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60 pages of results. 221. Discussion on Wal Thornhill & Ev Cochrane's papers [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and Mars at a lesser distance, you get this image. If you place Saturn 500,000 miles away from Earth and preserve the same relative distances between the planets, you get the exact same image. Q3. Charles Raspil asked about the petal-like image of Venus, which he said also occurred long after the Configuration'. A Chinese reference mentioned Venus trembling, looking like a flower, and gave the exact location. Also there seem to be many different configurations. He asked Wal Thornhill whether he had seen smaller versions of these things, perhaps in the ionosphere. Wal accepts that changes in appearance of planets, like stars, are possible in an EU model. ...
222. The Subjective Interpretation Of The Events And Their Authenticity, Part 2 Mars Ch.6 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... foretold to King Hezekiah, probably a few hours before the event, that the shadow of the sundial would return ten degrees. (As we know now, the planet Mars was at that moment very close to the earth, and Isa iah could make an estimate based on experiences during previous perturbations of the earth by Mars.) The Chinese explained this phenomenon as having occurred to help their princes in their strategy, or to settle a quarrel among them. The Greek people tho ught the phenomenon was an expression of heavenly wrath at the crime of the Argive tyrants. The Latins thought the phenomenon was an omen associated with Romulus, son of Mars. In the Icelandic epos ...
223. Radiocarbon Dating The Extinction [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... productions had originated in Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China. It was believed pottery making and metallurgy came to Thailand after 800 B.C . At Non Nok Tha, Wilhelm Solheim and his team of the University of Hawaii, found bronze axeheads and the molds from which they had been cast in a stratum older than Mesopotamian or Chinese bronzes. In a 10,000 B.C . layer at Spirit Cave in northern Thailand, Chester Gorman, a graduate student, discovered carbonized pieces of water chestnut, cucumber, pepper, bottle gourd, and other food plants showing the Thais were carrying on agriculture 2,000 years prior to the Mesopotamians. Shards of pottery ...
224. Fenris-Wolf, Part 2 Mars Ch.4 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... Mars very characteristically resembled a wolf or a jackal. In Babylonia Mars had seven names-Jackal was one of them.3 Also, the god with the head of a jackal or wolf in the Egyptian pantheon was apparently Mars. Of him it is said that he is a "prowling wolf circling this land."4 In the Chinese Chart of Soochow, in which it is related on the authority of more ancient sources that "Once Venus suddenly ran into the Wolf-Star," Wolf-Star apparently means Mars.5 Wolf or Lupus Martius was the animal symbol for Mars of the Roman religion.6 It gave rise to the legend about Romulus, son of Mars, who ...
225. Two Forms Of Fear. Ch.2 To Know And Not To Know (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... years of war, powerless to change anything on the world scene, I spent my days in reading, in research, in thinking and in writing. I would sit at the feet of the sages of many ancient civilisations- one day of the Egyptian learned scribes, another of the Hebrew rabbis, the next of the Hindus, the Chinese or the Pythagoreans. Then I would rise to my feet to confer with present-day scientific knowledge. At times I understood what perplexed the ancients, and at other times I found answers to what perplexes the moderns. This shuttle back and forth was a daily occupation for a decade or more, and it became a way to understand the ...
226. Articles on Other Magazines [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... Other Magazines Kennett J P Thunell R.C . , 1975: Global increase in Quaternary explosive volcanism. Science 187: 497-503. Wetzel R.M ., et al., 1975: Catagonus, an extinct' peccary, alive in Paraguai. Science 189; 379-81. Carlson J.B ., 1975: Lodestone compass: Chinese or Olmec primacy? Science 189: 75360, Leroi-Gourhan A., 1975: The flowers found with Shanidar H, a Neanderthal burial in Iraq. Science 190: 562- 4. Smith C.L ., 1975: Latimeria, the living Coelacanth, is ovoviviparous. Science 190:1105-6 Carrick N., 1976. Australia's Lake ...
227. The Comet Venus, Part 1 Venus Ch.8 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... , the light of Venus is less than one millionth of the light of the sun. "A stupendous prodigy in the sky," the Chaldeans called it.(56) The Hebrews similarly described the planet: "The brilliant light of Venus blazes from one end of the cosmos to the other end."(57) The Chinese astronomical text from Soochow refers to the past when "Venus was visible in full daylight and, while moving across the sky, rivalled the sun in brightness."(58) As late as the seventh century, Assurbanipal wrote about Venus (Ishtar) "who is clothed with fire and bears aloft a crown of awful splendour. ...
228. Catastrophism And Planetary History [Journals] [Kronos]
... with Teilhard's we almost always retreat immediately to the traditional view of human endeavors originating in their most significant form in the Tigris-Euphrates valley system thus continuing the outmoded and narrow articulation of our history as predominantly western European. Some historians attempt to dodge the question by suggesting that "history" does not begin until there are written records and while the Chinese and Mayans claim some credit in this department, again the development of historical knowledge is understood as the struggles and triumphs of western peoples. In surveying the written records little consideration is given to petroglyphs and pictographs of non-western peoples because of the inability of western scholars to decipher them. The added difficulty with non-western, non-literate representations of history ...
229. Early Attempts At Rationalizing. Ch.2 To Know And Not To Know (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... in Hephaestus' temple, and a mouse in his hand, and an inscription to this effect: Look on me, and fear the gods'". The event was actually caused by a close approach of the planet Mars, displaced from its earlier orbit by Venus, in the latter's process of joining the planetary family. Although the Chinese records for the night of March 23, -687, tell of a star falling in a rain of shooting stars,[5 ] the scriptural and more detailed Midrashic sources speak of a fiery blast, the warriors' breath having been extinguished, their clothes, however, having remained unconsumed.[6 ] The event itself was accompanied ...
230. Horus Vol. 1 No. 2 May 1985 Contents [Journals] [Horus]
... the land where there are "Eyes that Watch the Sky" - Native traditions suggest a system of astronomical knowledge and astral worship lay behind the mysterious statues for which the island is famous. Some rough measurements indicate intentional astronomical alignment of the monuments. . . p. 15 The Ching Hsing . Charles Raspil. Charles Raspil reviews some ancient Chinese concerns with the Ching Hsing phenomenon and the implications that it was related to extraordinary characteristics associated with the planet Venus. . . . p. 23 Venus- A Battle Star? Charles Bowen. Charles Bowen introduces Venus as the Battle Star - a role suggested in the traditions and records of cultures as diverse as ancient Babylon, China ...
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