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80 pages of results. 11. Conclusion: Entropy [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... Davidson, Wrinkles in Time (London, 1993), p. 86. "Astronomers seem to live in terror that someday they will discover something important." Sir Fred Hoyle, Home Is Where the Wind Blows in Michael Hawkins, Hunting Down the Universe (Reading, Mass., 1997), p. 71. "Big-bang cosmology is a form of religious fundamentalism, as is the furor over black holes, and this is why the peculiar states of mind have flourished so strongly over the past quarter century. It is in the nature of fundamentalism that it should not relate, in any verifiable, practical way, to the everyday world. It is also necessary ...
12. The Electro-Gravitic Theory of Celestial Motion & Cosmology, by Charles Ginenthal [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 2001:1 (Apr 2001) Home | Issue Contents The Electro-Gravitic Theory of Celestial Motion & Cosmology by Charles Ginenthal Vol IV of The Velikovskian, New York (hardback, 154 pp., ISBN No. 0-9639759-0-3). Available from the author at 65-35 108th Street, Forest Hills, NY 11375, USA, $20US, money orders payable to a US bank) Reviewed by Eric Crew Judging by the number of references to the scientific literature listed (278 in 132 pages of text - an average of 2 1/page) Charles Ginenthal has read more astronomy than most professional astronomers, who tend to concentrate on restricted fields ...
13. Appendices (The Book of Revelation is History) [Books]
... From: The Book of Revelation is History by H. S. Bellamy CD Home | Contents Contents | Intro Cosmological Interpretation The First Cycle of Myths The Second Cycle of Myths The Third Cycle of Myths Capture Cataclysm of Luna Appendices Notes Appendices In the following a number of other apocalypses canonical and uncanonical are given for comparison with, and in augmentation of, the myths of the Book of Revelation. They have been selected for their length, their internal uniformity, and, chiefly, for the important or interesting traits they contain. They comprise: The cosmological myths in the Book of Ezekiel, The cosmological myths in the Book of Daniel, The cosmological myths in the Fourth ...
14. Myths of the Cataclysm Caused by the Breakdown of a Former Satellite (The Book of Revelation is History) [Books]
... From: The Book of Revelation is History by H. S. Bellamy CD Home | Contents Contents | Intro Cosmological Interpretation The First Cycle of Myths The Second Cycle of Myths The Third Cycle of Myths Capture Cataclysm of Luna Appendices Notes First Section Myths of the Cataclysm Caused by the Breakdown of a Former Satellite The First Cycle of Myths THE FIRST MYTH (Rev. i. 10-20) (i . 10)1 was in the spirit on the Lord's Day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, (11) Saying; I am Alpha and Omega ,the first and last: and what thou seest, write in a book . ...
15. Electro-gravitic cosmology [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2002:1 (Sep 2002) Home | Issue Contents Electro-gravitic cosmology Charles Ginenthal Editor of The Velikovskian Immanuel Velikovsky's theory that the solar system has been unstable in historical times was based on the assumption that there was an electromagnetic force in celestial space. This follower of Velikovsky has enlarged upon this suggestion and developed a completely new theory of cosmology. The theory does not explain the origin of the Universe. It does not explain the origin of matter, energy or space. To do so requires creation ex nihilo, which requires a miracle. The theory takes as given that matter, energy and space have always existed and are changing form in a ...
16. The Revelation of John (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... the veil from the Apocalypse, it has been concluded that its central theme does not fall into the realm of religion at all. Moreover history is nonplussed by it, geology and geography find no reasonable approach, astronomy declares its cosmic pictures to be fancy. And even the mythologist can hardly do more than classify it; what exactly this cosmological myth' describes, he cannot say. The school of mythology based upon the teachings of Hoerbiger's Cosmological Theory recognizes in the Revelation of St. John the Divine' another report of the cataclysm of the predecessor of our present Moon. It regards the Apocalypse as the most perfect myth' in existence on the subject of the breakdown of ...
17. Velikovsky's History & Cosmology [Articles]
... (poster) Velikovsky's History & Cosmology A meeting of the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies, to be held on Saturday, 26th June 1982 (11am 6pm) Speakers DR JOHN BIMSON (Trinity College, Bristol), author of Redating the Exodus and Conquest: Was Hatshepsut the Queen of Sheba? DR VICTOR CLUBE. (Royal Observatory, Edinburgh), author of "A Theory of Terrestrial Catastrophism", Nature, 29 Nov. 1979 and forthcoming book "The Cosmic Serpent" : Velikovsky and the Decline of Medieval Cosmology Admission free refreshments available THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 7 RIDGMOUNT STREET, LONDON, WC1 (nearest Underground, Goodge St.) THE SOCIETY FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES Treasurer: ...
... ) "Why would anyone say that?" and (2 ) "Why have people throughout the ages admired a person who said such things?" These questions can best be answered in terms of Velikovsky's reconstruction of interplanetary near-collisions and in terms of his concept of collective cultural amnesia. The core and the frame of Aristotle's system is his cosmology, which not only has been the most influential of all cosmological theories, but also is the most excessive of all such theories in its astronomical uniformitarianism. His views are at the farthest possible extreme from those of Velikovsky; indeed, Aristotle's entire system seems specifically designed to eliminate the very possibility of worlds in collision. That has also ...
19. The Electric Universe [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the strange energetic events seen, for example, in deep space, on the Sun and on Jupiter's moon, Io. The model follows Hannes Alfvén's entreaty for scientists to work backwards from observations rather than forward from some idealised theoretical beginning. The Electric Universe takes full account of the basic electrical nature of atoms and their interactions. In conventional cosmology, it is the weaker magnetism and the almost infinitely weak force of gravity which rule the cosmos. The Electric Universe grew out of an interdisciplinary approach to science and the realisation that a new plasma cosmology and an understanding of electrical phenomena in space could illuminate work being done in comparative mythology. By using information from a wide span of ...
20. Mysteries of the Sacred Universe: The Cosmology of the Bhagavata Purana (Book Review) [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon VI:6 (Dec 2001) Home | Issue Contents Mysteries of the Sacred Universe: The Cosmology of the Bhagavata Purana by Richard L. Thompson (Govardhan Hill Publishing: Alachua: Florida: 2000) Reviewed by Tania ta Maria I found Thompson's Mysteries of the Sacred Universe a very difficult book to read. It is not because it's badly written. It is well written- extremely well. What made it difficult is the complexity of its subject matter. What Thompson sets out to accomplish is to show that Puranic cosmology is to be understood on three separate, but superimposed, levels: astronomical, geographical, and spiritual. And, in that respect ...
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