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67 pages of results. 511. The Outlook of Scientists [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Most laws of the individual fields of science are not tied together logically, empirically, or quantitatively. Men know them as impressive beings rising separately out of the formless stream of existence. The situation is worse when the various fields are considered. As they are written, understood, and applied, the statements of physics are as far from biology as those of anthropology. Yet, "in theory and essence," they might be capable of a common formulation even while carrying on their former interdisciplinary functions. If by systematic science is meant an interlocking set of propositions, framed in the same symbol-system and moving up and down the full range of generality and across the full diameter ...
512. Maturation of Newborn Female Rats Under Elevated Levels of Carbon Dioxide [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... proprietor. No grants or underwriting other than my personal funds were involved. Direct costs for materials and supplies totalled about $800; assisting were (1 ) John Patten (B .A ., Architecture) who designed and constructed rat pup cages, and (2 ) Phillip Patten, a science student (B .S ., Biology) who has both assisted and also developed much of the thinking of the hypothesis. The experiment was conducted at the Animal Research Center at the University of Washington Medical School. Approval for the work and cooperation were secured fromDr. Donald Clifton and Dr. Gale of the University. Permission and laboratory access were received early in July. ...
513. Thoth Vol I, No. 19: July 16, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... the face of it, as their streaming "manes". The reader will recall the celestial beard or bearded star in our short list of comet symbols, as a logical extension of the "long-haired star". (Thus the Greek _pogonias_, the beard-star, means "comet".) While a bearded serpent is a biological absurdity, the anomalous beard is immediately explained if the Venusian serpent is a long-haired star or comet. If the celestial beard did not mirror a comet-like form in the sky, then the bearded serpent is one more anomaly left unanswered, despite a consistent pattern that seems to cry out for recognition. To keep all of this in perspective ...
514. The Creation of the Earth -- the Second Account [Books]
... from the discarded full version of this myth is the alternating use of the words created' and made'. The sentiment of these passages is absolutely different from that of the scientific' version. There God' was a synonym of Nature' and his creative acts were strictly in conformity with the physical laws governing the Earth, and the biological laws governing its life. Here however, God' is a person', or, rather a hero', who is pictured as actually doing things, and great things, in a great way. These actions are not described in a straightforward report, but generally in a peculiarly pictorialized narrative. We are dealing here with a ...
515. Magnetism and Axial Tilts [Books] [de Grazia books]
... , or it is too faint to be recognized because of disturbances or contamination of the strata. Magnetic reversals may be concealed because sedimentation is too slow to capture its duration, when samples are not closely spaced in time and the reversals are brief, when turbulence and contamination affect samples, when the sediments are dumped or shifted, and when biological activity is high at the level being searched for magnetism [17]. Still indications are strong in favor of heavy magnetic disturbances in the mid-first and mid-second millennia B.C ., with ceramic, clay, rock, biostratigraphic, legendary, and historical contributions. As early as 1907, P.L . Marcanton, using Folgheraiter's ...
516. Can Worlds Collide? [Journals] [Kronos]
... knuckles my appear to some as being somewhat exaggerated. Actually I am a great Asimov fan and eagerly devour most of his writings with-enjoyment and profit. What I demur from is his tendency in recent years to portray holders of conclusions which are presently only minority views, such as those who have real scientific doubts about orthodox stochastic macro-evolutionary theory in biology or perception of evidences of catastrophism in geology, as academically deficient, incompetent scholars. Even though I regard academic snobbery and intellectual intolerance as ethically indefensible and (in view of many repeated warnings from the history of ideas) as pragmatically foolhardy, I have decided to take a charitable view of Isaac's excesses and to repeat to myself- ...
517. The Cornell Lecture: Sagan on A Wednesday [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... and flies as if they were of terrestrial origin and Velikovsky, after considering the testimonies of others, concludes that it "must be" that "the internal heat developed by the Earth and the scorching gases of the comet" made some terrestrial organisms "propagate at a very feverish rate." He briefly discusses the idea of certain modern biologists- that some microorganisms, or even larvae, might be of extraterrestrial origin- but does not endorse this idea: "Whether there is truth in this supposition of larval contamination of the Earth is anyone's guess." (6 ) According to Sagan: Now the Pharoah eventually relents, the Israelites are permitted to leave- there's, according to Exodus ...
518. The 'Unconscious' as a Literary Revolt Against Science [Books] [de Grazia books]
... gravity and motion govern natural events rigidly; the heavens are constant and the universe is orderly; they operate through measurably equal units of time and through measurably equal coordinates of space; time is long and uninterrupted by sudden leaps; the surface of the earth has accumulated its features over long eons of time; nor are sudden leaps found in biology and cultural history, which have proceeded "by very short and slow steps" (Darwin); and social change is part of "cosmic evolution" (Herbert Spencer). We have not, apparently, defined the U paradigm in its present circumscribed form (which already shows it to be on the defensive) as a mere ...
519. Thoth Vol IV, No 13: Aug 31, 2000 [Journals] [Thoth]
... it all makes. Then populations of individuals "buy" some of these ideas and pass up others. The ideas that most individuals "buy" become "accepted theories" and constitute knowledge. Hence, scientific knowledge is not an ever-closer approximation of some unknown Truth. Rather, theories are selected (in the sense used in theories of biological evolution) by the environment in which they're proposed: by the level of awareness and understanding of the people using them, by the characteristics of that part of reality people currently live in, by the dynamics of social and cultural power. Instead of being built on a foundation, knowledge is composed of relationships. The metaphor of construction ...
520. Were All Dinosaurs Reptiles? [Journals] [Kronos]
... uplifted continents and dropped them in other places; and "the period of the extinction of the dinosaurs was coincident with the world-wide Laramide revolution."(9 ) It should be very simple to imagine that the same catastrophe killed the dinosaurs. Cataclysms are not barred from Geology but they are regarded as slow processes; as a factor in biology, real cataclysms and revolutions have been disqualified since the theory of Darwin about slow adaptations and evolutions became the standard view. Therefore the Laramide revolution folded the Earth's crust and uplifted mountains, but did not affect the life of the dinosaurs, and the cause of their extinction is still being sought.(10) The beginning of the ...
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