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29 pages of results. 21. Focus [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... reaction of John Gribbin (Forum, 10 April, p.102) to my previous letter (Letters, 20 March, p.956), and a little disconcerted at the implication that you, as letters editor, should bow to his censorship. Incidentally, as mine was only one particular' letter from some of the most bizarre' I would be interested to know to which other letters he was referring. I was rather taken aback at being referred to as one of them', and to read what I am supposed to be going around saying. I have always considered myself an individual and, never having met Dr. Gribbin, would certainly not presume ...
22. On Mars and Pestilence [Journals] [Aeon]
... hath drained my fresh life-blood, and my whole body is wasted." (123) As the hero prepares to go to his death he laments his fallen state: "Look, all of you, on this miserable body; see how wretched, how piteous is my plight!" (124) What is the basis for the bizarre metamorphosis which befalls Heracles? Recalling our thesis that the mythology of the Greek strongman commemorates memorable episodes in the ancient appearance and behavior of the planet Mars the answer is not far to seek. Indeed, it is our opinion that there was an objective reference for the various afflictions which visited the respective warrior-heroes; namely, a distortion or ...
23. The Continuing Ica Mystery [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Mystery Contrary to prevailing opinion, the mystery of the curious engraved stones from Ica in Peru still remains unsolved. The Ica stones, an estimated 50,000 of which are now in the hands of private collectors, have been the subject of heated controversy since 1961 when the local villagers began to turn up stones with a distinctive, almost bizarre, style of carving. Some collectors took interest, buying them for very small amounts of money - and then two archaeologists, who, suspecting the authenticity of the stones, began exploratory excavations in nearby tombs. They did in fact discover a few examples of similar engraved stones in sealed archaeological deposits, enhancing the possibility that the collected ...
24. The Road to Saturn (Excerpts from an Autobiographical Essay) [Journals] [Aeon]
... , or thought I knew, exactly what it meant. The Saturnian scenario was obviously seen as so far-fetched that serious scholars thought it best to ignore it. The stratagem then became one of finding some means to convince my readers of its viability. I therefore returned my attention to the solution of the celestial mechanics that could account for the bizarre configuration of planets that constituted the Saturnian system prior to, and through the period of, the Golden Age. At the same time I knew from my past toying with this Augean task that this was a problem I could not hope to solve on my own. Even before "The Mystery of the Pleiades" had appeared in print ...
25. Rethinking Gravity [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... article this week, available in full at If the force is with them .. . By Charles Seife Gravity may not be working as advertised. Spacecraft hurtling through the Solar System have been behaving so bizarrely that some scientists wonder whether our theories of gravity are wrong. Anti-gravity Find Stuns Scientists Tim Radford, Science Editor, Guardian, Friday 27th Feb 98. An international team of astronomers is about to set the world of physics reeling. They have observed anti-gravity in action and say they have confirmed that the expansion of the universe is accelerating ...
26. Remarks from the Portland Symposium 3-5 Jan 1997 [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... historical argument of the Saturn theory to the domains of his own research. The results were stunning. Dwardu mentioned yesterday the remarkable accord between the plasma discharge illustrated by Wal and the global-historical imagery of what I've called the radiant Venus'. The ancient imagery of the "Great Star" involves a symmetry that will strike the observer as both bizarre and outrageous. In the real world, why would material stretching from Venus toward Saturn divide itself into three, then four, equally distributed streams (the 3- and 4-rayed star of Venus)? As Wal explained it to me, if we had not hypothesised such a symmetry, he would have suspected something was wrong. In ...
27. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... mean that the mountain' (Ebih) was bigger than Venus and that the event was global; line no. 159 that it sank into the sea. I am looking forward to a publication date of my formerly submitted manuscripts, written, rewritten and/or edited. Charles H. Seitz, Hatboro, PA, USA The Most Bizarre Scenario Dear Sir, The theses' that Charles Seitz alludes to in his letter, various copies of which have been arriving unsolicited at my desk since 1983, constitute nothing but a confused hodge-podge of data gleaned from the works of others. Throughout these years I have merely ignored Seitz since I felt that this would be kinder than criticising ...
28. Mythology and Repression [Journals] [SIS Review]
... at least, of physical brain damage) memories are never obliterated; they are only removed from normal waking conciousness if they prove too painful. When so displaced, they still emerge in dreams, doodles, slips of the tongue, or bodily malfunctions. Displaced memories, moreover, are disguised memories. Most dreams, for example, seem bizarre and garbled yet can be related to dreamers' past experiences by means of systematically symbolic interpretation. Myths resemble dreams in depicting strange personages and events that are difficult to relate to ordinary experience, either contemporary or documented. Investigators with a Jungian orientation, whether they are psychoanalysts or mythologists, tend to see myths and dreams as isomorphic with ...
29. A Collective Amnesia, Part 2 Mars Ch.6 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... transl. R. Bury) IT IS AN established fact in the learning about the human mind that the most terrifying events of childhood (in some cases even of manhood) are often forgotten, their memory blotted out from the consciousness and displaced into the unconscious strata of the mind, where they continue to live and to express themselves in bizarre forms of fear. Occasionally they may be converted into symptoms of compulsion neuroses and even contribute to the splitting of the personality. One of the most terrifying events in the past of mankind was the conflagration of the world, accompanied by awful apparitions in the sky, quaking of the earth, vomiting of lava by thousands of volcanoes, ...
30. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... of the advanced astronomical knowledge amongst the ancient Egyptians which his theory requires, and so "the arcane insights of pyramidology offer no test of the validity of Velikovskian astrophysics." - PURSUIT Fall 1980, p. 151-4 Saturn's Braided F-ring'These two reports, complete with diagrams, tell of the theoretical work being done in explanation of the bizarre shaped F-ring of Saturn, which has a "braided" appearance. S. F. Dermott of Cornell University, writing for NATURE suggests that the ring is produced by resonance effects with the two small moons that orbit on either side of the ring, producing wave effects in the ring particles and the appearance of clumping. His theory ...
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