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60 pages of results. 261. The Third Degree. File II (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... by many degrees. Equally displaced are the positions (stations) of the new moon and the distances our satellite covers from one new moon to another. My explanation of these various systems of celestial motions and positions was in harmony with what is found in the lore of other peoples of antiquity and was reflected in the calendar reforms of the Chinese, Hindus, Persians, Israelites, Egyptians, Mayans, and others- namely, that these systems represent true observations at various epochs, before and after the repeated disturbances of the seventh to eighth century B.C . I consider the parts of Worlds in Collision, pages 120-25,313-59, dealing with the calendar observances and reforms the ...
262. The Encyclopedia Mythica [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1997:2 (Feb 1998) Home | Issue Contents The Encyclopedia Mythica http://www.pantheon.org/mythica/An on-line Encyclopaedia of mythology featuring articles and illustrations. Includes Chinese, Etruscan, Egyptian, Greek, Haitian, Japanese, Latvian, Mayan, Native, American, Norse, Persian, Polynesian, Roman, Welsh and others. There's also a pronunciation guide and list of ancient feast days. ...
263. The Hurricane, Part 1 Venus Ch.3 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... the ocean but was drawn by Tefaafanau," relate the aborigines of Paumotu in Polynesia. The new isles "were bated by a star." In the month of March the Polynesians celebrate a god, Taafanua.(8 ) "In Arabic, Tyfoon is a whirlwind and Tufan is the Deluge; and the same word occurs in Chinese as Ty-fong."(9 ) It appears as though the noise of the hurricane was overtoned by a sound not unlike the name Typhon, as if the storm were calling him by name. The cosmic upheaval proceeded with a "mighty strong west wind,"(10) but before the climax, in the simple words of ...
264. SIS Internet Digest 1998 Number 1 [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... . 6 Dr Brian Martin .. 6 Cambridge-conference Email Network .. 7 Linking Giant Impact Craters to Mass Extinctions .. 7 Evidence For Global Climate Disaster in 3rd Millennium BC .. 7 Doubt Cast on Frank's Small-comet Theory .. 7 More Doubts About Small-comet Hypothesis .. 7 An Extraterrestrial Hypothesis .. 8 Did Cosmic Impact Hit Early Chinese? .. 8 Abrupt Climate Change & the Rise and Fall of An Andean Civilisation .. 8 The Power of the Bull 8 Meteorobs - Amateur Meteor Observation Network .. 8 International Conference "90-th Anniversary of the Tunguska Problem" .. 8 Catastrophic End of the Norse Culture in Greenland 9 More Evidence Points to Impact As Dinosaur ...
265. The Shadow Of Death, Part 1 Venus Ch.6 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... , and so governed this western border."(23) In China the annals telling of the time of the Emperor Yahou refer to the Valley of Obscurity and to the Sombre Residence as places of astronomical observations.(24) The name "shadow of death" expresses the influence of the sunless gloom upon the life processes. The Chinese annals of Wong-shi-Shing, in the chapter dealing with the Ten Stems (the ten stages of the earth's primeval history), relate that " at Wu, the sixth stem . . . darkness destroys the growth of all things."(25) Buddhist scholars declare that with the beginning of the sixth world age or "sun . ...
266. Baal Zevuv (Beelzebub), Part 1 Venus Ch.9 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... abundance, in the chambers of their kings," and "there came divers sorts of flies, and lice in all their coasts." The Amalekites left Arabia because of "ants of the smallest kind" and wandered toward Canaan and Egypt at the same time that the Israelites went from Egypt toward the desert and Canaan. In the Chinese annals describing the time of Yahou, from which I quoted previously, it said that when the sun did not set for ten days and the forests of China were destroyed by fire, multitudes of loathsome vermin were bred in the entire land. During their wanderings in the desert, the Israelites were plagued by serpents.(81) ...
267. The Mapmakers from the ice age [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... of Cancer). From this point, I have traced the circumferences the radiuses of which equal 36, 72 (2x36), 108 (3x36) and 144 (4x36) degrees. We notice that: The megalithic sites of Stonehenge (Great Britain) and of Carnac (France) are situated on the first circle. The ancient Chinese observatory of Gaocheng (area of Luoyang) and the site of Angkor Vat (Cambodia) are situated on the second circle. The remarkable solar observatory of Chaco Canyon (USA, New-Mexico), the Maya cities of Uxmal (Mexico), of Tikal (Guatemala) and of Copan (Honduras) and, finally, the Peruvian ...
268. Atlantis Rising [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... West; Crystal Planet; Anti-Gravity & the Third Reich. #8 Edgar Mitchell; Where Was Atlantis; The Sphinx Scandal; Age of the Pyramid. #9 Colin Wilson; Beneath the Martian Rock; Moira Timms; Goddess Runes. #10 Psychic Spooks; Crystal Skulls; Ancient Aircraft; UFO Cover-up; Paul Roberts. #11 Chinese Pyramids; Jurassic Art; Pattern from the Other Side; Carbon 14 Problems. #12 John Michell; Cataclysm 9500 BC; Edgar Cayce on Atlantis; Coral Castle Mystery. #13 Japan's Undersea Ruins; Secret Tunneling in Great Pyramid; Tesla/Marconi Connection; Stan Tenen; Alan Alford. #14 Crop Circles; Problems with ...
269. Dance of the Planets [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... major mythical deities of a number of cultures, such as Aditi, Agni, Varuna and Indra (Vedic,) Brahmã, Siva and Vishnu (Hindu,) Osiris, Isis, Horus, Hermes, Set, Anubis (Egyptian,) Zeus, Atlas, Atlantis and Cyclops (Greek,) and the Fiery and Yellow Emperors (Chinese.) These were all aspects of the planets, or features associated with them which became visible as they approached the Earth. Volume 2 - "A New Solar System Paradigm" (ISBN: 0-7414-0295-5 ©2000): The second volume, Dance of the Planets 2 - "A New Solar System Paradigm", examines the consequences ...
270. Sword-Time, Wolf-Time, Part 2 Mars Ch.4 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... , "deposited his seed in fire" and gave birth to Kumara who battled the great demon named Taraka that "troubled the world." The Babylonian astrologers ascribed to their planet-gods the ability to emit the sounds of different animals- lion, pig, jackal, horse, ass- and of two species of birds.9 The ancient Chinese likewise asserted that planets emit animal sounds when they approach the earth with a rain of stones.10 It is fairly probable that on some occasion the crash of the discharge "from the cloudless sky" sounded like Ta-ra-ka, the name of the demon who battled the planets. The Ethiopian king who went up against Sennacherib called himself Taharka ...
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