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80 pages of results. 21. The Cosmology Of Tawantinsuyu [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. IX No. 2 (Winter 1984) Home | Issue Contents The Cosmology Of Tawantinsuyu Jan N. Sammer See also Note (1 ). The traditional view of Inca religion was built chiefly on the writings of Garcilaso de la Vega, Bartolome de las Casas, and Pedro Cieza de Leon. In the Commentarios Reales of the hispanicized Inca nobleman, Garcilaso de la Vega, the cult of the Sun is portrayed as supreme. The chief temple in Cuzco, the Coricancha, is said to have been dedicated to the Sun (II.9 ) with similar Sun-temples scattered throughout the provinces; the Inca rulers allegedly prided themselves on being descended from ...
22. Comets Contagion and Contingency [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... the form of larvae..." Immanuel Velikovsky[1 ] ". .. it does not seem to be entirely out of the question that the eggs and sperms of insects might once have been arrivals from space.." Fred Hoyle[2 ] In the preface to the paperback edition of his controversial best selling work of cosmology, Worlds in Collision[1 ], Immanuel Velikovsky, reviewing the reaction to the first appearance of his theories in 1950, had cause to refer to a British astronomer's discussion of the evolution of scientific knowledge in the following terms: In 1950 it was generally assumed that the fundamentals of science were known and that only decimals were left ...
... and we must go to the mythologist, the quiet collector of cosmic fiction', who has not been taken seriously up till now, for the true meaning of the reports that have been handed down to us from time immemorial. Though many attempts have been made, it has not, up till now, been possible to base a cosmological system upon the myths of Earth building or Earth destruction that have come down to us. No firm footing could be found in the quick-sands of tradition, and only fanciful deductions could be made. How could it be otherwise? For the explanation of the content of mythology was attempted, either with the aid of philology-queen of humane sciences ...
24. The Velikovskian [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Relevance of the Velikovksy Scenario to the Homeric Question, Hugo Meynell; Reviewing Velikovsky's Venus and Mars Theories, Donald W. Patten; A Tale of Two Venuses, C. Ginenthal; A Victory for Mars, Lynn E. Rose. Vol. IV, No. 3. (1999): The Electro-Gravitic Theory of Celestial Motion & Cosmology (A Special Issue of The Velikovskian, by Charles Ginenthal) Hard cover, 154pp, ISBN 0-9639759-0-3. Electro-Gravitic Theory of Celestial Motion & Cosmology presents a revolutionary explanation of celestial motion which challenges Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity and Isaac Newton's view that gravity and intertia are the only forces which generate celestial motion. Employing Electro-Gravitic Theory, ...
25. The Velikovskian Vol. IV, No. 3: Contents [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... From: The Velikovskian Vol. IV, No. 3 Texts Home | Velikovskian Home The Velikovskian The Journal of Myth, History and Science Vol. IV, No. 3 (1999)Quota pars operis tanti nobis committitur CONTENTS Contents The Electro-Gravitic Theory of Celestial Motion The Electro-Gravitic Theory of Cosmology , Origin and Evolution of Galaxies Origin and Evolution of Stars Origin and Evolution of Solar Systems Conclusion: Entropy Appendix : Measurements Of The Electromagnetic Properties Of "space" The Electro-Gravitic Theory of Celestial Motion & Cosmology (A Special Issue of The Velikovskian, by Charles Ginenthal) Hard cover, 154pp, ISBN 0-9639759-0-3 Electro-Gravitic Theory of Celestial Motion & Cosmology presents a revolutionary explanation of celestial motion ...
26. Quantitative Aspects Of Ancient Cosmology [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. XII No. 3 (Spring 1988) Home | Issue Contents Quantitative Aspects Of Ancient Cosmology George Robert Talbott INTRODUCTION In an earlier issue of KRONOS (1 ) I had cause to reference Neugebauer's The Exact Sciences in Antiquity,(2 ) and I discussed his anti-Platonic bias as well as his unsupported low opinion of Egyptian mathematics. Another and still more blatant case of prejudice is found in Richard J. Gillings' book Mathematics in the Time of the Pharaohs. (3 ) This prejudice attains an unbelievable climax in Gillings' APPENDIX 3, "Great Pyramid Mysticism". Like Neugebauer's book, that of Gillings contains important data where the author is ...
... From: The Book of Revelation is History by H. S. Bellamy CD Home | Contents Contents | Intro Cosmological Interpretation The First Cycle of Myths The Second Cycle of Myths The Third Cycle of Myths Capture Cataclysm of Luna Appendices Notes The Cosmological Basis of the Interpretation This interpretation of, or commentary on, the apocalyptic material, that is, the cosmological myths, contained in the Book of Revelation, is based not on the-rather vague teachings of the old school of comparative mythology, which claims descent and support from philology, but upon the vigorous tenets of a new school of explanatory mythology, which has been inspired by the teachings of a singularly interesting new cosmological theory: ...
28. Pharaoh Seti the Great and His Foreign Connections [Journals] [Kronos]
... with appropriate questions; Part III requires some pages of geometrical figures while demonstrating that the relationship between Plato and Egypt is exact and exquisite. * A structure in the form of a royal tomb where religious ceremonies were allegedly carried on before and/or after the death of the person to whom the cenotaph was dedicated. ** An important cosmological and cosmogonical document from the time of Assurbanipal, and usually referred to by contemporary scholars as Enuma Elish, after its opening words. ** * A cosmological document that deals both with the structure of the physical world and the relationship between the living and the dead. I am more than usually critical of classical readings of Egyptian materials ...
29. The Velikovsky Affair [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Religion (1779), Part II. Only a few years ago astronomers were unanimous in dismissing as preposterous Velikovsky's contention that the movement of the heavenly bodies is affected by electromagnetic fields. Today creative astronomers are immersed in the study of electromagnetism. The historian finds difficulty in explaining how radical is this change that has challenged three hundred years of cosmological thought and has brought us back to the arguments of William Gilbert (1544-1603) and Johann Kepler (1571-1630)[1 ]. The newness of the revolution is evinced by the Einstein-Velikovsky correspondence wherein the former soon accepted as tenable the hypothesis of global catastrophes and, though originally quite opposed, at last became sympathetic even to the hypothesis ...
30. The Inconstant Heavens [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Religion (1779), Part II. Only a few years ago astronomers were unanimous in dismissing as preposterous Velikovsky's contention that the movement of the heavenly bodies is affected by electromagnetic fields. Today creative astronomers are immersed in the study of electromagnetism. The historian finds difficulty in explaining how radical is this change that has challenged three hundred years of cosmological thought and has brought us back to the arguments of William Gilbert (1544-1603) and Johann Kepler (1571-1630)[1 ]. The newness of the revolution is evinced by the Einstein-Velikovsky correspondence wherein the former soon accepted as tenable the hypothesis of global catastrophes and, though originally quite opposed, at last became sympathetic even to the hypothesis ...
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