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... Text to be formatted | Images to be added [ CD-Rom Home ] Full DjVu online at Univ. of Georgia The Dragon in China and Japan Dr. M. W. VISSER Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetense to Amsterdam AFDELING LETTERKUNE NIEUWE REEKS DEEL XIII No. 2 Amsterdam Johannes Muller PREFACE. The student of Chinese and Japanese religion and folklore soon discovers the mighty influence of Indian thought upon the Far-Eastern mind. Buddhism introduced a great number of Indian, not, especially Buddhist, conceptions and legends, clad in a Buddhist garb, into the eastern countries, in China. Taoisrn was ready to gratefully take up these foreign elements which in many respects reseualded its own ideas ...
2. The Night of the Gods Vol II [Books]
... the Rising Sun. Mr. O'Neill published A Firstjtz ,panese Book, which has been of great use to students. It is a translation of one of the Buddhist discourses of Kiu-d.(Kiza-B-Dow-a) with notes' and the original rendered into Roman characters. This field of Oriental research led naturally in after years to a study of Chinese and some slight acquaintance with the .thousands of.ideagraphs which enable that ingenious people to dispense with an alphabet. In this branch of study Mr. O'Neill was greatly indebted to Professor Gustav Ybtenaoir of the Author. Schlegel, of the Leyden University, for help and instruction. That great authority on the learning of the Far East ...
3. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning [Books]
... of the Royal Astrophysical Observatory of Potsdam, translated by Professor E. B. Frost, of Dartmouth College, in 1894. The matter connected with the astronomy of China is chiefly from Mr. John Williams' work of 1871,the Observations of Comets from 622 B.C . to A.D . 1630, extracted from the Chinese Annals, - - the star-names being from that or from Mr. John Reeves 5 Appendix 1 to Volume I, Part 2, of the Reverend Doctor Robert Morrison's Dictionary, published at Macao in 1819, with Bode's star-numbers. I have also been aided by the Reverend Doctor Joseph Edkins' recent papers in the China Review. The ...
4. Pot Pourri [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Macbeth, king of Alba (Scotland): both had the same grandfather, both made pilgrimages to Rome, both ruled overlapping parts of Scotland, and no chronicle or saga mentioning one makes any reference to the other. The single apparently insurmountable obstacle to such a theory is the differing paternal lineage of their respective wives [3 ]. Chinese Voyages An essay in a recent volume considering counterfactual aspects of world history considers the delightful fantasy of a Chinese discovery of America and a pre-Columbian contact with its peoples', but concludes that Certainly it could not have happened until the Chinese had firmly established themselves along the western coast of Africa. '[ 4 ]. Yet only a ...
5. Night of the Gods: The Stone [Books]
... to the presence of both stone and fire at in or on the sacrificial altar where victims were first burnt to the supreme cosmic Northern ruler and Swayer of the Universe. And we do actually find in archaic China " a precious stone " and the victim ordered to be both placed upon the pyre for the "smoking sacrifice."2The Chinese cyclopedia called the Wu tsa tsu (end of 16th century) mentioned that " if the magnet-stone be heated its fluid evaporates, and it is no longer sensitive."3 And this theory of mine may even point to the manner of the first smelting of an iron ore as an accident in the sacrificial fire. Meteorites. I ...
6. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Two [Books]
... and from A.J .Carnoy's "Iranian Mythology" in section 15. To the Cambridge University Press for permission to quote from R.W .Williamson's, "Religious and Cosmic Beliefs of Central Polynesia", in section 10. To Arthur Probsthain (Publisher) for permission to quote from Alfred Forke's "The World Conception of the Chinese" in section 12. To Oxford University Press for permission to quote from Benjamin Jowett's "The Dialogues of Plato" in section 7 and from the various volumes of "The Sacred Books of the East" used in sections 13 to 17 inclusive. My thanks are again due to Michael Behrend and Robert J Schadewald for helping to locate ...
7. The Ching Hsing [Journals] [Horus]
... From: Horus Vol. 1 No. 2 (Summer 1985) Home | Issue Contents The Ching Hsing by Charles Raspil An ancient Chinese astrological principle in use during the Former Han Dynasty (205 B.C . -23 A.D .) suggests that Chinese astronomers then believed that the planet Venus could deviate from its expected position in the sky and that it had already done so in earlier centuries of their ancient history. The principle says: "When Venus appears, it does not cross the sky. When [it] crosses the sky, the country changes its government. " A commentator on this text, Meng K'ang, explains that Venus can cross ...
... An unexpected reinforcement " Where did Life Begin? " Confirmatory extracts PART FOURTH. THE HYPOTHESIS CONFIRMED BY ETHNIC TRADITION. CHAPTER 1. ANCIENT COSMOLOGY AND MYTHICAL GEOGRAPHY. The mistaken modern assumption The " True Key " General statement The " Mountain of the World " The same in Egyptian Mythology In the Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian In the Chinese In the Indo-Aryan In the Buddhistic In the Iranian In the Greek and Roman The Underworld Cautions as to interpretation The chorography of Christian hymns CHAPTER II. THE CRADLE OF THE RACE IN ANCIENT JAPANESE THOUGHT. The most ancient Japanese book Japanese cosmogony lzanagi's spear " The Island of the Congealed Drop " Sir Edward Reed places it at the Pole ...
... to dispense justice: I (save already mentioned the Avestan Mithra, the yazata of light, the infallible, the undeceived, who has 10,000 eyes, takes no rest and no sleep, and sees all. He is besides the guardian of Truth, oaths and promises.53 The Eye of heaven, a constellation in the Chinese Sphere, is also the Judge of the wicked54 (but this does not now seem to be polar). We have an archaic Italian parallel to Mat in the (Sabine?) goddess Fides, to whom, and to the god Terminus, and to them only, Numa Pompilitis (by Euhemeristic corruption) was said to have ...
10. On "the Year -687" [Journals] [Kronos]
... the terrible and uncanny fires that swept across the countryside around Peshtigo, Wisconsin on October 8, 1871 were found in a similar condition.(2 ) Jewish traditions record that coincidently with this event the day was unnaturally lengthened, on the first night of Passover, near the beginning of spring.(3 ) Identifying this account with the Chinese report of a meteor shower, Velikovsky gives us the exact date: March 23rd. A whole chapter is devoted to various ancient traditions in which he finds other descriptions of the same events. On what is this date based and how securely connected are these various other traditions? MARCH 23rd Velikovsky's sources for the meteor shower, the Catalogues ...
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