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... the most successful fraud that has been perpetrated on leading American publications." (42) (It had not yet been published). He compared it to the Flat Earth tractates, bemoaned the current "age of decadence" and recommended that Thackrey read Payne-Gaposchkin's article, which he happened to enclose. (43) He ended with the bizarre statement "You know, of course, that I personally am a sympathetic friend of the thwarted and demented," but nevertheless asserted that Velikovsky's ideas were "pure rubbish, of the level of astrological hocus-pocus." (44) Thackrey's reply was unambiguous. First, he openly derided the quality of Shapley's research: "at the ...
112. The Charisma of Moses [Books] [de Grazia books]
... explanation of his intricate and ingenious works and of natural events. I said earlier that the answer may be partly for establishing the greatness of Yahweh and partly out of contempt for the popular intelligence. But one may perceive another reason: a schizophrenic need to satisfy only himself with explanations of why he is acting so and he is satisfied by bizarre or simple explanations. Further, when an applied scientist, here Moses, cannot explain whether in thought or in language the theory and causes of his scientific operations, he may satisfy himself by introducing the deus ex machina: Yahweh causes all things to happen - end of argument. Putting together the last two impulses with the first two ...
113. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Six [Books]
... it seems, the heroes triumph. This is all the, more remarkable in the last game since H has to play it wearing a turtle's head instead of his own (his own head is lopped off in the House of Bats, and is not retrieved until late in the game: this part of the story is full of such bizarre goings-on, and Alice in Wonderland seems almost rational in comparison!) Next, the story takes some ever more curious turns. The Lords of Xibalba make a huge bonfire into which H and X voluntarily hurl themselves, though not before they have instructed two magicians to gather up their ashes when the fire dies down and to cast them ...
114. The Opening of The Mouth Ritual - Part II [Journals] [Aeon]
... the Red One which came out of Nwnw." [179] It goes on with: "I am the Eye of Horus...I am the redness which came forth from Isis." [180] This relationship, of red Mars centred upon white Venus, has survived into modern English in the oft-repeated, but literally bizarre, phrase "he is the apple of his mother's eye." [181] Thus, it is Horus the Younger (the Child), that is Mars, who saves his father the sun, Saturn, by restoring his eye to him. Earlier, however, Mars was seen to leave the disk, specifically the eye ...
115. Water [Books] [de Grazia books]
... That the exoterrestrial connections of Earth's water are multiform should then be ordinary knowledge in the earth sciences. In fact, the scientific literature hardly touches upon it. CHAPTER TWELVE Water With both waters and elaborate forms of life, Earth is unlike other planets. The belief that this situation has persisted for billions of years may be considered someday as bizarre as the belief that the earth is flat. The world's oceans contain 1.4 X 10 18 tons of salted water. Its surface fresh waters - streams, rivers, lakes - come to 5.1 X 10 14 tons, 50,000 times less, a drop in the bucket. The ice of the continents amounts ...
116. Heracles as Cross-Dresser [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon Volume VI, Number 4 Home | Issue Contents Heracles as Cross-Dresser Ev Cochrane Heracles is a hero to whom all sorts of bizarre traditions have attached themselves. Indeed, the Greek strongman seems to embody a wealth of contradictions. Most familiar as the invincible champion of the gods, Homer described Heracles as a malicious force oppressing Olympus. Although typically described as a giant- his prodigious weight is said to have all but sunk the Argo- Heracles is elsewhere represented as a dwarf. Scholars investigating such incongruous traditions have typically assumed that originally independent tales have coalesced around the popular Greek hero. In my various studies on Heracles, in contrast, I have suggested that ...
117. The Electro-gravitic Theory Of Cosmology [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... beginning of time are a grand effect without a known cause. An effect without a cause? That is not the world of science; it is a world of witchcraft and wild events and the whims of demons, a medieval world that science has tried to banish."64 Jastrow, while pondering this enigma, adds, "This bizarre conclusion rests on the equivalence of mass and energy which is one of the most basic and well established laws of physics. The door to the past is closed; the beginning of the world is the product of some prior event that we cannot discover. We only know it happened."65 Allan Sandage, one of the giants ...
118. Four Faces of Collective Psychology [Journals] [Horus]
... leaps are the subject of this paper. Collective Behaviorism:If one puts a white rat in a laboratory Skinnerbox and reduces its body weight to 80% of normal (so that it is virtually always hungry), and then food pellets are dropped into the rat's environment on a random basis, the animal will begin to show irregular, bizarre, even apparently superstitious behavior as it anticipates these rewards. Research on learning and conditioning has established that compulsive behavior, pathological and catatonic behavior, as well as highly predictable, regular behavior patterns tend to be a function of known and discernible reinforcement contingencies that belong to the environment of the particular organism. In this issue and in earlier ...
119. Book Shelf [Journals] [Aeon]
... dank and gloomy wind. Most of us haven't even been aware that such a tempestuous Cimmerian wind machine had even been turned on, sending a flurry of global information particulates swirling around our heads like ephemeral will-o' the-wisps- many of which never actually impinge on our consciousness, mainly because we can't intellectually relate to much of this glut of often bizarre information within the paradigmatic confines of our comfortable and cozy four-dimensional space-time continuum. These changes, continual insofar as we have had a species-specific aversion toward mentally staying in one place for very long, are often just as spasmodic and variegated as the transcendental winds which carry them. These continuous changes are spawned in turn by an exquisite inherent restlessness ...
120. The present state of Radiocarbon Dating [Articles]
... to see is Mid Howe on Rowsay, an island off the north coast of mainland Orkney. We will be spending a day walking around the tombs which are all along the south coast of Rowsay facing mainland Orkney. You can see here, this is again very well preserved, again excavated in the 1930s, it's now got a fairly bizarre concrete roof over the whole thing. You can see inside these big slabs dividing up the tomb into a series of cells. One of the things we will be looking at is the way that these tombs, although they look very similar on the outside, once you actually get in them, all sorts of different ways of dividing ...
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