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1438 results found.
144 pages of results. 101. Newton's World View [Journals] [Kronos]
... change in the heavenly motions since the Creation of the present order of the cosmos and the contemporary creation of mankind (or the present mankind). Since, according to him, this had taken place rather recently, this could be proved by historical research. In order to maintain the theory of the crystalline spheres, Aristotle had argued that comets are an atmospheric phenomenon; but once the Aristotelian cosmology was discredited, there was revived the view of the ancient opponents of Aristotle that comets return periodically, moving like the planets, but in eccentric orbits. Since 1665, when it was definitely established that comets move in elliptical orbits around the Sun, the study of comets has been ...
102. Isaac Asimov in Absurdity [Books]
... . The A.A .A .S Symposium on Velikovsky 3. The A.A .A .S . Affair From Twenty Years After 4. Henry H. Bauer And Immanuel Velikovsky 5. Beneath Bauer 6. All Honorable Men, Journalists and Scientists as Misrepresenters 7. Cometary Venus 8. Bob Forrest and Venus As A Comet In World Mythology 9. Asimov in Absurdity 10. Pompous Asimov 11. Stephen Jay Gould and Immanuel Velikovsky 12. A Rage to Deny - The Roots of the Velikovsky Affair 13. From Calendars to Chronology Isaac Asimov in Absurdity Charles Ginenthal "Science writers, if they do it well, both inform and entertain, but the task ...
103. Thoth Vol I, No. 20: August 3, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... .................Michael Armstrong FAR APART, TWO PARTICLES RESPOND FASTER THAN LIGHT .. .. .. .. .. .. by Malcolm W. Browne FROM SUN TO EARTH: TRACKING A NEW STORM.......Science News VELIKOVSKY'S COMET VENUS(4 ). .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. David Talbott- Quote of the day: The more absurd the model, the better the public will like it. It will than become a "fact." .. .. .. .. . ...
104. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1993 (Vol XV) Home | Issue Contents Forum Comet Catastrophes and the Interpretation of Myth - a response from David Salkeld Pages 35-44 of Review XIV (1992) present a challenge' (posed by the Editor and four responses to it) on the entwined issues of the agents responsible for cometary catastrophes and their identification in the corpus of myth. The central problem arises from Clube and Napier's books and is summarised by Bernard thus: "If .. . the real agent of catastrophe was the comet Encke - and Venus was on a stable orbit as at present - how does one reconcile the myths (indicating a cometary and catastrophic ...
105. Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel [Books]
... the Drift. 2. The Origin of the Drift Not Known. 3. The Action of Waves. 4. Was It Caused by Icebergs? 5. Was It Caused by Glaciers? 6. Was It Caused by Continental Ice-sheet? 7. The Drift A Gigantic Catastrophe. 8. Great Heat A Prerequisite. PART II. THE COMET 1. A Comet Caused The Drift. 2. What Is A Comet? 3. Could A Comet Strike The Earth? 4. The Consequences To The Earth. PART III.: THE LEGENDS 1. The Nature of Myths. 2. Did Man Exist Before The Drift? 3. Legends Of The Coming of The Comet ...
106. Thoth Vol I, No. 17: June 30, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... [ Home ] THOTH -A Catastrophics Newsletter- VOL I, No. 17 June 30, 1997 EDITOR: Michael Armstrong PUBLISHER: Walter Radtke CONTENTS: VELIKOVSKY'S COMET VENUS.......................David Talbott PLANET'S TAIL OF THE UNEXPECTED...................Jeff Hecht RALPH SANSBURY'S GRAVITY.......................Wal Thornhill GRAVITY NEWS ITEM.............. ...
107. Comets Pummeled Earth 36 Million Years Ago [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1998:2 (Dec 1998) Home | Issue Contents Comets Pummeled Earth 36 Million Years Ago 25 May 1998 From The Planetary Society http://www.planetary.org Posthumous Paper by Astronomer Gene Shoemaker Details Evidence of Cataclysmic Comet Shower Geochemical evidence from a rock quarry in northern Italy indicates that a shower of comets hit Earth about 36 million years ago. The findings not only account for the huge craters at Popagai in Siberia and at Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, but posit that they were but a tiny fraction of the comets active during a period of two or three million years during the late Eocene period. The work provides indirect evidence ...
108. Comets, Dragons and Prophets of Doom [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1998:2 (Dec 1998) Home | Issue Contents Comets, Dragons and Prophets of Doom 28 May 1998 From Andrew Yee <ayee@nova.astro.utoronto.ca> wrote: Particle Physics & Astronomy Research Council, Swindon, England. Contacts: Charlotte Allen, PPARC Press Office charlotte_allen@pparc.ac.uk Dr William Napier, Armagh Observatory wmn@star.arm.ac.uk Wednesday 20th May 1998: 08/98 ANCIENT MYTHS AND TREE RINGS POINT TO GIANT COMET'S VISIT TO EARTH [http://www.coi.gov.uk/coi/depts/GPP/coi1810e.ok ...
109. Vulcan, Comets and the Impending Catastrophe [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1999:2 (Oct 1999) Home | Issue Contents Vulcan, Comets and the Impending Catastrophe http://www.barry.warmkessel.com A theory has been proposed which accurately predicts the orbits of our solar planets as well as the orbits of planets (and tiny stars) in nearby star systems. This theory postulates that our solar system was formed with the aid of a solar companion star which was named Vulcan by the ancients. A dark body which could be Vulcan has been detected by the IRAS satellite. The IRAS measurements and data from other sources have been utilized to determine an orbit and mass for Vulcan. Vulcan is ...
110. Louis Frank Finds 'Small Comets' Are Seasonal [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1998:2 (Dec 1998) Home | Issue Contents Louis Frank Finds Small Comets' Are Seasonal 27 May 1998 From Ron Baalke <BAALKE@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov> University News Services University of Iowa 100 Old Public Library Iowa City, IA 52242 Contact: Gary Galluzzo (319) 384-0009; fax (319) 384-0024 e-mail: gary-galluzzo@uiowa.edu Release: Louis A. Frank presented a new study supporting his "small comet" theory that more than 25,000 snow comets weighing 20 to 40 tons each disintegrate in the Earth's atmosphere every day. The study, presented at the spring meeting of the American ...
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