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60 pages of results. 201. The Crescent II [Books]
... of whose names is Magula-anna, "Great boat of Heaven." The "beloved ship" of Ningirsu is "the one that rises up out of the dam of the deep." (4 ) Ea rides "the ship of the antelope of the Apsu," (5 ) while Ninurta sails in the ship Magur. The Chinese Huang-ti- the planet Saturn- was the first to sail in a ship. In his journey across the ocean, Hercules rode in a "golden goblet"- the ship of Helios (Saturn)to which one naturally compares the "new-moon" boat of Dionysus. A ship of "self-made light" transports the Avestan great god ...
202. Planetary Observations of the T'ang Dynasty [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ' in hsius 18 and 19 [Pleiades and Net, and Hyades and Pleiades], and near Aldebaran in Taurus. The fight' then spills into the hsius Well and Ghost. Mars and Venus were in Pleiades and Hyades, though not close enough to be considered in conjunction and in this period neither enter Well and Ghost. The Chinese term fight' seems to be similar to the Western astrological term combat'. These terms imply that the two planets are in or close to conjunction. They also suggest anomalous planetary movements. 28. Between June 3 and July 1, 756 Mars and Saturn are in Rooftop and House, hsius corresponding to Aquarius and Pegasus Possible Both ...
203. Let There Be Darkness: An Archetypal Analysis of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich [Journals] [Aeon]
... or type of "clan" name signifying descent from a particular ancient sage or seer. (99) The Buddha was also referred to as Sakyamuni, "the Sage of the Sakyas". Thus the significance of names in ancient India. China, too, is a land rich in the tradition of names. Indeed, the "Chinese have traditionally had several kinds of personal names" which include "formal given names (ming)...a style' or nickname (tzu), [or] additionally acquired appellations (hao) considered suitable to their achievements or status" as eminent individuals. (100) "Posthumous epithets (Shih) were commonly conferred ...
204. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... coast toward Southeast Asia. People living in eastern Africa and Asia have a pattern in their mitochrondrial DNA that is clearly distinct from that found in people living in the Middle East. The important point to consider is that this pattern continues towards the Pacific Islands. There is also little doubt that African Negritos were an important component of early south Chinese populations, most likely including the Shang. Add to this the findings of Mike Xu (Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages at the University of Central Oklahoma), who has provided evidence that inscriptions on Offering No. 4 at the Olmec site of La Venta, Tabasco, Mexico, relate to Shang Chinese writing. With this, a ...
205. Mysterious Ancient America, by Paul Devereux (Book review) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . Reviewed by Phillip Clapham This book is aimed at the British popular readership – and not at academics as such. Devereux is the author of over 20 books and has been a researcher of ancient mysteries for many years. The book contains chapters on topics related to ancient civilisations, such as the Olmecs, sky temples, Norse relics, Chinese connections, riddles of archaeology, shamans, sacred landscapes and the effigy mounds. However, one of the biggest mysteries of all is the peopling of the Americas and this is the subject of the initial 40 pages of the book. There is some evidence of coastal travel between Asia and North America from as early as 40,000 ...
206. Laura Lee Archives [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2001:1 (Jun 2001) Home | Issue Contents Laura Lee Archives www.lauralee.com 05/02/01 Rand Flem-Ath - Pyramid Connection: What explains the similarities between Egyptian, Chinese and South American pyramids and other sacred sites? Flem-Ath and co-author Colin Wilson suggests these civilizations received templates from Atlantis with geodesic, geological and geometric information. 03/23/01 Gregg Braden - Experimental Evidence for the Quantum Hologram: Gregg outlines three recent experiments that indicate the presence of a field that binds all of creation and operates with the laws of Quantum physics laws. He also sheds new light on ancient textual references to this field, ...
207. The Ivory Islands. Ch.1 In the North (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... Shelagskoi (170o 30' East) on the eastern extremity of Siberia without seeing a single human being on the shore. Fossil tusks of the mammoth -an extinct elephant- were found in northern Siberia and brought southward to markets at a very early time, possibly in the days of Pliny in the first century of the present era. The Chinese excelled in working delicate designs in the ivory, much of which they obtained from the north. And from the days of the conquest of Siberia (1582) by the Cossack Yermak under Ivan the Terrible, until our own times, trade in mammoths' tusks has gone on. Northern Siberia provided more than half the world's supply of ...
... 278] a preview of the Velikovsky affair: Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky, an international scholar... has assembled into a monumental work evidence from all the early civilizations that in the first and second millennium before Christ tremendous terrestrial cataclysms took place. In a magnificent piece of scholarly historical research he has correlated Sumerian, Chaldean, Hindu, Chinese, Mayan, Aztec, Islandic, Egyptian and Hebrew records showing that the times of cataclysms described in all of them correspond.. . . The earth, on at least two occasions, was shaken to such an extent that the prevailing calendar was thrown out of gear on its yearly basis and by several days on isolated occasions, ...
209. Aeon Volume VI, Number 2: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... 145 W. 20th. Ave, Vancouver, B.C . Canada V5Y 2C4 Publisher: Ev Cochrane, e-mail: ev@aeonJournal.com Editor: Dwardu Cardona, e-mail: editor@aeonJournal.com Associate Editor: Frederic Jueneman Science News Reporter: Tania ta Maria Volume VI, Number 2 ISSN 1066-5145 December 2001 Front Cover: Chinese dragon- from an imperial robe- courtesy of the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada. IN THIS ISSUE. Editor's Page Vox Popvli Readers sound off... Page 5 Forvm Debates and discussions (by Eric Aitchison, Roger Ashton, Frederic Jueneman, Wallace Thornhill, Michael Bar-Ron, Leroy Ellenberger, and Dwardu Cardona) concerning ...
210. Archetypes Showing The Presence of Anomalous Electromagnetic Activity [Journals] [SIS Review]
... shown Fig. 7 Tantric vajra or thunderbolt Fig. 8 Dancing' double triangles inscribed on Etruscan vase In China the sacred mountain K'un-Lun was said to resemble the shape of an hourglass or the calabash, a two-lobed vegetable. On the mountain's apex was found the Garden of the Queen of the Western Heaven. Moreover, the calabash in the Chinese version of the Universal Flood performed the role of the ark of salvation. This shape also became incorporated into that of the oven or kiln of Chinese alchemy, functioning as the hub of the gods and performing their process of transformation or shape changing [22]. A similar shape appears in Hindu and Tibetan mythology. The union of ...
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