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2197 results found.
220 pages of results. 51. Index of Titles
... of Instantaneous Shifts of the Poles Barnard, Geoffrey Knowler: Experiments with Time II: Synchronisms and Stratigraphies Barnard, Geoffrey Knowler: Experiments with Time. I: Catastrophes and Chronologies' Barnes, Thomas: A Response to Dr Milsom BARNES, THOMAS G.: Recent Origin and Decay of the Earth's Magnetic Field Bass, Robert W.: ... : Ancient History Revisions: the Last 25 years - a Perspective Crowe, John: Ancient History Study Group Report on meeting of 6th March 1999 Crowe, John: Conventional Chronologists: Sothic or So Thick? Crowe, John: SIS Study Group Meeting 16th October 1999 D Damien F. Mackey, Frank Calneggia and Paul Money: A CRITICAL ...
52. Society News [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 2002:2 (Feb 2003) Home | Issue Contents Society News Jill Abery The rather inauspicious date of Friday 13th for the start of the SIS Ages Still in Chaos' conference did not, in the event live up to its catastrophic associations as the residential core of delegates began to arrive during ... good time to settle into their rooms and find Val and Jill at the registration desk before meeting up at the adjacent bar as a prelude to attending dinner. For keen chronologists there was some preliminary practice in dealing with numbers as few of us could immediately get to grips with the hotel's room numbering system and on several occasions delegates would come ...
53. The Autumn Meeting [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1993 No 2 (Jan 1994) Home | Issue Contents Society News The Autumn Meeting This was again held at Nottingham, in the usual venue despite the threat of being moved elsewhere due to large scale building operations. Undeterred by the mud and obviously not over sated yet by listening to talks, ... cultures disappear and in their place are recognisable the remains of powerful empires whose apparent absence is such a puzzle. Tony Rees' message was the important basic proposition that all chronologists should consider very carefully the source and meaning of the numbers they used in the construction of their chronologies. He suggested that numbers used in ancient writings were seldom to ...
54. Possible Ways Forward [Journals] [SIS Review]
... drew the short straw when I was asked to talk about possible ways forward. The fact that this topic has arisen suggests that we are lost in a maze of competing chronologies and possibly in an even larger state of uncertainty about where Velikovskian Studies' are heading. I want to deal firstly with the matter of competing chronologies. As you ... ? If we had some standard tests like these, the process of comparing chronologies would be a lot easier. There is a tendency, I feel, for the different chronologists to work away at their own schemes without reference to other chronologies. They tend to talk about their own scheme and disregard the views of other authors. Can some ...
55. Artificially Structured Biblical Chronologies [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1994 (Vol XVI) (Oct 1995) Home | Issue Contents Artificially Structured Biblical Chronologies by Anthony H. Rees In a forthcoming book, Cabbalistic Chronology, the present writer will demonstrate a number of principles that need to be recognised if the chronology of the Pre-Christian era is to be interpreted correctly ... that David ruled over Israel for 40 years, 7 at Hebron and 33 at Jerusalem (I Kings 2:11 and I Chronicles 29:26). The cabbalistic chronologist will study these values to see whether they incorporate a numerological formula for dating the reign of David. The two values of 33 years and 7 years will each be ...
56. Shishak, the kings of Judah and some synchronisms [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1997:2 (Apr 1998) Home | Issue Contents Shishak, the kings of Judah and some synchronisms by Michael G. Reade Summary Synchronisms between Palestine and Egypt during and to either side of the divided Monarchy; integration with the climatically disturbed and intermittently catastrophic era described by the Ninsianna tablets; ... miraculous destruction of Sennacherib's army; the era of 10 month years. Introduction The researches of the New Chronologists', possibly due to over-concentration on detail, appear to be straining the overall picture of the chronological relationships between Palestine and Egypt more than seems reasonable. It is worth going back to the original raw data to check whether current trends ...
57. Letter to the Editor from Christoph Marx [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... to the Editor Christoph Marx Editor, C&AH: During a course on Assyrian and Babylonian Chronology1 I took a closer look at this fact: that most of the chronologies around the Mars catastrophes have been linked to the date of 15/6 /763 B.C ., the day of a solar eclipse mentioned in the eponym ... Ancient History II:2 (Jun 1980) Home | Issue Contents Letter to the Editor Christoph Marx Editor, C&AH: During a course on Assyrian and Babylonian Chronology1 I took a closer look at this fact: that most of the chronologies around the Mars catastrophes have been linked to the date of 15/6 /763 B ...
58. Sennecherib & Esarhaddo [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... pp. 560-2, under the title of "The Mother of Nabonidus." I have studied this text for many years, and have found it to be a valuable chronological source. The problem with Jonsson, is that this stele doesn't fit in with his view of the chronology. We will show that his chronology is faulty. Assyrian ... , but Sennecherib remains with a 24 year reign. The very fact that these prime sources had to be revised shows that they weren't error-free to begin with. Even conventional chronologists have made changes in sources thought to be without error, and they are generally accepted today. Jonsson claims no other changes are possible. Why? If Ptolemy made ...
59. Jeremy Goldberg - Still Looking for David [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1994 No 2 (Dec 1994) Home | Issue Contents FORUM Jeremy Goldberg - Still Looking for David I do not feel that Bernard Newgrosh's answer to my criticisms of the New Chronology's Amarna period reconstruction [1 ] is satisfactory: too often he relies on appeals to authority and he has ignored some ... my most important arguments, while focusing on less important ones. Space is limited, so I shall only deal with his most problematic comments. On the crucial issue of David's absence as a discernible individual from the Amarna Letters': I argued (in my footnote 2 [2 ]) that if (as Bernard reiterates in his response ...
60. A Re-examination of the Sothic Chronology of Egypt [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. II No. 4 (Summer 1977) Home | Issue Contents A Re-examination of the Sothic Chronology of Egypt Ronald D. Long Reprinted with permission from Orientalia, Vol. 43 (Nova Series - 1974), pp. 261-274. For many years now we have accepted and incorporated the astronomical chronology of Egypt ... nations, but the foundation vitally necessary before this can be accomplished is the validity and accuracy of the Sothic chronology. We must first be certain of the foundation. Radiocarbon chronologists, testing the accuracy of carbon 14 as a scientific dating technique, have utilised what they consider the firmly grounded chronology of pharaonic Egypt as a check. Geophysicists have ...
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