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29 pages of results. 191. The Genie Of The Pivot [Journals] [Kronos]
... to a motionless condition which is of millennial duration because the word also means everlasting. This is intelligible only if Saturn was formerly that motionless millennial celestial polar object of myth. This incredible theme, the celestial polar Saturn, appeared as the Chinese genie of the pivot; it also persisted in appearing when Shiva was investigated. No matter how bizarre the theme may seem, honesty cannot allow one to shrink from investigating it further. 4. The Investigatory Methods Yama and Shiva are linked to Saturn. Assuming that this is a clue of primary importance, it is arguable that their similarities, parallels, or duplications could outweigh their differences in evidential value. The present study will amass ...
... explain the generation of the winds have produced several possible mechanisms, such as convection caused by the uneven heating of the day and night sides of the planet. None of them, however, have been shown to be capable of explaining velocities greater than a few metres per second.(23) Velikovsky's youthful Venus, however, fits this bizarre atmospheric behaviour remarkably well. Since Venus was a comet-like body, its tail gases and coma atmospheric gases would still have great inertia after Venus entered its orbit, the momentum of its massive tail being transformed into a dense planetary atmosphere. Thus the high velocity still persists in the Venusian upper (lighter) atmosphere, while at the surface ...
193. The Two Sargons and Their Successors (Part II) [Journals] [Aeon]
... was not then overly familiar. In truth, I had already been trapped once before by the similar reasoning employed by Velikovsky in his various works and, for years, I had held to the latter's hypotheses until these were nit-picked to near death by others and myself. But, since my own work is more controversial, and much more bizarre, than either Velikovsky's or Heinsohn's, I was bound to keep an open mind and give both scholars the benefit of the doubt. When the sources they both cited were run down, a certain amount of disappointment was met with in Velikovsky's case, and surprise in Heinsohn's. At one point I even found myself wondering whether Heinsohn had ...
194. Velikovsky's Martian Catastrophes [Journals] [Aeon]
... the suddenness of the slaughter as the army lay resting during the night plus the "burned" nature of the victims, with their garments remaining intact, do not imply the effects of a hurricane. But with so many contradicting reports, including that given by Herodotus, all of which invoke "miraculous" phenomena, should any of these bizarre details be given credence? And if so, which? Thus the aura of mystery remains attached to Sennacherib's last campaign but, as matters stand at present, the issue cannot be resolved by attributing any of this to a close Martian flyby which was apparently noted by no one. (64) 8. The Dial of Ahaz and ...
195. Timna and Egyptian Dates [Journals] [Aeon]
... or ring stand." (33) It has always been a something of an enigma for historians of early glass that Egyptologically dated glass from the 15th to 12th century BCE looks akin to stratigraphically dated glass from the Eastern Mediterannean and Iran of the 6th to 3rd century. However, Rothenberg and his Negev Ware foes were unaware of the bizarre ideas behind modern chronologies and, therefore, seriously believed that the Egyptian material was dated in its "archaelolgical context." In actual fact, archaeological context and dates are in no way related to each other. Timna's archaeological context for Stratum III and II reveals striking parallels with 6th to 4th century BCE strata elsewhere. It is its ...
196. Catastrophism and the Mammoths- III (Vox Populi) [Journals] [Kronos]
... of quick-frozen specimens that subsequently thawed out and decomposed, leaving skeletonised relics. Well, the onus of proof is on him, but he goes a little too far in quoting Howorth as an authority for these complete skeletons, especially since the latter also claims that some were articulated in a standing position.(91) This conjures up the bizarre image of ranks of mammoth skeletons mounted like museum specimens! Frankly, this is unworthy of credence. Finally, although the frozen mammoth phenomenon is remarkable enough (and nothing in our attempts to understand the problem can belittle this marvel of nature), the debate so far has failed to exhaust all the possibilities for preservation. I refer ...
197. A Personal Reminiscence [Journals] [Aeon]
... Velikovsky to jump from the apparent gaps and discrepancies in the ancient data about Venus to the conclusion and unshakable belief that Venus is a young planet, ejected some three thousand five hundred years ago as a huge comet by a great cataclysm on Jupiter. This idea struck him like a thunderbolt and impelled him to search for supporting evidence for his bizarre hypothesis wherever he could. If he was to challenge scientific facts and theories that had stood the test of hundreds of years of careful observations and had great predictive powers, he had to play the game of the scientists, which meant far more than just making some broad statements about biblical stories, Egyptian papyri, collective amnesia, and ...
198. Suns and Planets in Neolithic Rock Art [Journals] [Aeon]
... The quincunx is frequently set on the regular four-petaled kin glyph, apparently without altering its value in any way." (65) The reader will recognize at once, of course, that this is the very same situation we encountered in ancient symbols from the Old World. Again we ask: What could possibly be the significance of this bizarre convergence of iconography, whereby a sign of Venus is placed upon the sign of the sun? Archaeoastronomers, confronted with this evidence from ancient hieroglyphs, might well be tempted to suggest that early scribes were trying to illustrate some important celestial event, such as the inferior conjunction of Venus and the sun. The latter is an event recurring ...
199. 094book.htm [Journals] [Aeon]
... ." (17) Needless to say, I can imagine no serious scholar of Sanskrit or Akkadian accepting this statement, which postulates that the name of one of the most prominent Semitic deities derives from a Sanskrit base. And, as is typically the case in this book, no source or discernible train of reasoning is provided for this bizarre statement. Conversing With The Planets does have its good points. There is plenty of food for thought in the section comparing Babylonian and Mesoamerican conceptions regarding the planet Venus. As even a cursory survey demonstrates, there are remarkable parallels in the omens and iconography surrounding the Cytherean planet. Both cultures, for example, credited Venus with an ...
200. The Center Holds [Journals] [Pensee]
... Levi-Strauss has shown that the logic of many myths is as rigorous as that of science, Velikovsky that the subjects of many myths are as real as those of science. Their subjects are events, and "the event is the unit of things real" (Whitehead). Primitive cultures grow enormously in stature once it is realized that the bizarre cosmological myths central to their traditions in fact describe the major events in the history of the earth. And they do more than describe; in their own way they attempt to explain and master what would otherwise have paralyzed by its terror. Isak Dinesen remarked that there is no event too terrible to bear so long as men can make ...
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