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29 pages of results. 51. Early History of the Israelite People: Biblical Fundamentalism in History (II) [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... different ancient Near Eastern empires. First, the Assyrians of -900 managed to do this. Around -520, the Persians of Darius the Great aped that progress. Under Cyrus, apparently, the Acheamenids went back before the stage of -900 simply to have the chance to reenact that great, intellectual innovation to the alphabet. What was considered most bizarre in Persian behavior, however, was their adoption of Aramaic in the version known from Assyrian sites (the ones dated from -900 to -600) even though they supposedly decided to let Assyria in ruins throughout their history. As I have stated before, the Assyrian heartland of the Persian empire is not missing at all but lies before us ...
52. The History of Britain Revealed by M. J. Harper (Book review) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... langu-age as universal and supreme. No other European country had its language changed by one of its invading groups. Only when invaders basically replace the native population, as English speakers did in N. America, does the invader's language replace the native one. Is it likely the Anglo-Saxons were a uniquely bloodthirsty race prone to ethnic cleansing on a bizarrely irrational scale'? Harper proposes that many anomalies would vanish if basic English' had always been the language of the majority of the inhabitants of Britain. Harper moves on to consider Europe in general, making a serious case, despite what might sometimes be regarded as flippancy, for supposing the Germans, Dutch, French, etc. ...
53. More on Ancient Astronomy [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... 1967, 117ff.). As it turns out, the amount of specific information contained in celestial omens which might contribute to, say, political or economic history, is miniscule. But the numerous descriptions of celestial phenomena are an important chapter in the history of science, and my approach in this paper is that, regardless of how bizarre a description may be, the omens are treated first of all as descriptions of real events. It is beyond my capabilities to assess completely the historical reliability of every text. Nevertheless, the following would seem to indicate that actual events are described in most cases. The fact that omens relating to meteors, etc., are few ...
54. Tiahuanacu In The Andes. Ch.6 Mountains And Rifts (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... above the sea bottom, now the continent of the tropical and subtropical Americas. All this happened millions of years before our moon was caught by the earth, and thus the ruins of the megalithic city Tiahuanacu are millions of years old, that is, the city must have been built long "before the Flood." This theory is bizarre. The geological record indicates a late elevation of the Andes, and the time of its origin is brought ever closer to our time. Archaeological and radio-carbon analyses indicate that the age of the Andean culture and of the city is not much older than four thousand years.12Not only the "built before the Flood" theory collapses; ...
55. Tornado. Ch.6 Dreams And Hallucinations (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... of an awesome enemy. In fact, there is much one can do to protect himself. Listen to the radio, head for a basement, pay some attention. Yet, many don't even do those simple things. They act as though nothing was happening- almost as though nothing ever had happened. "And incredibly enough, this bizarre response is typical of people who lived through the great tornado of 1966, people who saw, heard, its devastation. "I must say that there are a few who feel the terror, who tremble and can acknowledge the peril. These, however, often act as though there is no escape, even though the basement is ...
56. When Was the Lunar Surface Last Molten? [Journals] [Pensee]
... Apollo 15 craft, and large areas of highly radioactive KREEP were discovered in samples brought by the astronauts. Excessive quantities of argon and neon would be found captured in the lunar rocks, having originated in an external source (Martian atmosphere); further, the abundance in which these noble gases would be found would lead to wrong, even bizarre, conclusions about the age of the lunar rocks. Actually rich inclusions of both argon and neon were found in lunar material. Ages of seven billion and even 20 billion years were deduced, estimates that exceed the accepted age of the universe. Then it was claimed that much of the argon-40 arrived in the solar wind, though previously ...
57. The Origins of the Latin God Mars [Journals] [SIS Review]
... by the Fratres Arvales to defend the grain from pestilence and Cato's prayer invoking the god's aid in securing the harvest are frequently cited here [4 ]. The October horse sacrifice dedicated to Mars, in accordance with this view, was interpreted as commemorating the death of the corn-demon', thereby ensuring a prosperous harvest [5 ]. The bizarre ritual associated with the name of Mamurius Veturius, in which the Old Mars' was driven from the city amidst blows and jeers, was seen as proof that Mars represented the Old Year or a dying god of vegetation [6 ]. The identification of Mars with the wolf and/or woodpecker was viewed as a clear indication that ...
58. The Evolution of the Cosmogonic Egg [Journals] [Aeon]
... also held a similar belief. Before creation, according to this work, the primeval chaos looked like a hen's egg. After a very long period of time, this egg opened up and P'an-ku was born. It was from the body of P'an-ku that the "world" was said to have come into being. (6 ) A bizarre elaboration comes to us from an incantation intoned by the Bon of ancient Tibet. Bereft of its grotesqueness, the invocation tells of the formation of an egg which burst open "by its own innate force from the celestial womb," out of which the "physical universe" originated. (7 ) The same motif is also to ...
59. Martian Metamorphoses [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... about advanced civilizations upon Mars and the dire threat of invasion by little green men, the red planet was regarded as a malevolent agent of war, pestilence, and apocalyptic disaster. In an attempt to appease the capricious planet-god, various ancient cultures offered it human sacrifices. What is there about this distant speck of light that could inspire such bizarre conceptions culminating in ritual murder? And how do we account for the fact that virtually identical beliefs are to be found around the globe, in the New World as well as the Old? The present book will seek to address such questions. In Babylonian astronomical texts, for example, the planet Mars is routinely identified with the war-god ...
60. The Spring Of Ares [Journals] [Kronos]
... attention from classical scholars is that hills or mountains named after Mars can be found around the world. Grimm observed long ago, for example, that Mars was associated with sacred hills (or mountains) throughout ancient Europe, citing the Mons Martes of Paris as well as the German Marsberg and others.(15) The persistence of this bizarre trait in the cultus of Mars is even reflected in the modern Mars Hill College. Ancient Hebrew tradition also appears to have preserved a memory of the hill of Mars in Mount Mamre, a name which cannot help but recall that of Mars/Mamer(s ). According to Genesis, it was on the site of Mamre that ...
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