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29 pages of results. 171. Lucid Dreaming and Visualization Techniques in The Sacred Tales of Aelius Aristides [Journals] [Aeon]
... quietly upon awakening...lie still and let your dreams flow back." [40] This infatuation with various divine emissaries no doubt produced acute lucid dreams in which the dreamers are "consciously aware that they are dreaming while they seem to be soundly asleep." [41] Such a state would help account for the rather bizarre mixture of sleeping and waking images in many of The Sacred Tales' dream sequences, most notably the ubiquitous dream of Asklepios or some other shadowy figure standing by Aristides' bed. Similarly, Aristides also notes that a certain philosopher, Rhosander, frequently visited him just before waking, a time when most lucid dreams are said to occur ...
172. Thoth Vol II, No. 6: March 31, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... to follow the points of agreement. More significantly, there is a common paradox which even the experts in comparative study frequently ignore. One might think that when two groups share an improbable story element, it becomes more likely that the two groups made the same error of transmission. But actually the reverse is true. The more unusual or bizarre the points of agreement, the more likely it is that they speak for the original story. Here's why: it's much easier to make a mistake on matters of routine background, than on unexpected or startling detail. How many chairs were in the room when the protagonist died? Well, there were five, but who was counting ...
... from the largest crater in the image are as yet unexplained." (21) The reason for this difficulty is, of course, that the interpretation of these long river-like structures from the craters suggests that the craters are not impact formations but volcanic creations. With respect to this long river, Andrew Chaikin writes: One of the most bizarre features yet identified on Venus is a remarkably long and narrow channel that Magellan scientists have nicknamed the river Styx. Although it is only half a mile wide, Styx is 4,800 miles long. What could have caused such a channel is unclear. Water, of course, is out of the question. Flowing lava is a ...
174. Conclusion: Entropy [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... namely that electromagnetism is the fundamental counter force in celestial space to gravity and governs a host of celestial phenomena. Recently, new evidence was presented that this researcher claims is in full harmony with my motion theory. According to Charles Seife, "Gravity may not be working as advertized. Spacecraft hurtling through the solar system have been behaving so bizarrely that some scientists wonder whether our theories of gravity are wrong."`We've been working on this problem for several years and we accounted for everything we could think of, ' says John Anderson, a planetary scientist of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. "In 1972, NASA launched Pioneer 10 in the direction of Jupiter. ...
175. Is the Universe Finite? [Journals] [Aeon]
... and other nebular objects that number some 120 separate constellatory bodies, and which in turn forms a fragment of an even larger supergalaxy comprising perhaps hundreds of separate galaxies, each of which contains hundreds of millions if not billions of individual stars. The number of planets and other strange bodies in this milieu may be almost incalculable. And among these bizarrely variegated bodies, without theoretical doubt, are postulated numerous black holes. We won't even address the possibilities of other lifeforms. Those two-dimensional slices of the galactic universe depicted in the PBS program, each showing one thin quadrant of the sky, were compiled by estimating the distance from our position in the Milky Way to all the known observable ...
176. Scientific Censorship and Thought Control [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... the laboratory, interested primarily in a smooth-running organization, not its principal products: data and new ideas. With affluence came the accountant, to see that monies were properly apportioned, spent, and recorded. We have thus inadvertently evolved a very efficient system of control, of checks awl rechecks, of censorship by selection, which eliminates the bizarre, the unusual, the unacceptable. selection of graduate candidates and their thesis subjects, selection for membership in scientific societies, selection of papers for publication in scientific journals; selection of research projects to receive financial support. Early in 1974 there was a flurry of excitement, generated by what was essentially a rerun of a 1950-55 scenario. ...
177. Cosmology And PsychologyY [Journals] [Kronos]
... by psychological retreat. The actual cataclysmic consequences were suppressed through mythic and epic conversion - a form of "fantasy escape" - while memory fadeout also acted as a healing device; the mind blotted out reality displacing the terrifying events from the conscious "into the unconscious strata of the mind, where they continue to live and express themselves in bizarre forms of fear."(22) Velikovsky views this process of forgetting and suppression as a form of "collective amnesia."(23) The modern mythographer Giorgio de Santillana, one of the authors of the work previously referred to, Hamlet's Mill, spent considerable effort delving into the problem of astromythology. But, he excluded ...
178. Schizophrenia and the Fear of World Destruction [Journals] [Kronos]
... and the scurvy and the itch, of which you cannot be healed. The Lord will smite you with madness and blindness and confusion of mind; and you shall grope at noonday, as the blind grope in darkness . . . " [emphasis added] But in the interest of fairness, we should present the uniformitarian interpretation of the bizarre fears of the Aztecs upon the completion of a Venus-cycle: They [the Aztecs] thought of the change from one cycle to another as the death of one life and the beginning of a new one. The realization that nature could withhold the continuance of their existence endowed the ritual with profound solemnity.(4 ) In other words ...
179. The Youthful Planet Venus [Articles]
... overwhelming evidence of recent stupendous volcanism on a surface that appears to be pristine. David Harry Grinspoon describes what Magellan spacecraft observations of Venus actually revealed: "Perhaps the most striking feature of the Venusian landscape in the prevalence of volcanism. About 80 percent of the surface is made up of volcanic terrain ranging from the curiously familiar to the downright bizarre. Hundred-mile wide, gently sloping volcanoes, similar in appearance to the shield volcanoes of Hawaii abound on Venus; their flanks are covered with numerous overlapping lava flows, the most recent of which appear to have erupted only yesterday. Smaller, flat-topped pancake domes' have formed where more viscous lava has been squeezed up through the crust. ...
180. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... , as I have discussed elsewhere in this issue. - Eric Crew, Broxbourne, UK Bulge-bilge, Inertia and Torque Dear Sir, Permit me to comment on two subjects in the December 1981 Workshop related to the tippe top Earth. (a ) The letter by David Slade, "Eric Crew and the Tippe Top", is most bizarre. In addition to the error pointed out by Crew concerning the spin velocity of the Earth's core, Slade egregiously misreported the shape of the Earth as revealed by analysis of artificial satellite motions. Not only have his numbers been superseded by more recent findings, but he is completely wrong in his belief that satellite data contradict the existence of ...
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