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664 results found.

67 pages of results.
... hologram and reality more meaningfully. ". .. . That is, the physical universe and our brains have in common an order of reality that is similar in organization to holograms.... Don't misunderstand. The world of appearances is certainly a real world. But it is not the only order of reality. Both physics and biology tell us that. We directly perceive only one order. Yet we know from other sources that the world is round. The fact that in the world of appearances it seems flat doesn't contradict the other reality, its roundness.... The same holds for holographic reality. It isn't that the world of appearances is wrong; ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol0802/063forum.htm
... was ready for the act of creation here described: the appearance of permanent continents and oceans. And, in further consequence, the geophysical part of the recreation being thus settled the stage was now set for the next act: the recuperation of whatever forms of life had been able to brave the manifold dangers of the great cataclysm. This biological regeneration, of course, started immediately after conditions favourable to propagation and to reaching maturity in sufficient numbers obtained. But it is probable that it made real progress only after the sun shed its beneficent rays upon the Earth. (i 4) .. . Let there be lights in heaven .. . (i 6) . ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5  -  26 Mar 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/bellamy/god/04-first.htm
... the versions of these grand events work together for the glory, the increasing, ' of the god?" (9 ) It is with these bare "bones" of ancient cult that we must work if we are to discover the origins of Indra. (10) Comparative mythology here presents an indispensable tool. Like comparative anatomy in biology, comparative mythology allows for the recognition of parallels in seemingly diverse forms from different times and places; and once such parallels are established, the reconstruction of a god's cult can begin, not unlike the reconstruction of a fossil hominid from a few teeth and an occasional bone. If a crucial link in the sacred dossier of Indra has ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5  -  30 Jul 2008  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0204/049indra.htm
... be called so. The main objections marshalled against the Restitution Theory were a period of universal chaos and ruin which some of the plants, animals, and men survived was deemed impossible as no causer of such a world-wide cataclysm could apparently be shown up in geology the catastrophistic world-picture of Cuvierism had been supplanted by the quietistic world-picture of Lyellism. Biologists objected to the statement that there was life before the creation' of the sun, etc. We shall see in the following pages that critics of the Book of Genesis were ill guided when they rejected the restitution theory because it required a catastrophic basis. The kotow to Lyellistic Victorian geology gained them nothing but lost them much. For ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5  -  26 Mar 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/bellamy/god/01-intro.htm
... hati-heart and the ab-heart tended to break down, but there can be no doubt that originally the female hati-heart was seen embracing or enclosing the masculine ab-heart, exactly as we should expect, based on the model here proposed. Renouf, for example, translates ab as "heart" and hati as "whole heart," noting that in biological symbolism, if the ab-heart was represented by the human heart, the hati-heart was represented by the human heart together with the surrounding organs (lungs) that enclose the heart.(83) The undeniable conclusion is that the reddish ab-heart of the sun god was thought to have been enclosed within the female hati-heart, or "whole heart ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5  -  30 Jul 2008  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0204/029myth.htm
556. The Paradoxical Primate [Journals] [Kronos]
... Immanuel Velikovsky. In each case, the "heretical" theory, though stigmatized as deviant and minoritarian by adherents of the prevalent consensus, shows itself to be conceptually broader and more inclusive than the consensus. Thus, cataclysmic evolutionists do not reject uniformitarian theory. On the contrary, they assume that 99% of geological time is characterized by biological uniformity. But they insist that all speciation and most extinction occur only during brief but crucial cataclysmic episodes.* In much the same way, aquaticists do not exclude either neoteny or savanna theory. But they insist on the primacy of the aquatic episode in explaining those human characteristics which diverge most sharply from the hominoid norm. [* ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol0902/074ape.htm
... and oxygen) and sulphuric acid (into water and hydrogen) should have given Venus an abundant supply of oxygen. However, if Venus is extremely young the absence of oxygen from its atmosphere is fully explained. Perhaps a brief analysis of the evolution of the Earth will make this concept clearer. It is generally held by both geophysicists and biologists that our planet's primitive atmosphere lacked oxygen. The reason is the well known chemical fact that oxygen would have been fatal to any incipient life forms emerging during Earth's early history. Jeremy Rifkin gives this overview of the principle: To begin with, most scientists agree that life could not have formed in an oxygen atmosphere. If the chemicals ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5  -  30 Jul 2008  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0106/005youth.htm
558. The Hyksos Were Not Assyrians [Journals] [Aeon]
... parallels as also "coincidences"? To cite a source like the Lebanese Salibi as a "straw dog" threatening to delegitimize modern Israel- so that he can then pose as its defender- is truly bizarre- and mendacious. He might just as soon pose as the "defender" of Mendelian genetics against the theories of Stalin's pet biologist Lysenko, or as the defender of relativity and quantum theory against Hitler's "Aryan physics." Just as these sciences do not need any "defenders" against such nonsense, neither does mainstream Biblical archaeology, either conventional or revisionist, need Heinsohn's "defense," which denies all its literary sources anyway. 16) Chetwynd, Etzion ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5  -  30 Jul 2008  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0104/119hykso.htm
... the only philosophical science of real importance because modern astronomy largely reduces itself to mathematical calculations as to the relative distances of celestial bodies, and these seem to have little practical value to anyone. It uses geology where geology is useful and discovers its weak spots as it does vulcanism and seismology. It explains much of the past which archaeologists and biologists cannot do, and reveals a great deal of the future. It enables us to understand that it is possible the steady shower of warm and fertilising rain on a parched and hungry soil may denote the expiring activities of a movement which began aeons ago in another planet and in another solar system, a planet that passed through all the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5  -  31 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/beaumont/comet/105-dangers.htm
... primary themes of myth. I refer to the celestial serpent or dragon. If there is an inherent, irrational tendency of the primitive mind to conjure monsters out of nothing, then one must surely wonder how this irrationality produced the same monster in every corner of the world. Does irrationality work along such symmetrical lines? The serpent-dragon is a biologically impossible monster flying through the air, in fact, moving among the planets. It disturbs the heavenly bodies, takes the form of a great celestial storm or whirlwind, breathes fire and smoke, battles against the gods and ushers in a period of universal darkness. In numerous instances it turns out that the monster is the fiery emanation ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5  -  30 Jul 2008  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0101/01recon.htm
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