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60 pages of results. 191. Spatters And Planetary Iconography [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... urn used by Victor Clube and Bill Napier to prove their comet thesis.(2 ) Upon close examination, one can see the spatters. The flower-like spatters and trisms make gardens and parkland a common artistic theme. These forms also appear in depictions of the Garden or Bower of Venus, portrayals of the Flower and Fruit Mountain of the Chinese monkey god, Wu Kong, art showing the proliferation of all kinds of cosmic trees and works depicting garden paradises such as the Garden of Eden. Figure 65 is my depiction of the Bell-shaped Goddess, a Boeotian terra cotta statue. A large spatter appears between the two stylised ladies, on the right-hand section of the bell, as ...
192. The Ring About The Earth at 2300 BC [Journals] [SIS Review]
... de Danaan, dated from 2700-1900 BC (centred at 2300 BC). A number of investigators have voiced opinions that the sequence of invasions is an artificial chronological arrangement of originally separate traditions referring to the same event, based on similarities of names, activities and leaders. Interestingly, the same situation exists with the anthropomorphised historical Five Sovereigns of Chinese mythology - Hwang-ti, Shen-nung, Yao, Yu and Shun, dated between 2700 and 2200 BC. There is a sizeable amount of evidence for the mutual equivalence of the Five Sovereigns, as well as their potential as manifestations of the postulated event at around 2300 BC. The almost random variation in the reported order of succession reinforces this ...
193. The 108-year Cyclicism of the Ancient Catastrophes [Journals] [Aeon]
... the Ancient 360-day Year. This was one of Velikovsky's several shining breakthroughs. He amassed information from thirteen ancient civilizations where a 360-day calendar was used satisfactorily. One of those cultures, the Persian, had 180 days in a "month." Another, the Roman, had 36 days in a "month.". Another, the Chinese, had 15 days in a semi-month, while yet another, the Mayan, had 5 days in a "week." The Persian calendar had two 180-day periods to the year. The Roman calendar had ten 36-day months. The historic Chinese calendar had twenty-four 15-day periods. The ancient Mayan calendar comprised 72 five-day weeks, not 73 ...
194. Velikovsky: The Open Minded Approach [Journals] [SIS Review]
... published in Britain and the United States in 1950. The thesis of the book was that the Earth had been ravaged by global catastrophes caused by planetary interactions within historical times; that these disasters provided the miracles and apocalyptic imagery of the Bible and the inspiration for the cosmologies of the ancient world. Velikovsky culled his reconstruction from the Japanese, Chinese, and Hindu civilisations, the Iranian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Hitto-Chaldean, Israelite, and Egyptian records; the Etruscan, Attic, and Roman theogonies and philosophies; Scandinavian and Icelandic epics, Mayan, Toltec, and Olmec art and legends. ' (1 ) This picture he drew from them was that around 1500 BC the Earth ...
... This becomes still more significant when we learn that the name Brahma is derived from a root which means to "whirl". Thus it is seen that there is not a feature connected with the Hindu Meru, that is not essentially canopial . WATERS ABOVE THE FIRMAMENT MOUNT MERU, THE WORLD MOUNTAIN, AS DEPICTED IN A BUDDHIST CAVE IN CHINESE TURKESTAN (After Hamlet's Mill) We find this mountain everywhere. Even in ancient Mexico we find it in the Aztec paradise of gods, by whom it was called Colhaucan, the "bent mountain", or "mountain of curves". Another old Mexican name for it is Chicomoztoc, "mount of seven caves". Each ...
196. Catastrophe and Divine Fires [Books] [de Grazia books]
... is worthwhile mentioning that even the Great Pyramid exhibits severe damage by earthquake[38]. I do not make more of this case and others because there is presently no way of judging whether the damage was caused in the earthquakes of the Exodus. The destruction of Minoan Crete around the same time was exposed by Evans. Evidence of a Chinese catastrophe with a hiatus between the Hia and the Chang dynasties was adduced by Schaeffer and Velikovsky. Previously, the Indus River civilization was shown to have collapsed in ruins then, too, and the extent of the fall has been steadily expanded north, east and south on the Indian subcontinent in the past half century of excavation[39 ...
197. Horizons [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 10.00(airmail $17.50). Continues its work as the leading Fortean journal, and is settling down into its improved format. Issue No. 31 (Spring 1980) includes a report on China's elusive hominoid or "Wildman", by YUAN ZHENXIN and HUANG WANPO of the Institute of Palaeoanthropology and Vertebrate Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; "Gateways to Mystery" by DAVID FIDELER, which ties together Fortean phenomena, electromagnetic anomalies and legendary material; and "The Touch of Death" by MICHAEL GOSS, reviewing the evidence for quasi-paranormal martial arts skills. The issue is rounded off with a wide-ranging selection of intriguing notes on ball lightning, mystery cats ...
198. The Reflective Canopy Model and the Mytho-historical Record [Journals] [Aeon]
... go on, but I shall only stress one point here. All these deities, which have independently been shown to have originated as personifications of the Saturnian sun god, have all been given the additional epithet of Dhruva, a name which, at present, rightly belongs to the Pole Star. So, also, in China. The Chinese referred to the Pole Star as T'ien-Tchou which, appropriately enough, means "Pivot of the Sky." Stars which are close to the Pole Star were also referred to as "pivots." (55) The same name was additionally applied to two stars in the constellation Draco (56) and, since Draco had been the ...
199. "The Seasons Alter": Catastrophism in A Midsummer Night's Dream [Journals] [Kronos]
... cutting of flax." In the new age the sun rose in the east, where formerly it set. The quarters of the world were displaced. Seasons no longer came in their proper times. "The winter is come as summer, the months are reversed, and the hours are disordered," reads an Egyptian papyrus. The Chinese Emperor Yahou sent scholars throughout the land to locate north, east, west, and south and draw up a new calendar.(5 ) It is easy to see that these events are almost identical to the natural disorders enumerated by Titania. It need only be added that such disorders have been traditionally perceived as having a planetary cause ...
200. Observations of Venus by James I [Journals] [Horus]
... listed is not that of an eclipse visible in China .. .. further, of all the solar eclipses recorded in the annals of the Han Dynasty .. . only four are correct to within a degree of Right Ascension (the expected celestial longitude of the eclipsed sun)..." Given the reputation for accuracy of ancient Chinese astronomical observations, Newton's remark is surprising. Were these observations of eclipses an accurate description of a past reality? If one examines the entire record of astronomical observations from China and other areas of the world from ancient times through the 20th Century A.D ., even more surprises appear. The record teems with anomalies. In documenting ...
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