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... heaven, or otherwise attracted the celestial fires, the true cause of an eruption, as I have fully explained elsewhere.7 On the occasion of an eruption an immense column of fire, smoke, ashes, and gaseous emanations rises to a colossal height, forming a series of dark, tubular, circular, or elliptical, funnel-shaped clouds ... burning sheet of basalt. On the mainland of Scotland simultaneously immense parallel and deep seismic fissures opened up-many now meteoric rocks-glowing with subterranean fires. At the same time the mysterious columnar pillars of basalt were laid down in many of the Hebrides apart from the remarkable island of Staffa, a few miles west of Mull, consisting as it does of ...
52. Night of the Gods: The Pillar-Axis as Tower [Books]
... . If this is correct we shall not go far wrong in regarding it as an imitation of the felt-covered circular tent of the nomad. The Teutonic huts on the triumphal column of Marcus Aurelius are round. So too did Strabo describe the dwelling of the Belgae. Helbig has shown the primitive form of the Italian but to have been round ... Christian builder. Isidore, writing in the early 7th century, said Turres vocatae quod teretes sint et longae, teres enim est a(iquid rotundum cum proceritate, ut columna14 and, one might add, the limbs of Phyllis.15 And Festus, some 500 years before, said teres meant that which is in longitudine rotundatum, as ...
... of the leaders in that field, Edward Uhlan [405].) As I was writing the first draft of this book, I found in my daily newspaper a column [iso] that seems germane here. It was entitled "Publishers Undermining Status of Being an Author": There was a time still warm in memory when the ... sold well were not given "homage and deference in the publishing trade"? One cannot hold publishers responsible that "notoriety and impropriety" make for large sales. Our columnist simply wishes that our pluralistic society were other than it is, and, translating that wish into an irrational "should," he inevitably waxes indignant. 15 ...
54. The Empire Strikes Back [Books] [de Grazia books]
... , and legally to "withdraw your support." In what form should your "withdraw your support"? You should "withdraw your support" by expressing in seven columns of space in your magazine (1 ) your acknowledgment of the excessively large number of factual errors contained in Mr. Margolis' article, and (2 ) your ... fame; reportage) a. TV and radio Networks b. Public Broadcasting c. Documentary films Popular Press a. Scientoid Magazines b. Science Fiction c. Publicity (columnists) d. Newspaper and newsmagazines, prizes, etc. Book Publishing a. Trade b. Textbooks c. University Press Scientific Journals Universities a. Secular Schools b ...
... never read anything comparable," he said, perceiving that the book could "well compel science to reconsider its basic postulates." (13) In O'Neill's next newspaper column, (August, 1946), the name and ideas of Velikovsky first came to public attention. "The fact that the period covered by what we may call ... fired as a sacrificial lamb after twenty five years of devoted and earnest service. News of the book's transfer became almost as great a sensation as the book itself. Syndicated columnist George Sokolsky brought it to the attention of the entire nation, attacking the boycott and asking if Shapley was behind it. "Scientists tend to become dogmatic like theologians ...
56. Introducing Anomalistics: A New Field of Interdisciplinary Study [Journals] [Kronos]
... may fairly regard as the founder of anomalistics, made the first massive compilation of oddities from the world press. Another American journalist, Robert L. Ripley, whose syndicated column "Believe It Or Not" appeared in nearly all United States newspapers, was the first popularizer (or, as his detractors may prefer to phrase it, the ... course, any public acknowledgement of the fact that they have done so). A conspicuous example of this tactic is provided by Stephen Jay Gould, the widely read science columnist of Natural History Magazine. Having gradually abandoned a uniformitarian model of Earth history in favor of a catastrophist model, he has effectively covered his tracks by referring to catastrophic ...
... , in the Greek account, struggled with the coiled viper Typhon. The battle in the sky raged for weeks, with the cometary apparition taking on the appearance of a column of smoke by day, a pillar of fire by night. Through a series of close approaches the comet's tail en closed the Earth in a shadow of death, ... one sided debate where the scholar under attack was so unfairly treated? Frederic B. Jueneman, Director/Research for Innovative Concepts Associates of San Jose, chemist, and columnist discussed the AAAS symposium. "Jueneman called [Ivan] King [one of the symposium's organizers] to inquire about the symposium and the events which led to it ...
58. Anomalistics - a New Field of Interdisciplinary Studies [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... fairly regard as the founder of anomalistics, made the f irst massive compilation of oddities from the world press. Another American journalist, Robert L. Ripley, whose syndicated column "Believe It Or Not" appeared in nearly all United States newspapers, was the first popularizer (or, as his detractors may prefer to phrase it, the ... course, any public acknowledgement of the fact that they have done so). A conspicuous example of this tactic is provided by Stephen Jay Gould, the widely read science columnist of Natural History Magazine. Having gradually abandoned a uniformitarian model of Earth history in favor of a catastrophist model, he has effectively covered his tracks by referring to catastrophic ...
59. Electricity [Books] [de Grazia books]
... expects to find a general similarity of the interiors. Not at all. Each interior is unique. Some are serpentine, others like grand ballrooms; some have magnificent silicate columns and startling naturally formed shapes; others are plain and dull, save for the signs of human occupancy. All are of limestone; all are elevated, if only ... a hard silicate with bits of ferruginous rock in the eroded (burst?) rubble. It nests among loose, hardly consolidated rocks that have fast fallen away from the columnar core. This phenomenon is usually seen as an ancient metamorphosis. Somehow the temperature of water-laden deep limestones and granites mounted and caused them to nearly melt and to rise ...
60. The Misread Record by Isaac Vail [Books]
... came upon the scene, it was also an illumination a moon as large as the big sky. At midnight the vapors in the eastern and western horizon shone as shining columns of flame, so that night must have been illuminated as by a thousand moons. There was, in fact, no actual night as we see it now, ... act of devouring or hiding the Sun, and is an actual record of the canopy in its Sun-controlling attitude! In one corner of the tablet are hieroglyphic characters, three columnar forms, pointing upward, as if declaring the meaning of the deathless legend of the Serpent and the Sun. ...
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