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80 pages of results. 71. NASA Astrophysics Data System Abstracts [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... " which includes uninitiated Aboriginal men as well as boys, women, and all non-Aboriginals, are not permitted at sites actively used in the Aboriginal religions. This suggests that the initiates may be protecting the meaning of the "abstract" symbols as secrets of the religion. These suggestive associates and alignments dervere more careful study and position surveys. Cosmology - Myth or science?Hannes Alfven, (Royal Inst. of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden), in IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (ISSN 0093-3813), vol. 20, no. 6, p. 590-600. A critical examination of the history of cosmology is presented, and ideas that lay the foundation for the plasma ...
72. Electricity in Astronomy /3 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... discussions would produce at least a few of the answers, or confirm the explanations of certain characteristics which have been published by Velikovsky and Bruce. Before listing some of the complications of atmospheric electrical discharges and the process of the formation of jets, it would be of interest to take a look at the relevance of this subject to astronomy. Cosmology and Lightning Parallel wires carrying electric currents flowing in the same direction attract each other. It would therefore appear that the flow of current in an atmospheric discharge channel should cause the gas in the channel to be compressed into filamentary form. This is, in fact, what is observed in lightning, and it is this characteristic that may ...
73. Index of Authors
... Charles Ginenthal, Analysis Of Old World Maps Charles Ginenthal, Before the Day Breaks(1 )- A Perspective Charles Ginenthal, Carl Sagan And Immanuel Velikovsky Charles Ginenthal, CHZ and Solar System Stability Charles Ginenthal, Common Sense About Ancient Maps Charles Ginenthal, Comparing Magnetic Fields: Neptune and Uranus Charles Ginenthal, Dark Matter Charles Ginenthal, Electro-gravitic cosmology Charles Ginenthal, Ice Core Evidence Charles Ginenthal, In the Beginning- A Review Charles Ginenthal, Is Space A Superconducting Medium? Charles Ginenthal, James Hutton: A Non-inductive, Theological Catastrophist Charles Ginenthal, Mars in Upheaval Charles Ginenthal, Neptune's Magnetic Field Charles Ginenthal, Oberg's Unscientific Method Charles Ginenthal, Pendulums and Sunspots Charles Ginenthal, Proof ...
74. The Aristotelian Cosmos [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... (Winter, 1982), p. 56. 4 VELIKOVSKIAN Vol. V, No. 1 would be willing to place on the wall of his classroom, to paraphrase Kurt Vonnegut Jr., "All the true things I am about to tell you may turn out to be shameless lies." 5 In retrospect, the Aristotelian cosmological model contains within it many of the facets that presently persist and as such is worthy of scrutiny to show, as Koestler states that, "neither ignorance nor the threats of an imaginary Alexandrine inquisition can serve to explain why the Greek astronomers, after having discovered the heliocentric [sun-centered] system turned their backs on it."6 ...
75. Is the Universe Finite? [Journals] [Aeon]
... angle. Geoffrey Burbidge, noted professor of physics at the University of California at San Diego, seriously questioned some of the precepts of establishment astrophysics recently by stating, "A few years back Halton C. Arp was denied telescope time at Mount Wilson and Palomar observatories because his observing program had found and continued to find evidence contrary to standard cosmology." (3 ) Burbidge, who himself had been involved in theoretical work determining the synthesis of elements in supernova explosions, has curiously put his cards on the table and flagrantly, if not defiantly, put his own livelihood at risk by such a statement, despite his admonition that students couldn't say what he had said and still ...
76. Our Universe: Unlocking its Mysteries [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... are not mere flights of fancy, but valid observations. If the astronomers of today were to re-examine their assumptions about what is and is not possible in the cosmos – take a new and unbiased look at the pictures coming back from NASA's probes and the images from their own telescopes – they would find strong evidence to support a view of cosmology different from the one espoused by mainstream astronomers – one that ancient man saw all too clearly. A group of astronomers, physicists, electrical engineers, and experts in the field of ancient mythology have begun to challenge some of the generally accepted hypotheses of the history of our solar system and conventional theories of cosmology. Many of these iconoclasts ...
77. Index of Titles
... , The Cataclysm Chronicles Catalogue of Sumerian literarature Catastrophes in the Early Bronze Age Catastrophes in the period 5th cent. BC to 14th cent. AD Catastrophes: the Diluvial Evidence Catastrophic End of the Norse Culture in Greenland Catastrophic Events & Mass Extinctions Catastrophic Events & Mass Extinctions Impacts & Beyond Catastrophic Reading of Religious Systems, A Catastrophic Reading of Western Cosmology, A Catastrophic Role of Fluid Pressure and Electromagnetic Phenomena in the Mechanics of Overthrust Faulting, The Catastrophic Substructure of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra (Part I), The Catastrophic Substructure of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra (Part II), The Catastrophic Substructure of the Samson & Delilah Myth, The Catastrophic Theory of Mountain Uplifts (A Crustal Deformation ...
78. Notes (The Book of Revelation is History) [Books]
... From: The Book of Revelation is History by H. S. Bellamy CD Home | Contents Contents | Intro Cosmological Interpretation The First Cycle of Myths The Second Cycle of Myths The Third Cycle of Myths Capture Cataclysm of Luna Appendices Notes Notes Note 1. Cf. The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, edited by R. H. Charles (Oxford, 1913); Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, and Revelations (Ante-Nicene Christian Library, vol. xvi), edited by A. Roberts and J. Donaldson (Edinburgh, 1870). Note 2. Compare, for instance, the scintillating splendour and picturesque originality of the passage Rev. xii. 4 with ...
79. Prelude to Creation [Journals] [Aeon]
... flop with which it was originally encumbered. I would also like to thank them for the invaluable information they have supplied me with throughout these past few years: Anthony L. Peratt, B.S .E .E ., M.S .E .E ., Ph.D ., for sharing his knowledge of plasma cosmology, the instabilities inherent in columnar plasma discharges, and the recognition of such discharges in ancient art depictions. Donald E. Scott, B.S .E .E ., M.S .E .E ., Ph.D ., for clarifying the consequences of plasmaspheric contacts. I would also like to thank Ken ...
80. The Enclosed Sun-Cross [Books]
... the sense of "wind." (17) (The ancient Hebrew expression "until the day blows" conveys the same identity.) 22. Babylonian saru, "wind." 23. Ideogram for mehu, or "storm wind." Saturn's four winds mark out the quarters or directions of the Cosmos, Saturn's kingdom. Cosmological texts speak of the "furious wind .. . commanding the directions": (18) the Sumerian im and Akkadian saru, "wind," also signify "region (or quarter) of heaven." (19) As in Egypt, the Mesopotamian four winds coincide with the four rivers of life. Instead of the ...
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