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60 pages of results. 91. Poles Uprooted, Part 2 Mars Ch.7 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... The day on which the shortest shadow is cast at noon is the day of the summer solstice; the longest shadow at noon is cast on the day of the winter solstice. This method of determining the seasons by measuring the length of the shadows was applied in anc ient China, as well as in other countries. We possess the Chinese records of the longest and shortest shadows at noontime. These records are attributed to -1100. "But the shortest and the longest shadows recorded do not really represent the true lengths at present."13 The old Chinese charts rec ord the longest day with a duration which "does not represent the various geographical latitudes of their observatories, ...
92. The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians [Books]
... we no longer believe in astrology; we have our calendar; but we must have a Nautical Almanac calculated years before- hand, and some of us like to know a little about the universe which surrounds us. It is very curious and interesting to know that the first stage, the stage of worship, is practically missing in the Chinese annals; the very earliest Chinese observations show us the Chinese, a thoroughly practical people, trying to get as much out of file:///C |/ CAT/books/dawn%20of%20astronomy/dawn01.htm (2 of 6) [05/02/2005 13:24:23] Chapter ...
93. The Tide, Part 1 Venus Ch.3 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... that seas were torn apart and their water heaped high and thrown upon the continents. In order to establish that these traditions refer to one and the same event, or at least to an event of the same order, we must keep to this guiding sequence: the great tide followed a disturbance in the motion of the earth. The Chinese annals, which I have mentioned and which I intend to quote more extensively in a subsequent section, say that in the time of Emperor Yahou the sun did not go down for ten days. The world was in flames, and "in their vast extent" the waters "over-topped the great heights, threatening the heavens with their ...
94. The Restoration of Ancient History [Articles]
... ANCIENT CHINA When the vast stretch of land from Spain to the Indus-Valley entered the Bronze Age in the -4th millennium, China slowly moved into the New stone Age (Neolithic). Even the urban oases in the Central Asian and Afghan west of China, which entered the Bronze Age more or less simultaneously with Mesopotamia, failed to tempt the Chinese to adopt the technological level of their barbarian steppe neighbors. The mythology of western Asia spoke of theomachies (combats of celestial deities) as the triggers of high culture in the -3rd millennium, whereas China's mythology did not do so for another 1, 500 to 2, 000 years. When the Eurasian land mass entered the Iron Age ...
95. Tree Symbols [Books]
... in like manner was suckled by a goat, or a horned sheep as a Mycen~an carving shows, in the cave of mount Ida in Crete. Various cult animals were the wet nurses of gods and heroes. Romulus and Remus were, on the banks of the Tiber, suckled by a she-wolf beneath a milk-yielding fig-tree. A Chinese royal foundling was suckled by a tigress.8 The "bear-mother" was known even in America. In Greece the newly-born babe was given "fig milk"; in the Highlands of Scotland the "milk" of the hazel nut .was favoured, and elsewhere butter, honey, water sweetened with sugar, etc., are ...
96. The Atlantis Researches by Paul Dunbavin (Book review) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Menes, namely at around 3000 BC. There are references to a flood in the Book of the Dead papyri and he goes on to relate various myths of Creek Indians, the Vikings, the Pawnees, Australian Aborigines, Polynesians and South American tribes. He actually moves some material Mandelkehr dates at 2300 BC back to 3200 BC, especially Chinese traditions, and in a fairly convincing manner. Chinese myth involves the idea of heaven's pillars collapsing, rivers flowing in the opposite direction and the sun moon and stars moving from their positions in the sky. One major factor he dwells on is that the days in the year changed at 3200 BC, another idea of Velikovsky's that he ...
97. Theophany, Part 1 Venus Ch.4 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... Murray, 1924). 14. Cf. W. Bousset, The Antichrist Legend (transl. A. H. Keane, 1896), p. 113. 15. Ginzberg, Legends, 111, 97; the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Shabbat 88b. 16. Papyrus Ipuwer 4 : 2, 4-5. 17. For the Chinese pronunciation of this name see R. van Bergen, Story of China (1902), p. 112 : "At the time of the flood, the Emperor of China was named Yau (Yahoo)." 18. Shoo-king, the Canon of Yaou (transl. James Legge), Vol. III, Pt. i ...
98. The Cosmology Of Tawantinsuyu [Journals] [Kronos]
... certain lines, which the Indians called ceques, and they were divided into four parts according to the four royal roads that went out of Cuzco. . . ." And Polo goes on to describe in great detail the shrines that were situated along the ceques and the roads. The organization of the Inca kingdom resembles closely that of the Chinese Empire.(4 ) According to the Han historian Ssuma Ts'ien, the planet Saturn "corresponds to the center". The four other planets represented the four cardinal points; Saturn was placed at the pole, and the entire stellar sphere was said to revolve around it.(5 ) The earthly kingdom was set up to reflect ...
... repeat, lies at the bottom of every primitive mythology.30 It may be observed, before dismissing this subject that the primitive idea of the reciprocal principles was greatly refined upon by the ancient philosophers, who, in a modified form, introduced it into their metaphysical speculations. We have an illustration in the Yin and the Yang of the Chinese, which is male and female, light and darkness, activity and inertia, advance and recession, heat and cold, height and depth, truth and falsehood, in short, whatever may be regarded as reciprocal in nature or philosophy. So, too, the Oriental Celestial Triads had their celestial, terrestrial, and metaphysical counterparts thus ...
100. German Conference: from Gunnar Heinsohn [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... 2,000 years. When, in Wie Alt Ist Das Menschengeschlecht? (How Ancient is Man?, 1996, p.112), I brought down the date for the appearance of homo sapiens sapiens from -30,000 to -2,100 I had none of this expertise. Of high interest to me was a talk on Chinese chronology which- according to the Russian scholar Morozow- was built in the 17/18th century by Jesuite missioners. Chinese -1400 as the starting point of high civilization there, thus, indirectly is also Bible, i.e ., Moses bound. The poor Chinese (or better: Jeuites), I add, could not ...
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