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80 pages of results. 171. A LEAD TO FOLLOW [Journals] [Pensee]
... to pose problems for the kind of radical changes in the Earth's motion in the 15th and 8th centuries BC proposed by Velikovsky. Here it is encouraging to find contributors able and willing to go beyond discussions of the details of Velikovsky's claim and to bring the results of their own research to bear on the questions which he raised. In the cosmological field also, Pensée contributors have done pioneering work. There are several analyses of possible combinations of planetary orbits which might fit in with the conclusions drawn by Velikovsky from traditional accounts of cosmic conflict. And in IVR II we find a very bold proposal by Juergens to give electrical phenomena a far more prominent place in celestial mechanics, and ...
172. C&C Workshop 1993, Number 1: Contents [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... a growing interest in the works of modern catastrophists, notably the highly controversial Dr Immanuel Velikovsky. In his books Worlds in Collision, Earth in Upheaval and Ages in Chaos he argued that the ancient myths and sources such as the Bible contained records of planetary catastrophes in the Earth's history and, based on this, he suggested that geology, cosmology and ancient history should be reconsidered. In cosmology he proposed that electricity played a much larger role than in the orthodox scheme and that Venus in particular was a young planet. In ancient history, he proposed that the orthodox chronology should be severely shortened to eliminate false identifications and fictitious dark ages'. Over the years, the SIS ...
173. Exploding Planets and Non-exploding Universesed [Articles]
... universe, because that was required by the researchers. So when the first test results came out, they introduced a deceleration parameter to explain that the Hubble constant was not really a constant as you got out further in the universe. And, then, the test results were OK. The next result came in, and they introduced a cosmological constant, an old idea of Einstein's to save the results of that test. When the third results came in, they needed a galaxy clumping or bias parameter to fix that up, and so on. And one of the other test results came in and it needed a deceleration parameter too, but one that was inconsistent with the ...
174. Conclusion (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... general. Our method of approach is a new one. The cosmogonic theory which underlies it is unfamiliar. Nevertheless we hope that neither this theory nor the interpretation of the myths in the light of its teachings will be found improbable or unsatisfactory. The mythologist especially will no doubt be quick to recognize the importance of the unique key which Hoerbiger's Cosmological Theory offers him. To the general reader, we hope, this book has given a fund of interesting information. The mythological material contained in it will remain interesting even if our explanation of it should be proved nothing but fiction. Comparing the new and wide world-picture drawn by our theory, considering the distant and unexpected vistas thrown open ...
175. The Rise and Fall of Man (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... which happened many millions of years earlier. This is certainly a bold suggestion: but it only puts man's mental fossil material, the memories of former things, on the same footing as his somatic fossil material, the rudiments, vestigial organs, and atavisms, the ballast of bygone ages when these things were still in active use. The cosmological myths of the world have a unity in diversity which inevitably brings us to the idea that man was fully man in the Tertiary Aeon at least. Any unqualified rejection of this postulate would certainly be rash. The great deluge myths and tales of the times of stress when the Earth was created' describe man's triumph over the unchained cosmic ...
176. Chapter23_end
... , as the Greeks did, and finally ended up with the bewildering "world tree" called the skambha, which even Plato might have found intractable. In the end, it is nothing more than the structure of world colures, even if it rustles with many centuries of Hindu verbiage. 318 Another point to bear in mind is the cosmological relevance of "way-openers" and "path-finders" like Gilgamesh. They are the ones who bring the manifold measures from that mysterious center, called Canopus or Eridu, or "the seat of Rita." One can illustrate the general scheme by means of two adventures. The Argonauts, with the Golden Fleece on board, had to ...
177. Megalithic Circles and Star Charts [Journals] [SIS Review]
... circular structure is Stonehenge in Britain. Stonehenge has gone through a number of modifications over hundreds of years. The construction started before 3000 BC with extensive modification around 2200-2300 BC. Bradley has examined the phases in the construction of Stonehenge and makes the comment that the changes to the circle at 2200 BC may have had their counterpart in changes in cosmology' [1 ]. Although Stonehenge has received almost all the notoriety, hundreds of similar circular monuments are spread over Britain. Furthermore, the timing of the erection of these monuments checks very well with the time of the postulated event. Although circles were built much earlier, circle construction is reported to have intensified between about 2500 and ...
178. The Stream Surrounding the Earth [Journals] [SIS Review]
... at the time, thereby also placing the date at about 2300 BC [44]. As a connective point, Worthen feels that the ple' in the Pleiades is probably from an Indo-European form meaning first' [45]. The Mahabharata is the greatest of the Indian epics, centering around the events of the Bharata War, involving cosmological conflicts between the gods during which the earth suffered great damage. Although the epic is written in a historical/legendary style, it contains a great deal of mythology. Wikander and Dumezil, leading scholars in this field, have stated their opinions that pre-Vedic as well as Vedic material has been conserved in the epic. Archaic themes and ...
179. Resurrecting Genesis: Displacing the Failed Theory of Naturalistic Evolution, by John R. Hadd (Book Review) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . He next introduces Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision, Ages in Chaos, Earth in Upheaval, related books and journals, including Kronos, and the [1974] formation of the SIS, a most significant institutional event'. He says: the most important work for overcoming the basic deficiency in Velikovsky's argument - the absence of scientifically defensible cosmological mechanics - is Donald Patten's Catastrophism and The Old Testament: The Mars-Earth Conflicts. ' But Velikovsky and the Sequence of Planetary Orbits' (Pensée VIII) by Rose and Vaughan shows his thesis is scientifically defensible. Worlds in Collision. Part two, details historical evidence for 50 years of Mars-Earth conflicts: Patten lifted that idea, but ...
180. The Velikovskian Vol. IV, No. 4: Contents [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... Centennial 1895-1995, in ABA, the Glory and Torment, The Life of lmmanuel Velikovsky, written by Velikovsky's daughter, Ruth Velikovsky Sharon Ph.D ., and in Rebels & Devils, The Psychology of Liberation, with distinguished authors Robert Anton Wilson, William S. Burroughs, and Timothy Leary. He has published a new theory of Cosmology, The Electro-Gravitic Theory of Celestial Motion and Cosmology, and a new book, The Extinction of the Mammoth. ...
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