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29 pages of results. 121. Redshift! [Journals] [Aeon]
... never is what we think it is. If one didn't know any better, one would think that Arp and the Cambridge cosmologist Stephen Hawking were eating out of the same cereal box. But then Arp is a practicing astronomer- or was until recently- and not a cosmologist as such. Where Hawking has been given accolades for his seemingly bizarre views, Arp has been ostracized and branded a heretic. My kind of guy, but doesn't this sound vaguely familiar? About thirteen years ago Hawking electrified his audience at a Caltech colloquium in Pasadena with his conclusion that the universe isn't lawful, never was lawful, never will be lawful, and never can be lawful. What this ...
122. An Investigation into the Reality of the Early Medieval Dark Age [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . According to Fomenko, the kings generally believed to have ruled in England from AD 640-1327 were alter egos of Byzantine rulers, some of whom were, in turn, duplicates of each other. If history was corrected to take this into account, the Roman occupation of Britain ended only 8, not 15, centuries ago. Fomenko's many bizarre claims, based on statistics but unsupported by convincing historical arguments, made it very difficult for readers to take his ideas seriously. This could have disguised the fact that there is a kernel of truth in what he is trying to say. If the insertion of 7 spurious centuries within the Christian Era is beyond the realms of possibility, ...
123. Three Views of Heinsohn's Chronology [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... to their empire. When, in the 17th century BC, Semitic cuneiform is adopted in Anatolia and Hyksos Palestine, a strange decision is taken by the language politicians. They decide against the Akkadian lingua franca of their immediate Old-Babylonian predecessors and go for Old-Akkadian - extinct for some 400 years! To this very day nobody knows why such a bizarre decision was taken. Palestine proper yielded only one clearly stratified find of the Hyksos period with a cuneiform inscription. It was excavated at Hazor: "Three jugs belonging to Middle Bronze Age II were found in situ in Locus 6175. On one of them (C339/1 ) an inscription was found incised in cuneiform, the earliest ...
124. Bibliography (Immanuel Velikovsky's Jewish Science) [Books]
... , Manuscript Division, California Instltute of Technology Library, Pasadena. Donald Menzel "Flying Saucer" Papers [DMP], American Philosophical Papers Library, Philadelphia, Pa. II. BOOKS, ARTICLES, SOUND RECORDINGS, THESES Albright, William F. (1952). "Retelling the Near East's Ancient History: Mr. Velikovsky Prefers the Bizarre and Incredible to Tested Science." New York Herald Tribune Book Reviews, (Apr. 20), 6.. (1960). "Velikovsky's Tour de Force of Legend History and Psychoanalysis." New York Herald Tribune Book Review, (May 29), 4.. (1965). "Further Light on the ...
125. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... without recourse to turning them into black holes. Meanwhile Fred Hoyle still sounds out against the establishment, declaring that recent versions of the big bang theory are like medieval theology'. Ironically his autobiography has been raved about by the very journals which previously decried his unacceptable' theories, describing his as a brilliant mind turned to the pursuit of bizarre ideas' or comparing one of his books with von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods. Web catches new ideas New Scientist 17.6 .95, p. 38 The peer review system for the publication of scientific papers is under pressure from the World Wide Web. Papers can be posted and read by anyone interested within hours, by-passing ...
... without explana tion, dismissed from the museum. Under growing pressure to abandon Worlds in Collision, Macmillan fired the editor who contracted the book, then, eight weeks after its publication, transferred its rights to Doubleday-a move unparalleled in publishing history: the book had already become number one on the New York Times non-fiction bestseller list. The many bizarre responses by professional scholars-before and after publication of Worlds in Collision-have been fully detailed elsewhere. They include horrendous misrepresentations of the thesis by well respected astronomers and others who had never seen the book; repeated refusals by scientific journals to grant Velikovsky an opportunity to reply to his critics; and refusals to retract factually erroneous and even farcical "summaries ...
127. Collective Amnesia and the Catastrophic Basis of Soap Opera (Concluded) [Journals] [Kronos]
... , is a powerful element of local discontinuity. In the placid soap-opera universe which I have just described, the system of mutually-interested bodies suspended in the calm placenta of the great current is nevertheless subject to much local disorder in the form of rape, murder, assault, mental cruelty, enforced separation, mutilation, drastic change, and various bizarre kinds of death, to name a few. Such frequent and widespread upheaval clashes with conventional celestial dynamics, which either pictures the universe as stable and very gradualist, or insists that large-scale disorder occurs far away in space or far back in time, neither situation posing any danger to Earth. The pattern corresponds strikingly to Velikovskian theory, ...
128. Sothic Dating: A "Surrealjoinder" (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... , I now take him at his word that he was never committed to his assumption, and that it was more in the nature of an unstated reductio ad absurdum. (Perhaps he should have used the subjunctive.) It is true that I did not mention the dates from Ingham's paper; I was and still am puzzled by the bizarre methodology of that paper. Ingham starts with the arbitrary date of -4226 (which I presume comes from Borchardt, although we are not told this), and then calculates forward, first to + 141, and next, with an improved treatment of arcus visionis, to + 136. But the state of affairs in -4226 should be ...
129. The Saturn Thesis (Part 3) [Journals] [Aeon]
... Venus" in terms of explosive movement and luminosity, I was working entirely with ancient imagery. I knew nothing of a plasma discharge. Other aspects of the model are also reinforced by Wal's description of the discharge. In certain phases of the evolving configuration, ancient imagery of the streamers involves a symmetry that will strike the observer as both bizarre and outrageous. In the real world, why would material stretching from Venus toward Saturn divide itself into three, then four, equally distributed streams (the 3- and 4-rayed star of Venus)? As Wal explained it to me, if we had not described such a symmetry, he would have "suspected some-thing was wrong. ...
130. The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies (Part III) [Journals] [Kronos]
... objects at the edge of the universe, but are much closer than proposed by the use of the Hubble constant. With the previous paper's results,(6 ) it is apparent that quasars are the initial formative stages of normal galaxies (see footnote No. 39 of Part I, KRONOS IX:1 ) . This implies that the bizarre theoretical extrapolations of General Relativity and the Big Bang Theory, such as "black holes", non Euclidean space, and the "expanding universe" are no more than elements of some scientists' imaginations. Einstein himself was openly critical of General Relativity as "it did not include the total field (electric and magnetic)". ...
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