challenges to Evolutionary Gradualism [Books]
... of course, is the catastrophism-uniformitarianism debate. In Gould's opinion: "Most geologists would tell you that their science represents the total triumph of Lyell's uniformity over unscientific catastrophism. Lyell's brief was the victory for his name, but modern geology is really an even mixture of two scientific schools - Lyell's original, rigid uniformitarianism and the scientific catastrophism of Cuvier and Agassiz" [30: p. 152]. The essays were introduced to a wider readership in 1978 when thirty-three were published under the title Ever Since Darwin [30]. Two years later, the next collection appeared as The Panda's Thumb [119], and 1983 saw the first publication of the third collection, Hen's ...
104. Part I: The Drift [Ragnarok] [Books]
... says: " We cannot doubt, after such testimony, of the existence, in the frozen north, of the almost entire remains of the mammoth. The animals seem to have perished suddenly; enveloped in ice at the moment of their death, their bodies have been preserved from decomposition by the continual action of the cold."9 Cuvier says, speaking of the bodies of the quadrupeds which the ice had seized, and which have been preserved, with their hair, flesh, and skin, down to our own times: " If they had not been frozen as soon as killed, putrefaction would have decomposed them; and, on the other hand, this eternal ...
105. Nemesis for Evolutionary Gradualism? [Books]
... in ways inimical to life" [2 : p. x]. Another who has been determined not to accept unsubstantiated claims in favour of extraterrestrial catastrophism is Tony Hallam. As we saw in chapter 2, Hallam (like Stanley) is not interested in defending outmoded gradualism, agreeing with Stephen Jay Gould that: "catastrophists such as Cuvier were the true empiricists of the day, interpreting the stratigraphic record as it appeared, for instance in the abruptly changing succession of fossil faunas, and that Lyell introduced confusion into the argument" [278]. Furthermore, he fully accepts that the actualistic principle of uniformitarianism, that `the present is the key to the past' ...
106. Towards a New Evolutionary Synthesis [Books]
... the inheritance of acquired characteristics but, as we discussed in chapter 2, biologists of his day generally accepted that this happened to a limited degree. Lamarck went further, arguing that species might evolve into new ones as a consequence, and it was his advocacy of evolution, rather than the proposed mechanism, which brought him into conflict with Cuvier and other influencial figures of his time. We also saw in chapter 2 that although Darwin believed that natural selection between variants was the major force in evolution, he was prepared to accept that one of the mechanisms giving rise to variants was the inheritance of acquired characteristics. It is beyond question that the publication of Darwin's On the Origin ...
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