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144 pages of results. 191. Megalithic Circles and Star Charts [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , and to address only those points which I feel are most important for this paper. I do not have a technical background in his field, and I have no desire to incur his undying anger and contempt [36]. For a more extensive treatment of the subject, I strongly advise reading his paper. The discussion centres about Comet Encke, a comet that currently exists in the Solar System, and is identified as the parent of the Taurid meteoroid stream that is postulated to have encountered the Earth at 2300 BC. Steel is a strong supporter of Clube and Napier's thesis that giant comets periodically come into the Solar System, and in particular, that a specific comet ...
192. ElROS AND CHARMION [Journals] [Pensee]
... you left us, men had agreed to understand those passages in the most holy writings which speak of the final destruction of all things by fire, as having reference to the orb of the earth alone. But in regard to the immediate agency of the ruin, speculation had been at fault from that epoch in astronomical knowledge in which the comets were divested of the terrors of flame. The very moderate density of these bodies had been well established. They had been observed to pass among the satellites of Jupiter, without bringing about any sensible alteration either in the masses or in the orbits of these secondary planets. We had long regarded the wanderers as vapory creations of inconceivable tenuity ...
193. Revelation and Catastrophe during the Christian Era: a Basis for Historical Interpolation and Future Extrapolation. [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . multiple Tunguska bombardment) in a representation of last times' or the apocalypse. Turning to more recent times, we find a relationship between mankind and the cosmic environment which seems barely to change. Thus until as recently as the middle of the nineteenth century, when the process of enlightenment' seemed to be secure, the perception that comets (portents) might be responsible for bombardment catastrophes involving fireballs (prodigies) was regarded as being more or less in place (Figures 1 & 2). That comets will disintegrate into prodigious debris no longer seems an issue to be doubted as we observe Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 on its 1994 approach to a bombardment of Jupiter. ...
194. Sagan's Folly Part 1 [Journals] [Kronos]
... stones and bones. Yet, astronomy once again snubs geology. Sagan (p . 20): When Sagan finally comes to "Velikovsky's Principal Hypothesis", his errors begin to mount with alarming rapidity. For example: "The Vermin described in Exodus are produced by the comet- flies and perhaps scarabs [sic] drop out of the comet, while indigenous terrestrial frogs are induced by the heat of the comet to multiply." The reader is invited to find where in Worlds in Collision Velikovsky refers to "scarabs" dropping out of the comet. It is a fabrication by Sagan, pure and simple- the product of his own exo-biological imagination. What is also interesting is ...
195. A Note on Rockenbach's De Cometis [Journals] [Pensee]
... this identification can be made, all the material on Typhon can be used in expanding our knowledge of the pillar of fire. Also of course, the two separate traditions, one mythical and one biblical, tend to confirm the argument that there is behind both a historical reality. A number of ancient authors clearly state that Typhon was a comet. Velikovsky's thesis demands more, however: Typhon must be dated to the time of the Exodus. If this can be done, there is impressive evidence that the pillar of fire was a comet or material from a comet. During his investigation of the works of chronographers, Velikovsky found a 1688 book, Cometographia, by Hevelius; ...
196. Stephen J. Gould And Immanuel Velikovsky: Essays In The Continuing Velikovsky Affair [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... clearly culled and manipulated the data" to make them fit uniformitarian assumptions. Robert Newton, in a work on ancient solar eclipses, has testified to the manner in which studies in the subject often reject the data they don't expect; and then say that the data confirm their expectations. As to the Velikovskian heresy that Venus was once a comet, one may see from Falkenstein's Ancient Texts of Uruk that all the many symbols for Inanna (Venus) look like comets. Also, we read there that "( a )t midday Inanna sends out its light like the Sun," and that "Inanna shines as greatly as the Sun." Neither of these statements makes ...
197. The Nature and Scale of an Exodus Catastrophe Reassessed [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Contents The Nature and Scale of an Exodus Catastrophe Reassessed John J. Bimson Trinity College, Bristol Introduction "In the middle of the second millennium before the present era .. . the earth underwent one of the greatest catastrophes in its history. A celestial body that only shortly before had become a member of the solar system - a new comet - came very close to the earth. ". .. Mountains fell and others rose from level ground; the earth with its oceans and continents became heated; the sea boiled in many places and rock liquefied; volcanoes ignited and forests burned. "The length of the day altered; the polar regions shifted, the polar ice ...
198. Global Catastrophes: New Evidence from Astronomy, Biology and Archaeology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Astronomy, Biology and Archaeology", the aim was to present broad reviews of the recent and accumulating evidence for global catastrophism by specialists in those three disciplines. The result was a day of highly informative lectures and debates. One especially encouraging feature was the ability of the lectures to cross-reference and correlate their respective subjects. A different sky Halley's Comet The first speaker was the distinguished astronomer Dr Victor Clube, a Principal Senior Scientific Officer at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. His work with Dr Bill Napier, published as The Cosmic Serpent in 1982 and outlined in an address to the Society in the same year (see "Focus", SISR V:3 , pp. 73-4 ...
199. Comets, Meteorites and Earth History [Articles]
... (poster) Comets, Meteorites and Earth History S.I .S SPRING MEETING 24th March 1984 Speakers RENE GALLANT (author of Bombarded Earth): " Early Historic Man- Catastrophism and Calendars " BREAK FOR LUNCH PROFESSOR CHANDRA WICKRAMASINGHE (Head of the Dept. of Applied Mathematics & Astronomy, University College, Cardiff, and co-author, with Sir Fred Hoyle, of Lifecloud and Diseases from Space): " Evolution from Space- Interdisciplinary Evidence " A MEETING OF THE SOCIETY FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES TO BE HELD ON SATURDAY 24th MARCH (11 a.m . to 5 p.m .) admission 50p refreshments available THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 7 RIDGMOUNT STREET, LONDON WCI ( ...
200. The science of meteoritics: Stones of Heaven [Books]
... up still-warm stones' that hit the Earth after the explosion. It needed the extraordinarily large fall of meteorites on the night of 27 November 1872, to convince most of the scientific world of the cosmic nature of stones of heaven. More than a hundred `shooting stars' per minute were observed that night. Astronomers were looking for the comet Biela. This comet was discovered in 1826. Until 1846, the comet behaved as calculated: it appeared regularly every seven years. In 1846, instead of one comet, the astronomers found two smaller comets travelling in parallel orbits: the comet had split into two. Seven years later, in 1853, the `twin comets' ...
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