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60 pages of results. 271. The Atlantis Blueprint [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... wealth - the Knights Templar excavate King Solomon's Temple - Gothic architecture - King Philip destroys the Order - Lincoln's quests - Priory of Sion - the pentagram - Cornford and Poussin's painting - German miners near Rennes-le-Chateau in 1156 - the orbit of Venus - Nanking and Rennes at a golden section division - The Mummies of Urumchi - Bruce Cathie locates the Chinese pyramids - Geneset - aligned churchs on Bornholm - the underwater pyramid' at Yonaguni - Berriman's ancient measures. Chapter Nine: What the Templars Found. Rosslyn Chapel and The Hiram Key - Critchlow's Time Stands Still - origins of Freemasonry - Tintagel, Glastonbury, Stonehenge, Avebury and ancient latitudes - Korean pyramids at Pyongyang - The Yukon Pole ...
272. Samples From The Planets, Part 2 Mars Ch.5 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... sky.10 The sacred shield of Numa at Rome, the ancile of Roman Mars, was a bolide; it fell from the sky11 in the beginning of the seventh century and its origin was connected with Mars. In the years when the planet Mars had long been pacified, its position was still watched when meteorites fell. Thus the Chinese wrote in -211: "The planet Mars being in the neighbourhood of Antares, a star fell at Toung-Kiun, and arriving to the ground, it changed to a stone."12 The people of the place cut a prophecy of evil for the emperor on the stone, and the emperor had it destroyed. Carving messages to peoples ...
273. Pluto's Rank Again - Needs Changing... [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... the last line of text is most interesting. Could it not be read: If in the sky a comet tail appears from east to west and north to south and stands out like a cross? We know from modern observation that comets can produce jets of gas which radiate outward. We have learned from a 2,500 year old Chinese comet atlas that records of a comet appearing as a cross on more than one occasion were in existence. Furthermore, sky borne crosses begin to appear in the art of a variety of cultures (including the one which produced the above text) all over the world at least 5000 years ago. And lastly, the lines quoted above ...
274. Disarranged Months, Part 2 Mars Ch.8 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... of interest, therefore, to read that in many sagas dealing with the moon, the number nine is used in measures of time.1 A series of scholars found that nine days was for a while a time period of many ancient peoples: the Hindus, the Persians,2 the Babylonians,3 the Egyptians,4 and the Chinese.5 In religious traditions, literature, and astrological works, seven days and ni ne days compete as the measure of the month's quarter. In the time of the Homeric epics, the nine-day week became prevalent in the Greek world. The seven-day week and the nine-day week are both found in Homer.6 The Romans, too ...
275. On the Crab Supernova of 1054 [Journals] [Kronos]
... in the year 446 H. (12 April 1054 - 1 April 1055 A.D .) ." For clarification, due to differing constellation definition and precession of the equinoxes, what appears in Taurus today appeared closer to Gemini in 1054. Thus, we have unambiguous, independent sightings of an extraordinary celestial event from three cultures - Chinese, Japanese and Arabic. It is clear from the contexts that the records of these sightings are indigenous to the exclusion of a diffusionary explanation. With regard to certain pictographs and petroglyphs in the American Southwest, purported to record the Crab Supernova, this is another matter. It is possible that Sagan may have overstated the validity of these ...
276. The Twelfth Planet: by Zecharia Sitchin [Journals] [Kronos]
... the earliest hominid genus, culture probably began in Africa; but if we accept Ramapithecus as his confamilial predecessor, culture probably began in India. Sitchin's linguistics seems at least as amateurish as his anthropology, biology, and astronomy. On p. 370, for example, he maintains that "all the ancient languages . . . including early Chinese . . . stemmed from one primeval source - Sumerian". Sumerian, of course, is the virtual archetype of what linguistic taxonomists call a language-isolate, meaning a language that does not fall into any of the well-known language-families or exhibit clear cognation with any known language. Even if Sitchin is referring to written rather than to spoken language ...
277. Asimov's Guide to the Velikovsky Affair [Journals] [Kronos]
... Dr. Velikovsky says they were right in laying the error to "the faults of heaven." EVIDENCE IS ENORMOUS The evidence for these fearful and wonderful speculations is enormous. It exists in the excavated history, and in the folklore of peoples all over the globe- of Egyptians, Hindus, Hebrews, Babylonians, Finns, Polynesians, Chinese, Aztecs, American Indians. If Dr. Velikovsky is correct he will have started a new era in thinking, a new trend in writing universal history in terms of cataclysms, undoubtedly a new chronology. He will explain some things that have puzzled scientists for centuries. This book is daring in viewpoint, startlingly original in concept, ...
278. Gyroscopic Precession and Celestial Axis Displacement [Journals] [Pensee]
... spin, is timed during the Summer months, and is directed such that the North Pole precesses toward the sun, then points in the Northern Hemisphere in the morning daylight hours when the precession begins will indeed observe a prolonged daylight period, and points diametrically opposite on the globe will correspondingly observe a prolonged night. Velikovsky cites ancient Hebrew, Chinese, and other records of both apparent phenomena. An example of this is suggested in the illustration. Let (O ) be the plane of the earth's orbit about the sun (i .e ., the ecliptic); (S ) be a reference direction vector perpendicular to (O ) through the center of the sun; ...
279. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . In China the Hsia, Shang, Chou and Han dynasties slot in just as remarkably and the same is true of Assyria and Babylonia. The Uruk phase corresponds to the Pre Dynastic, ending in a terrible upheaval, followed by the Early Dynastic period, Akkad, Amorite and Kassite periods. Frost signatures are caused by dust veils and Chinese records suggest heavy meteoric fluxes as the cause (though volcanic origin is not out of the question). Frost signature episodes coincide with cultural Intermediates and were followed by famine, plague and tribal and refugee intrusions. Periodic episodes of chaos in the natural world and an obsession with fertility and food resources are a constant feature of religio-myth around ...
280. Magnetism [Books]
... (when the bodies lose their magnetism when the treatment ceases). When artificial magnetism is excited by the use of an electric current, the magnet is called an electro-magnet. The magnetic properties of a magnet are mainly concentrated in its extremities, called poles. One of the fundamental properties of a magnet, known for many centuries by the Chinese, is that when a magnet is suspended or pivoted so that it turns freely in a horizontal plane about a vertical axis, it orients itself in a definite direction which corresponds roughly with the geographic north-south direction. The pole of the magnet pointing towards the geographic north is called the north-seeking pole, while the other pole is called the ...
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