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2197 results found.
220 pages of results. 101. Dating the Hammurabi Dynasty Using the Venus Tablets [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1998:1 (Sep 1998) Home | Issue Contents Dating the Hammurabi Dynasty Using the Venus Tablets by John D. Weir The famous library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal containe an astrological section of about 70 clay tablets [1 ]. The 63rd tablet gives a sequence of setting and rising dates ... . Velikovsky, Immanuel, Worlds in Collision, London, Victor Gollancz, 1951 (first published Sept. 1950). 9. Neugebauer, PV, Tafeln zur Astronomischen Chronologie, Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1912, 1914, 1922, 1925. 10. Langdon-Fotheringham-Schoch, op. cit. [6 ]. The book contains a set of ...
102. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1990 No 2 (Dec 1990) Home | Issue Contents Letters Programme for the future Dear Sir, For some time now I have had the feeling that catastrophism is floundering somewhat in bringing enlightenment to those at present uncommitted. A great deal of work has been carried out in recent years but I ... , and the Memphite Genealogy are unreliable. He is also forced to reject to some extent Sothic Dating after having previously written a book proving' it to be true (Chronologie egyptienne [Paris, 1926, 1928]). He refers frequently to evidence from his earlier book la fin du Moyen Empire... This book adopted the ...
103. A New Interpretation of the Assyrian King List [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... history of the ancient Near East, as presently interpreted, is in need of revision. While considerable attention has been focused on the problem of the apparent elongation of Egyptian chronology, caused in part by the now disproved synchronism between Shoshenk I and the Judean king Rehoboam, the area of Mesopotamia has largely been ignored. Like Egypt, southern ... AKL is Ashur-rabi II. Only a few eponyms of that king have survived, while the AKL merely lists him as a son of Ashur-nasir-apli, who is assumed by conventional chronologists to be Ashur-nasir-apli I, grandfather of Ashur-nerari IV. From the time of Tukulti-Ninurta I we may note that there is some confusion with the name(s ) of ...
104. Radiocarbon Dating: An Archaeological Perspective [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1992 No 1 (Aug 1992) Home | Issue Contents REVIEWS Radiocarbon Dating: An Archaeological Perspective by R. E. Taylor, (London: Academic Press, 1987) Anyone concerned with ancient history and chronologies cannot ignore radiocarbon dating results. Unfortunately, the technical nature of the subject causes misunderstanding ... topic - say fractionization at 2.4 - when he discusses that topic in connection with another topic. The chapter dealing with evaluation of radiocarbon data is especially important to chronologists. Those in serious disagreement with conventional chronologies but confronted with claims that radiocarbon data supports these chronologies will find Radiocarbon Dating: An Archaeological Perspective to be a gold mine ...
105. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1995 No 1 (June 1995) Home | Issue Contents Letters Saul, David and the Amarna Pharaohs I was fascinated by the correspondence in Forum' in C&C Workshop 1994:2 on the subject of the Amarna correspondence and the respect - or not - in which Saul and David were ... including the New Chronology.) As I pointed out in C&CW 1994:2 , this suggestion is useless for the NC's purposes because it depends on the accepted chronology's ridiculous identification of Philistine Gath with Tell es-Safi. (This site is in the Shephelah, not the coastal plain, and is only 5 miles from Ekron. It ...
106. Early History of the Israelite People: Biblical Fundamentalism in History (II) [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... the date of 850 BC that those who were quoted in the article take for granted? Is 850 BC an independently derived date which can be reliably used for building the chronology of ancient Israel? Let us examine the circular reasoning. Avraham Biran believes that the stele's king of Israel may be identified with Baasha and that the king of the ... die Verkehrsprache eines vorderasiatischen Imperiums geworden? Sargonidica X," Vorzeit-Früzeit-Gegenwart 4: 4/ 5 (1992). 9. See Gunnar Heinsohn (B ), "Stratigraphische Chronologie Israels. Ein Kurzabris zur Rehabilitation historischer Informationen aus den biblischen Legenden," Vorzeit-Frühzeit-Gegenwart 3: 5 (1991); Gunnar Heinsohn (C ), "Stratigraphical Chronology ...
107. A Return to the Two Sargons and Their Successors [Journals] [Aeon]
... proposing a reconstruction of ancient Near Eastern history in which, among other things, the conquest of southern Mesopotamia by the Akkadians around -2350 was shown to have been merely the chronologically misplaced conquest of southern Mesop-otamia by the Assyrians in -700. Thus, according to him, Sargon of Akkad would really have been Sargon of Assyria. Lugalzagesi, whom ... which they had formerly preceded by a full millennium, as this dynasty now ends in the 7th/6th century BCE .. . " [96] So many other chronologists have jumped on this band wagon [97] that the subject deserves a paper of its own. All I wish to state here is that, having acquired his ...
108. Pensée [Journals] [SIS Review]
... unpublished volumes of AGES IN CHAOS. THE PITFALLS OF RADIOCARBON DATING - Analyses the problems and possibilities of the C14 dating method in the light of his theories. METALLURGY AND CHRONOLOGY - Discusses shortcomings of the metallurgical approach to comparative archaeology. THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT IN RELATION TO MOVING BODIES - A proposal for a novel experiment to check the constant ... system. THE SCANDAL OF ENKOMI - A section from the unpublished historical volume, THE DARK AGE OF GREECE, examining one of the many controversies arising from the incorrect Egyptian chronology's distortion of the chronology of Mycenae. THE ATOM AND OIL - Velikovsky's views on nuclear energy (reprinted from the N. Y. Post, 1948). IS ...
109. Additional Notes on Assyro-Babylonian Chronology [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History XV:2 (July 1993) Home | Issue Contents Additional Notes on Assyro-Babylonian Chronology (Rejoinder to James J. Schlecker) Carl Olof Jonsson James J. Schlecker's argumentation in his article "Sennecherib & Esarhaddon (Response to Carl Olof Jonsson)" (C &AH XIV:2 , July 1992 ... ; see also Frame, Babylonia, p. 106, ftn. 15.) 9. Note for instance the comments by Friedrich Schmidtke, "Der Aufbau der Babylonischen Chronologie" in Orbis Antiquus, Heft 7, Münster in W., 1952, p. 41. 10. Reallexikon der Assyriologie, Vol. II, (Berlin ...
110. Moderating the Middle Ages [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1999:2 (Feb 2000) Home | Issue Contents Moderating the Middle Ages by Derel Briarley Derel Briarley worked in a school laboratory and then returned to college and university. He is now retired. Recall the amount of evidence listed by Velikovsky and others to the effect that significant geological changes have ... other changes in the skies, his reconstruction may even err on the side of caution. He observes, For a historian of the 20th century, the very thought that chronologists have followed an erroneous scheme for several hundred years naturally seems to be absurd, for it contradicts accepted tradition and the cultural knowledge assimilated since childhood'. Einstein observed ...
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