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144 pages of results. 61. A Tale Of Two Venuses [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... been pointed out, even by Velikovsky's own adherents, that while Venus' atmosphere might have been distended enough to form a coma, even taking on a spiral and other exotic shapes, the planet is too massive to have been able to `grow' a cometary tail. Thus, for instance, Chris Marx, wrote: "A comet will develop a tail because its mass is too small to retain gases and fine dust which, being repelled by solar radiation pressure, form the tail. As the heavy mass of Venus precludes this, it can not have been a `comet'; it cannot have wagged a tail';" 25 Ragnar Forshufvud is of a ...
62. The Velikovsky Affair [Books] [de Grazia books]
... , for the existence of which scientific observations provided no evidence. '[ 2 ]. Velikovsky was confident that this evidence would be found, and it has been found. There is reasonable ground to hope that the new investigation which takes electric charges and magnetic fields into account will, first of all, succeed in explaining the behaviour of comets especially in the proximity of the Sun. The current explanation, according to which the pressure of solar light drives a cometary tail as a rigid rod at enormous velocities when the head is close to the perihelium, is not much more satisfactory than the one proposed by Newton when he said that the tails of comets turn away from the ...
63. The Impact of Impact! Notes on the implications and the reception of "IMPACT! The Threat of Comets and Asteroids" by Gerrit Verschuur [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1997:2 (Apr 1998) Home | Issue Contents The Impact of Impact! Notes on the implications and the reception of IMPACT! The Threat of Comets and Asteroids by Gerrit Verschuur (Oxford University Press, New York & Oxford, 1996) Reviewed by Benny J Peiser The crash of Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter in the summer of 1994 proved to be a watershed in the development of neo-catastrophism. In retrospect, the flood of publications on the crash and related issues since this multiple impact suggests that we are in the midst of the second phase of a prolonged scientific revolution. The dramatic changes in the understanding and perception ...
64. Commemoration Of The 2300bc Event [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in June. An estimate has been made that the Taurid stream must be about 10 million miles in cross-radius - Earth takes 3 months to travel through it each autumn. Furthermore, Earth does not actually pass through the centre of the stream but over half the radius from its centre, which is much denser [2 ]. The parent comet of the Taurids is Comet Encke, which has its own relationship to the 2300BC event. Whipple feels that other October/November streams, such as the Arietids, are also associated with Encke. Several investigators have emphasised the extent to which the Taurid-Arietid meteoroid stream and its daytime counterpart, the Beta Taurid-zeta Perseid stream, dominate the inner ...
65. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Four [Books]
... forgiveness for his sins (1 .82), and asks Ishtar not to be angry with him (1 .93), urging her to show her great mercy (1 .100). Now this is hardly, as V has it on WIC p.197, a prayer expressing dismay at the irregular movements of the Venus Comet. Ishtar is the bestower of strength (1 .10) and the summoner of armies (1 .30)- both of which are suitable epithets for a warrior goddess, but which are totally inapplicable to a planet. We have here, too, Ishtar as a "directress of mankind" (1 .2 ), ...
66. Nemesis for Evolutionary Gradualism? [Books]
... ,22] and in several brief written reports [23-25] during 1979. A detailed paper finally appeared in Science in June 1980 [20]. Two weeks before this happened, Nature published a paper by the Zurich geochemist, Kenneth Hsü, which suggested that that the Late Cretaceous mass extinctions had been due to the impact of a comet large enough to have produced a crater several hundred kilometres in diameter somewhere on the ocean bed [8 ,16,10]. Apart from the destruction which would have occurred in the immediate aftermath of such an impact, Hsü thought that there might have been severe long-term consequences resulting from the poisoning of the ocean by cyanide and carbon ...
67. Velikovsky And Planetary Catastrophe [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Earth. Though Velikovsky's interest in the subject began with a reading of biblical accounts of the Exodus period, the plagues of Egypt, and the spectacles of the wandering in the desert, what led to his startling conclusions was a thorough cross-referencing with global myths of disaster - stories in which the agent of catastrophe takes the form of a great comet or flaming dragon, a body consistently identified with the planet Venus. Velikovsky also argued that the planet Mars, in the eighth and seventh centuries before the present era, moved on an erratic course, disrupting the Earth. Celestial upheavals caused by the unstable movements of Mars, according to Velikovsky, are the true reason why Mars appears ...
68. Thoth Vol I, No. 18: July 3, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... [ Home ] THOTH -A Catastrophics Newsletter- VOL I, No. 18 July 3, 1997 EDITOR: Michael Armstrong PUBLISHER: Walter Radtke CONTENTS: VELIKOVSKY'S COMET VENUS..................David Talbott FINGERS CROSSED FOR JULY 4................Wal Thornhill GREAT RED SPOT SPECULATION......... .. .. .Wal Thornhill SCIENCE MAGAZINE ITEMS * Giant Planet Formation by Gravitational Instability * Worlds Around Other Stars Shake Planet Birth Theory * 51 Peg and the Perils of Planet Searches * Extreme Cratering- Quote ...
69. Astronomers Find Nearby Stars Constantly Bombarded by Comets [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1998:2 (Dec 1998) Home | Issue Contents Astronomers Find Nearby Stars Constantly Bombarded by Comets 15 June 1998 From Andrew Yee <ayee@nova.astro.utoronto.ca> University of California-Berkeley NEWS RELEASE: 06/11/98 UC Berkeley astronomers find comets around two nearby stars, indicating the likelihood of planets forming By Robert Sanders, Public Affairs BERKELEY- Space scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have found two nearby stars that appear to be continually bombarded by comets, thought by many to be the building blocks of planets. The two stars, each about 450 light years from Earth, bring to four the ...
70. The Origin of Velikovsky's Comet [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. X No. 1 (Fall 1984) Home | Issue Contents The Origin of Velikovsky's Comet David Talbott and Ev Cochrane Copyright (c ) 1984 by David Talbott and Ev Cochrane 1. Introduction It has been nearly 35 years since Immanuel Velikovsky published Worlds in Collision, thus provoking one of the great scientific controversies of the twentieth century. In the intervening years, most of the world's leading astronomers have registered their opinions on the subject. Their consensus boils down to this: A) Velikovsky was treated poorly, but B) that is no reason to take his claims seriously. Not so long ago, however, much of the present speculation among ...
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