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29 pages of results. 201. Psychoceramics [Journals] [Aeon]
... most would likely exist without our cerebral sophistication, if indeed lifeforms of any sort could evolve at all. In both versions we would exist in the now moment and are presently here to contemplate all the possible permutations of any of these universes- the real and the imaginative. Cosmologist Stephen W. Hawking of Cambridge promotes this version with the bizarre concept of "baby universes" being constantly generated in a kind of cosmic foam in the space-time continuum, where each complete and self-sustaining universe begins as a submicroscopic bubble connected to all other universes by tiny wormholes some 10-33 cm in diameter, with some 10143 such universes being created every second. (20) Such grandiose thinking makes Immanuel ...
202. The Great Comet Venus [Journals] [Aeon]
... ; Earth= 12,728 kilometers) and its orbit quite close to that of the Earth, there is little else in common between the two worlds. (6 ) For reasons not easily explained, Venus appears as a fish out of water in our solar system, since astronomers consider both its rotation rate and direction of rotation as bizarre. Whereas the usual planetary pattern is rotation from west to east, Venus rotates from east to west. And while the enshrouded orb of Venus spins very, very slowly, taking 243 Earth-days to complete one rotation, above the surface the massive atmosphere races around the planet at twice hurricane force, or almost 400 kilometers per hour, ...
203. "Worlds in Collision": Reviews and Reviewers [Journals] [Aeon]
... papyrus up to the end of the Middle Kingdom, in accidental accordance with Velikovsky's dating. In his influential 1952 review, Albright listed what he viewed as Velikovsky's methodological sins: "a completely eclectic use of evidence," "unjustified inference from sources of unequal value," "total neglect of fundamentals and a penchant for dealing with the bizarre and incredible," and "total neglect of the laws of evidence as carefully worked out by linguists, philologians and critical historians of every specialty." Even as Albright was writing, his colleague and former pupil, Nelson Glueck (who in 1950 had inveighed against Velikovsky in collaboration with Shapley), was busy conducting an archeological survey ...
204. The Saturn Thesis: Questions and Answers [Journals] [Aeon]
... earliest representations has nothing to do with our moon! In countless instances the crescent has an orb or star inside of it- that's the most common context of the symbol in Mesopotamia, the birthplace of observational astronomy! While the Mesopotamian image is astronomically impossible in our sky, occurrence of the image is global! Now simply calling this a bizarre coincidence is not only profoundly illogical, but has the effect of cutting off the inquiry before it reaches the most telling levels. Let me tell you what happened in my own case. Having decided to investigate the image- rather than ending the inquiry because of the image's astronomical "impossibility"- I began to collate both the abstract ...
205. Morning Star II [Journals] [Aeon]
... , the "midnight" position, these hairs would also have brightened, thus connecting not only their appearance, but also their behavioral attribute, with the primeval dawn. Dawn itself could, in fact, have received the name Shahar from this very phenomenon. One could have said of the dawn that "it is becoming hairy." Bizarre as it may sound, Helel ben-Shahar is therefore best fully understood as Helel the son of the hairy Saturnian Dawn-crescent. Shahar and Shalim In the Ugaritic liturgical poem known as the Birth of the Gracious gods, Shahar, the Dawn, is paired with Shalim, or Shalem, who was Dusk, Twilight, and/or Evening, ...
206. On the Possibility of Instantaneous Shifts of the Poles [Journals] [Aeon]
... , with a few strokes, have represented to perfection animals which at the time were living in the plains of central Europe (and at the same time in Siberia and Alaska) . But the beauty of the paintings makes the zoologist wonder in more than one way: how could such a varied assembly of animals coexist? To what a bizarre ecological environment could such a motley fauna belong? We find the rein-deer next to rhinoceros, the mammoth, with its woolly mantle, near the hippopotamus, bears with lions, the leopard and Brezalwski horses. There were also giant beavers and sloths, big horn deers, camels, sabre teeth tigers, buffaloes, aurochs bulls and many ...
207. Aphrodite Urania [Journals] [Aeon]
... that the imagery of the comet is once more upon us? As repulsive as Kali appears to the Western reader, her cult continues to exert a strange fascination over the people of India. Thus Zimmer describes her as being "today the most cherished and widespread of the personalizations of Indian cult." [92] Kali's monstrous form, bizarre as it is, can be shown to have striking parallels throughout the ancient world. Consider the example provided by the Chichimec mourning goddess Itzpapalotl, who was commonly represented as a warrior: "Obsidian Knife Butterfly is a wholly Chichimec goddess and her only office was war. She is depicted with a defleshed face and talons for feet and ...
208. Charting Imaginary Worlds: Pole Shifts, Ice Sheets, and Ancient Sea Kings [Journals] [Aeon]
... bearings of the coast." The same Buache left a number of maps of North America depicting a nonexistent sea connecting the Pacific with Hudson Bay, based on fraudulent traveler's tales. [52] Buache was the great theoretical geographer of the eighteenth century. In the words of Johnathan Potter, he was "responsible for some of the most bizarre and fanciful cartographic outlines ever published." [53] Jolly calls him a "notorious charlatan." [54] In a late chapter, Hapgood turns to the north for maps which he claims represent three different glacial stages- preglacial; glaciated to the maximum extent; and in a late stage of glacial retreat- supposedly drawn ...
209. The Female Star [Journals] [Aeon]
... time a fire was lit: "The Skiri also conceive of the firesticks as male and female. The idea is that the kindling of fire symbolized the vitalizing of the world as recounted in the creation. Specifically, the hearth represents the Evening Star and the drill the Morning Star in the act of creation." [83] As bizarre as this mythical theme must appear to modern astronomers, very similar traditions are to be found throughout the ancient world. The sacred traditions of the Zuni Indians of New Mexico likewise associate the Morning Star with the drilling of fire: "The rising of the Morning Star during the winter solstice ceremony marked the time for the kindling of the ...
210. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... human behaviour. Anything more is employed in the commission of misdeeds. ERNEST HOOTON In the meantime I suggest that, particularly with regard to the Velikovsky pages, Broca's Brain would greatly benefit from a lobotomy.- STOP PRESS Life's Little Ironies The contortions of the academic establishment in its efforts to exorcise Velikovsky have always involved an element of the bizarre. In 1964 we were treated to the spectacle of the prestigious Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists publishing an ill-informed attack on Velikovsky's Egyptology and philology,and we now learn that the rumour referred to in the above review has been confirmed and that a leading archaeological journal, the Biblical Archaeology Review, has re-reprinted Sagan's astronomical farrago in its current ...
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