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60 pages of results. 111. Velikovsky's Martian Catastrophes [Journals] [Aeon]
... would be adequate in explaining this aberrant swelling of the annual rise of the Nile. (37) Velikovsky's own argument, that this could not have been the case since the date in the inscription does not conform to the proper Nile season, was counteracted by Mewhinney on the basis of a faulty translation. (38) 5. The Chinese Sources No one has been more diligent than Sean Mewhinney when it comes to exposing Velikovsky's misuse of the Chinese sources as evidence for the world-wide observation of these supposed Martian calamities. Thus, much that has been invoked concerning the postulated commotion of -687 and, more specifically, of March 23rd of that year, (39) has been ...
112. Solar Eclipses and the Historical Record [Journals] [Horus]
... levels of culture in Europe. Many chroniclers and other men of letters had died. Nevertheless, Newton does find in those few annals that were written numerous reports of celestial portents, most particularly comets. Newton wonders if by then annalists were ignoring eclipses, perhaps having become too sophisticated to bother with them. Newton pays special attention to the Chinese record of eclipses. Evaluating the records from the late 8th Century, B.C . through the end of the T'ang Dynasty (late 9th Century, A. D.), Newton finds the most detailed accounts of solar eclipses in the Former Han Dynasty, 206 B.C . - 23 A.D . Given the ...
113. Appendices [The Age of Velikovsky] [Books]
... also had a name Harakhte, for the western Sun. Again this must be interpreted: if one is to assume it is just the normal Sun since they said "Harakhte, he riseth in the west. Nurnerous Greek authors (e .g . Plato, Euripides) discussed a time when the Sun rose in the west. The Chinese say that the stars moving from east to west is a new arrangement. The Chinese Zodiac moves retrograde. 2 Some Indians of Mexico called the Sun that moved to the east Teotlhixco. 3 There are also Hebrew sources (e .g . Teaclate Sanhedrin of the Talmud) discussing the reversal of east and west. The Aztecs relate ...
114. Editor's Notes [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Notes This issue features three astronomical articles - Michael Reade's assessment of the Orion Mystery theory of the layout of the pyramids at Giza comes up with conclusions about not only their layout but also their date. Flavio Barbiero analyses soem interesting mechanical models for calendars and suggests this as an explanation for Central American sun discs'. Charles Raspil's analysis of Chinese planetary observations throws up some anomalies of interest to those who are pursuing evidence of catastrophes between 500AD and 1000AD. Emmett Sweeney supports radical revisions of ancient Middle Eastern history and his latest paper (based on his new book) proposes some controversial identifications of well known figures. As usual, contributions from those who disagree will be welcome. ...
115. Spectres [Books] [de Grazia books]
... and untamable animal passions... The dragon proceeds openly to work, running on its feet with expanded wings, and head and tail erect, violently and ruthlessly outraging decency and propriety, spouting fire and fury from both mouth and tail, and wasting and devastating the whole land. The dragon is regarded as a benevolent creature by the Chinese, however. And no people has been so devoted to the symbol. Its iconography was as intense as that of the crucifixion of Christ in Medieval Europe. Recently, Carl Sutherland found that the dragon made its appearance in Chinese art around 1500 B.C . [4 ] This date is a well-marked catastrophic boundary, known in ...
116. Part III: The Legends [Ragnarok] [Books]
... almost equal magnitude followed it. Seneca informs us that Ephoras, a Greek writer of the fourth century before Christ, had recorded the singular fact of a comet's separation into two parts. "This statement was deemed incredible by the Roman philosopher. More recent observations of similar phenomena leave no room to question the historian's veracity." 4 The Chinese annals record the appearance of three comets, one large and two smaller ones, at the same time, in the year 896 of our era. "They travelled together for three days. The little ones disappeared first and then the large one." And again: "On June 27th, AD 416, two comets appeared in ...
117. The AAAS Symposium on Velikovsky [Books]
... , then the Earth's calendar and year had not changed and Velikovsky would be proven wrong. John Q. Stewart, an astronomer from Princeton University, earlier carried on a debate with Velikovsky which appeared in the June 1951 issue of Harper's magazine wherein he said: "Several modern scholars (notably Fotheringham) have examined Grecian, Babylonian, and Chinese records and listed passages which seem to describe solar eclipses. A brief survey of astronomical publications reveals at least three recorded total eclipses of the sun before -687 (the supposed date of Velikovsky's last catastrophe) which have been considered by computers to fit the present motions. This evidence . . . strongly suggests that no unaccountable disturbance of the ...
118. Venus and Sirius: Some Unexpected Similarities [Journals] [Kronos]
... refers to "red" and not to "large", and presumably names Venus.(9 ) Furthermore, "red" and "great" appear to have some color symbolic affinity, for the terms are not only homophonous in Yucatec; they are homophonous in a number of other languages as well; e.g ., Chinese hong (rising tone)- "red, great, grand, magnificent"(10) and Russian krasni (or krasnoy)- "red, magnificent".(11) Connecting Venus with the color red is surprising, of course. Venus, if it can be said to have a color, would have to be ...
119. Tunguska-Type Impacts Over the Pacific Basin Around the Year 1178 AD [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the popular level, as a means for atonement of sins, the divine wrath expressing itself through the menacing comets. A great comet appeared during a meeting of bishops where a decision had to be taken about starting the first Crusade and this was seen as a final argument in favour of the Crusade. The second piece of evidence comes from Chinese astronomers, who were routinely recording comets and fireballs. Their records have been the subject of a study by Clube [4 ] and show a very clear peak of sightings around the middle of the 12th century, the peak being over ten times higher than the average background. It is interesting to notice that a similar peak is also ...
120. Comets and the Bronze Age Collapse [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... and rotational axis that occasionally points toward Earth [3 ]. See Figure 1. Figure 1: J. Abery, after Clube & Napier: The Cosmic Serpent, p. 155 In ancient oriental lore it is important to understand that this motif was associated with the pheasant (divine bird in China) which is frequently mentioned in the Chinese classics. The link between the spinning cross and birds is evident on artifacts from many cultures. Perhaps the association of the Sanskrit term svastika' with this symbol can be linked to the Astika Parva in the Mahabharata which relates the birth of a cosmic bird par excellence - Garuda. This fabulous winged deity had a radiance like the Sun ...
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