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60 pages of results. 131. 10 Bright Sons of the East and the Sun [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Sons of the East and the Sun From: Edward Hopkins, Date: Thu, 7 Sep 95 22:26:05 GMT I saw a newspaper story that was part of the "Tell Me A Story" series syndicated by Universal Press Syndicate. The by-line says it was "a Chinese tale adapted by Amy Friedman". In the story, Dijun, god of the east, and Shijo, goddess of the sun, have "10 bright suns". Dijun warns his suns against dancing in the sky all together, but they disobey him, causing the Earth to dry and crack. Both mother and father try ...
132. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Stone tools found so far resemble those from Europe and the Middle East, but this was very expedient for Communist rulers requiring a non-imperialistic reason for Soviet control. The new studies hope to be more objective. Man gets older Time 14.3 .94, pp. 42-49 Every new human fossil creates an uproar. In the latest, Chinese scientists claim that a modern looking skull is at least 200,000 years old, twice as old as any Homo sapiens specimen found in that part of the world. This supports the theory that Homo erectus spread round the world and independently evolved into H. sapiens. More redating of fossil skull fragments of H. erectus found in ...
133. 1990 ISIS Fellowship Lecture Meeting [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... and Germany likewise were very vulnerable to climatic change. The Tambora eruption of AD 1815 resulted in narrow tree rings in the following years; the ?Rabaul eruption at around AD 540 also showed as an acid spike in the ice core records and seemed to be attested in the Saxon Chronicle; another eruption c.207 BC was attested in Chinese records, was possibly referred to in the Irish traditional history, and again featured as an ice core spike; the Hekla (3 ) eruption, radiocarbon dated to c.1159 BC, seemed to be referred to in early Chinese records, showed prominently in the ice cores and resulted in 18 consecutive narrow tree rings; the Thera ...
134. Chaos and Creation by Alfred de Grazia [Books] [de Grazia books]
... "Soft" Catastrophism; Nergal, the "Treacherous Dealer"; Worship of Mars; The Wounds of Planet Mars; The Greek "Dark Ages". Chapter Eleven: The Devil's Advocate Chapter Twelve: Victory of The Sun Sun and Science; Forebodings; The Propensity to Survive. Bibliography LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS AND TABLES The Archetype of the Chinese Dragon (Frontispiece) 1. Prominent Catastrophists since Bruno (Table) 2. The Ripping of the Surface of Mars (Map) 3. Fear of Comets and the Conquest of 1066 4. Some Shapes Taken by Recent Comets 5. Radiocarbon Dating and Ecological Stress 6. Disputed Explanations of the Tests of Time (Table) 7 ...
... , comprehending from Chili to Cape Horn, the Falkland Islands, and thence round the world south of latitude 50 S. ; Sthly, The Australian and New Zealand, which is very peculiar, being characterized, among other generic forms, by Cystoseiriae and Fucese ; 9thly, The Indian Ocean and Red Sea; and, lOthly, The Chinese and Japanese seas.f In addition to the above provinces, there are several others not yet well determined in the Pacific Ocean and elsewhere. There are, however, many species which range through several of these geographical regions of subaqueous vegetation, being common to very remote countries ; as, for example, to the coasts of * ...
136. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... measurement of trees near the San Andreas fault showed that severe damage could last for 50 years and enabled dating of an earthquake to this fault when it had previously been thought to have occurred at a different coastal fault. Human origins in Asia?source: National Geographic October 1988, pp. 464, 465 Dr. Wu Xinzhi of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has noted many features of the skull of Homo erectus in China which persist throughout the fossil record and are still retained in modern Chinese. In particular, the presence of shovel-shaped incisors is a trait which, shown also in native American populations, is taken to indicate the origins of these latter from early eastern Asiatics. ...
137. Venus And Sirius [Journals] [Kronos]
... , there is the following statement: "Once T'ai-P'ai (Venus) suddenly ran into Lang Hsing (Wolf Star, Sirius), though it is more than 40 degrees south of the Yellow Road."(6 ) The Yellow Road is the ecliptic.(7 ) The same ancient tradition was referred to by the early eighth-century AD Chinese astronomer Y-hang. As told by Gaubil,(8 ) Y-hang wrote that "in the time of Tsin one saw the star Sirius eclipsed by the planet Venus. Y-hang, after having reported this alleged observation, assures that Sirius has 40 degrees south latitude, and that therefore Heaven changed the course of this planet in the time of ...
138. Canopy Skies of Ancient Man by Isaac Vail [Books]
... from Chaos, all prodigies and monster forms and hence canopy forms. The Assyrian Asshur was born of Chaos and it is said that under his reign Chaos ended his rule. Later on I have to show how Asshur equals the Greek Ouranos and we can readily see how Space closed his career during the reign of a vapor heaven. The Chinese cosmology calls Chaos the "Great First", also called Thi Ki. From Tai Ki sprang Pan Ku, and they say that when Pan Ku disappeared the old order ceased and the present conditions sprang into existence. This makes Pan Ku equal Ouranos, The Chinese annals, they say, affirm that the sun and moon came into ...
139. Our Universe: Unlocking its Mysteries [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... with a star at its center. How could this be when there is no star or planet closer to earth than our moon to form such a configuration? And most importantly, why do so many disparate and far flung ancient cultures, peoples who could never have been in contact with one another, such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, Chinese, Native American Indians, Mayans, Babylonians, Australian Aboriginals, and many others, all tell the same story and draw similar pictures. Planets in the Northern sky: If these ancient writings were based on valid observations rather than fantasy, what do they tell us? Cochrane, Cardona, and Talbott theorize that Earth formerly moved in ...
140. News from the Internet [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Diocletian. For the macedonian calendar click on Ptolemaic Kings. All calculations are based on the tables in Skeat, Reigns of the Ptolemies (1969), Pestman, Chronologie égyptienne d'après les textes démotiques (1967), Pestman, Les papyrus démotiques de Tsenhor (1994) and Grzybek, Du calendrier macédonien au calendrier ptolémaique (1990). Chinese Longevity Symbol Oct 14, 2005 Credit: C.J . Ransom This symbol will be found in most Chinese restaurants, and even in some Chinese homes. The symbol in the picture above is a stylized version of the "squatter man" or " ...
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