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1438 results found.
144 pages of results. 11. Comets -- the Cause of Historic and Prehistoric Catastrophes [Articles]
... SIS Meeting 29th October 1983 (afternoon session) Comets- the Cause of Historic and Prehistoric Catastrophes Dr Victor Clube The chairman, Brian Moore, welcomed members and non-members, of whom there were a fair number [10], and introduced the speaker who was already known to members from a previous talk he had given and through his book The Cosmic Serpent which was published a year ago. He is the Senior Principal Scientific Officer, Royal Observatory Edinburgh and has written extensively on catastrophism, particularly with his colleague, Dr Bill Napier. Victor Clube: "Thank you, chairman. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I worry a little that I might say things that ...
12. Sagan's first problem: The ejection of Venus by Jupiter (Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky) [Books]
... nations civilisees de Mexique 1, p. 181 informs]. This great and brilliant star appeared for the first time in the east. Quetzal-cohuatl is the well-known name of the planet Venus." 3 Velikovsky then goes on to cite other ancient authorities that describe the birth of Venus and its description as a "Blazing Star and a "Comet." He also cites authorities that claim at an early time, ancient man reported a solar system of only four planets. Velikovsky states, "only four planets could have been seen, and that in astronomical charts of this early period the planet Venus cannot be found. "In an ancient Hindu table of planets, attributed to ...
13. The Riddle of the Earth [Books]
... Text to be formatted | Images to be added [ CD-Rom Home ] The Riddle of the Earth By APPIAN WAY CONTENTS The Weather and Earthquakes Volcanic Activity in the North Volcanic Systems Volcanic Eruptions and their Lessons The Creation of Volcanic Craters The Functions of a Volcano Volcanic Dependence upon Meteors Comets and their gases The Mission of a Comet The Mystery of the Drift When the Comet Fell LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Soufriere, St. Vincent, West Indies, showing its Crateral Lake Volcanic Map of Japan Mt. Pelee, Martinique, July, 1902 Stromboli, Crater seen from above Mt. Somma, a View of the Ancient Crater Mt. Etna, a View from Taormina during Eruption in April ...
14. Comets in Perspective: What the Comet Halley probes tell us [Journals] [Horus]
... From: Horus Vol. 2 No. 2 (Summer 1986) Home | Issue Contents Comets in Perspective: What the Comet Halley probes tell us F. Glenn Graham Nowhere is the ancient passion for astronomy any more evident than in the pre-Columbian ruins of Mesoamerica. In the Yucatan, and other parts of Mexico and Central America, ancient remains have been uncovered showing a vast system of cities and their satellites, a network of straight stone-paved highways between them, and ingenious astronomical alignments of pyramids and temples, themselves richly decorated with astronomical symbols. It seemed an appropriate setting, in introducing the topic of perception in ancient astronomy, to observe and to photograph for the reader ...
... . The A.A .A .S Symposium on Velikovsky 3. The A.A .A .S . Affair From Twenty Years After 4. Henry H. Bauer And Immanuel Velikovsky 5. Beneath Bauer 6. All Honorable Men, Journalists and Scientists as Misrepresenters 7. Cometary Venus 8. Bob Forrest and Venus As A Comet In World Mythology 9. Asimov in Absurdity 10. Pompous Asimov 11. Stephen Jay Gould and Immanuel Velikovsky 12. A Rage to Deny - The Roots of the Velikovsky Affair 13. From Calendars to Chronology Bob Forrest and Venus As A Comet In World Mythology David N. Talbott and Ev Cochrane To evaluate Immanuel Velikovsky's place in the ...
16. The After-Effects of Newton's Comet of 1680 AD [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: C&C Review 2004:3 (Incorporating C&C Workshop 2004:4 ) Home | Issue Home The After-Effects of Newton's Comet of 1680 AD Laurence Dixon This article first considers the effect of the comet of 1680 on scientific development mainly through its influence on the life of Sir Isaac Newton and his contemporaries. It then looks at possible catastrophic impacts about that time and postulates that there is a family of comets that all become visible in November, pass close to Earth's orbit in December and pass close to the Sun in January, before disappearing in March. Introduction My interest in the events of the years 1680-1700 was first sparked by the Dutch Elm disease ...
... From: The Mysterious Comet by Comyns Beaumont CD Home | Contents Part Two: The Comet And Its Work III - The Movements Of A Comet ONE of the great principles of the Universe is the law of attraction. It operates everywhere, in thousands of subtle ways, from the greatest to the least, but the general principle is ever present. A moth is attracted to a candle, a woman attracts a man, a volcano attracts a meteor, and the sun attracts a comet. Astronomers allege that the two great outer planets, Saturn and Jupiter, attract comets into the solar system. Howe states that the attraction of Jupiter sometimes increases a comet's velocity and its ...
... From: The Mysterious Comet by Comyns Beaumont CD Home | Contents Part Two: The Comet And Its Work II - Cometary Earth Contact And Life WE pass for a while from meteors to comets, for the purpose of examining the relation of these strange visitors with our solar system generally and the earth in particular. Exactly what distinction should be drawn between a comet and a meteor is not too simple. For instance, was the body seen in Rome on December 24, 1924, a big meteor or was it a comet? The only tentative definition I can offer is that a comet is a celestial body of size seen by observers in the heavens, and that a ...
... From: The Riddle of the Earth by Appian Way CD Home | Contents Chapter VIII Comets And Their Gases SOLIDITY OF COMETARY NUCLEI METEORS are the residue of comets. Obeying some law of the universe, a comet, when it disintegrates into smaller particles, joins one or other of the various meteor streams which cross the earth's path annually, such as the Leonids in March, the Aquarids in May, the Perseids in July and also in August to September, and the Gemenids in October to November. There are forty recognised separate meteor streams in all, and these frequently vary their radiant point to a slight extent. 111. The nature of a comet may be understood ...
20. Part III: The Legends [Ragnarok] [Books]
... made the flying dragon out of his own imagination; but we Dow know that the image of the pterodactyl had simply descended from generation to generation. Sindbad's great bird, the Roc was considered a flight of the Oriental fancy, until science revealed the bones of the dianornis. All the winged beasts breathing fire are simply a recollection of the comet. In fact, even with the patterns of nature before it, the human mind has not greatly exaggerated them: it has never drawn a bird larger than the dianornis or a beast greater than the mammoth. It is utterly impossible that the races of the whole world, of all the continents and islands, could have preserved traditions ...
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