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60 pages of results. 171. On the Disproportion between Geological Time and Historical Time. Part Two - of Earth, Fire and Water [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and father of the gods'. In Hawaii a legend tells of a righteous man called Nu-u, who was told to build a great boat with a house on it and to stow in it his family, himself and all the animals he wanted; thus he was saved from the flood which engulfed the whole Earth. According to the Chinese the great flood was overcome by a man called Nu-wah, the Chinese people's ancestor. Indeed the Chinese preserve the story not only in historical tradition but also in their language. Until the reforms of the Communist government, the elements of Chinese writing were little changed from those used in the 3rd millennium BC, consisting of around 200 basic ...
172. A Personal Report on, and Irreverent Look at, the World Conference 'Planetary Violence in Human History' Portland, Oregon, January 3-5, 1997 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... caused by the break-up of a super-comet c. 40,000 years ago at the start of the last glaciation. This was one super-comet among many and biological evolution itself had been determined by comets throughout Earth's history. In the 19th century, the French,who had become very meteorite-minded because of a meteorite landing in their midst, published Chinese data on meteorite falls ( 'fireballs'; apparently the Chinese called them very interesting times on Earth'). The data indicate peaks of activity around 0, 500, 1000 and 1500AD but also other minor peaks. Clube claims that various steps in man's enlightenment: the Reformation, the English Civil War, the 17th century Enlightenment ...
... calculated to inspire a lasting terror, and are so often fatal in their consequences to great multitudes of people, that it scarcely requires the passion for the marvellous, so characteristic of rude and half- civilized nations, still less the exuberant imagination of Eastern writers, to augment them into general cataclysms and conflagrations. The great flood of the Chinese, which their traditions carry back to the period of Yaou, something more than 2000 years before our era, has been identified by some persons with the universal deluge described in the Old Testament ; but according to Mr. Davis, who accompanied two of our embassies to China, and who has carefully examined their written accounts, the ...
174. Collisions and Upheavals [Journals] [Pensee]
... brilliant, fiery object, expelled from that planet, entered upon a long, elliptical orbit around the sun. The feared god Jupiter had given birth to the comet and proto-planet, Venus. Terrified, men watched the "bright torch of heaven" as it traversed its elongated orbit, menacing the Earth at each pass. Venus, a Chinese astronomical text recalls, spanned the heavens, rivalling the sun in brightness. "The brilliant light of Venus," records an ancient rabbinical source, "blazes from one end of the cosmos to the other." The fears of the star-watchers were justified. As Venus arched away from its perihelion during the middle of the second millennium ...
175. The Year Of 360 Days, Part 2 Mars Ch.8 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... 360 degrees; each degree represented the diurnal advance of the earth on its orbit, or that position of the zodiac which was passed over from one night to the next. Aft er 360 changes the stellar sky returned to the same position for the observer on the earth. When the year changed from 360 to 365 ¼ days, the Chinese added five and a quarter days to their year, calling this additional period Khe-ying; they also began to divide a sphere into 365 ¼ degrees, adopting the new year-length not only in the calendar, but also in celestial and terrestrial geometry.47 Ancient Chinese time reckoning was based on a coefficient of sixty; so also in India ...
176. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 121, Jan-Feb 99, p. 2 The Iceman, whose mummified 5,200 year old body was found in the Tyrolean Alps, had 15 groups of tattoo marks which did not appear to be ornamental, nor were on parts of the body normally exposed. Some of the groups were, however, at points traditionally used by the Chinese as acupuncture points used to treat arthrosis of the spine, a condition suffered by the iceman. The medical traditions of the ancient Chinese only date back about 3000 years so is it possible that they were discovered long before in Europe and travelled east by cultural contact? DATING Fire record all washed up New Scientist 18.7 .98 ...
177. Temple, Crown, Vase, Eye, and Circular Serpent [Books]
... borne by Ningal." (76) The Kes temple becomes the "Great, true temple, reaching the sky, temple, great crown, reaching the sky .. ." (77) The same identity prevails elsewhere. Hentze, observing that the Mexican Quetzalcoatl wears his temple as a crown, reports that such symbolism pervades early Chinese bronzes. One notes also the "world house" worn as a crown by the famous Diana of Ephesus. Like the sacred abode of all great gods the latter crown-temple has four doors facing in four directions. (78) Since the cosmic temple is the same thing as the cosmic city, one should not be surprised to find ...
178. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... prove to be the largest Neolithic ceremonial or settlement site in Britain. Recent archaeological discoveries in China are revealing plenty of evidence of the existence of the almost mythical Shang dynasty, together with other unknown Bronze Age cultures. The Shang were only known from historical texts dated hundreds of years later and dismissed as mythical by westerners but the faith of Chinese scholars has now been amply vindicated. The better-known Chang were centred in the Yellow River Valley 4,000 years ago, but bronzes of the same era, yet strikingly different in style, have since been found to the south west. It now appears that early China had several centres of culture which had trading links with each other ...
179. Sagan's Folly Part 1 [Journals] [Kronos]
... Hurricane", pp. 68-69. What makes Sagan's "diffusionist" posture especially vulnerable is his later commentary about the Crab Supernova event of the year 1054 A.D . "Impressive evidence has been uncovered in cave paintings in the American Southwest of contemporary observations of the Crab Supernova event of the year 1054, which was also recorded in Chinese, Japanese and Korean annals" (pp. 18-19). For this cosmic event, recorded hemispheres apart, Sagan breathes not a word of "diffusion". [Why is it that Europe and Islam have left no record of the Crab Supernova?] Instead, he wonders why there are "no [sic] contemporary graphic ...
180. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , the time of year the trees were cut. Evidence from engraved calendars from France, dated at AD200, indicates that late Iron Age Europeans were systematically observing the Moon and various Classical writers describe the Druids using lunar calculations, with Julius Caesar, in the 1st century BC suggesting that such calendars must have had a more ancient origin. Chinese Connections Scientific American, May 2002, p. 11, Telegraph date unknown 150 years ago a report was read at a meeting of the Belfast Literary Society on Chinese porcelain seals. About 50 had been found scattered about, some in deep bogs. They bore inscriptions in the ancient Chinese seal language and it was supposed either that they ...
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