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792 results found.
80 pages of results. 161. A Hypothetical Ancient Telescope [Journals] [Horus]
... suggest that they did use such telescopes. We turn, therefore, to the ancient record in hopes of finding clues to suggest that at least some observations could not have been made with the unaided eye. Ancient observations of the Moon Most of the work on the subject of the Moon in the ancient world consisted of integrating it into a cosmological perspective. To the ancient scientists of Alexandria's Library, the Earth was fixed in the center of the universe and the only question was the precise nature of the Moon's orbit. Both Aristarchus and Ptolemy had determined its size and distance within 10% error. The Earth was fixed, and all the motions of the Moon and the planets ...
162. Ray Tomes' Harmonic Theory [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... . 10. Most periods of observed cycles on earth in the range days to thousands of years in climate, geophysics, economics, biology, meteorology. 11. The exact calculation of the fine structure constant as 1/137.035986341... 12. Why the large numbers hypothesis is meaningful (this concerns numbers in physics/cosmology such as 1040 and 1080). 13. Unites gravity with electromagnetism. 14. The missing mass problem. 15. The meaning of uncertainty and the wave/particle duality, and possibly allows us to go beyond the uncertainty. 16. That atomic and particle frequencies and masses are not universal constants, but vary in a quantised ...
163. Opening address to the participants (Conference Report) [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... satisfaction (on calendars, on Homer, on Stonehenge …) I wish I could hear viva voce all you have to say about the changes in planetary orbits and in the earth's axis after near collisions; about the geological and dendrological evidence of recent catastrophes of extraterrestrial origin; about the electromagnetic forces which play so vital a role in Velikovsky's cosmological scenario, and about the fascinating interplay between the rejection and the recognition of scientific genius. Above all I wish I could hear your arguments and counter-arguments, agreements and disagreements. I shall be with you in spirit, and so will my father, the Spanish statesman and historian, Salvador de Madariaga, who, many years ago, ...
164. Evidence for the Extreme Youth of Venus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... leeway from a figure of 4.5 billion years. If Venus was added to the solar family of planets very recently, then a new cosmogony must be proposed which does not require that all planets be created at the same time. This would be a radical departure from astronomical thinking today and would result in a completely new perspective in cosmology as well as cosmogony. The better we understand our own back yard, the better are the chances that we will eventually unravel the greater mysteries in deep space. (a ). The nebular (Laplacian) hypothesis It is not necessary to go into detail here. The Laplacian hypothesis is the picture of the birth of the Solar ...
165. Temple, Crown, Vase, Eye, and Circular Serpent [Books]
... .. ., " (25) Reymond tells us. (26) The foundation ground became "the Blessed Territory from the time of the Primeval Ones .. ., the Hinterland of the Primeval Water." (27) This was the Province of the Beginning, "the Blessed Homeland." (28) In Hebrew cosmology, reports Wensinck, "the sanctuary is the type and representation of Cosmos and Paradise and as such a power diametrically opposed to Chaos." (29) From the very spot of the Hebrew temple "the first ray of light issued and illuminated the whole world." Indeed, the temple was the "whole world," ...
166. The Cosmic Double Helix [Journals] [Aeon]
... of reference and its origins remain shrouded in mystery. The conundrum is really quite easy to formulate: If the symbol of Hermes' staff lacks a concrete meaning, then why should it be so significant? What does it represent? What is the prototype of the caduceus? Comparative mythology and symbolism provide incontrovertible evidence that the caduceus symbolised a cosmological phenomenon, a real object once observed in the sky. This conclusion follows from several lines of argument. A first step in the right direction is the discovery that sacred staffs and scepters, wielded by magicians, shamans, kings, priests and warlords, were often microcosmic representations of the universe as a whole. Vague as this may ...
167. Newton's World View [Journals] [Kronos]
... . Prof. I. Bernard Cohen, the foremost authority on Newton in the United States, summed up his interpretation of Newton by declaring: "Of course, Newton had a real secret, and concerning it he did his best to keep the world in ignorance." The secret would be that he intended to uphold the theology and cosmology of the medieval Jewish philosopher Maimonides. Cohen argued that this medieval synthesis of Biblical religion with the philosophy of Aristotle constituted the ideal of Newton. He kept it a secret because he wanted to influence scientific thought without putting the admirers of the new scientific method on the alert. I am willing to agree with Cohen with one proviso, ...
168. The Saturn Myth: Contents [Books]
... of royalty and sacred pillars grew out of ancient Saturn worship. Talbott contends that Saturn's appearance at the time, radically different from today, inspired man's leap into civilization, since many aspects of early civilization can be seen as conscious efforts to re-enact or commemorate Saturn's organization of his "celestial" kingdom. A fascinating look at ancient history and cosmology, The Saturn Myth is a provocative book that might well change the way you think about man's history and the history of the universe. David N. Talbott is the founder and former publisher of Pensee, and out-growth of the Student Academic Forum which developed the book, Velikovsky Reconsidered. He is also the co-author of The Ecstasy of ...
169. Untitled [Journals]
... M.: Akhnaten, Aten, and Venus Reconsidered [Pensee Ivr01] Greenberg, Lewis M.: Astral Kingship [Aeon Vol0302] Greenberg, Lewis M.: Astronomy and Chronology: An Assessment [Kronos Vol0204] Greenberg, Lewis M.: Atlantis [Pensee Ivr06] Greenberg, Lewis M. and Warner B. Sizemore: Cosmology and Psychology [Kronos Vol0101] Greenberg, Lewis M.: Hittites and Their Skulls [Pensee Ivr05] Greenberg, Lewis M. and Warner B. Sizemore: Jerusalem-city of Venus [Kronos Vol0303] Greenberg, Lewis M.: Jerusalem - City of Saturn [Kronos Vol1002] Greenberg, Lewis M.: Let There Be Darkness ...
170. The Milky Way [Journals] [Aeon]
... Way the focal point of Maya religion and ritual: "It seems that the interaction of astronomy and mythology was common in other cultures as well...The Maya may have been using a way of thinking about the sky and using it in their mythology that was very ancient indeed. I'm even prepared to accept that much of the cosmology/myth-ology came straight across the Bering Strait, and that it may be 10,000 or 15,000 years old; it may be 20,000 years old. I think it may be possible that we have tapped into a very ancient stratum of human thought. If it did come across with the first Americans, then ...
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