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67 pages of results. 471. The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies (Part I) [Journals] [Kronos]
... unreferenced. However, the text by T. J. J. See,(6 ) which develops the first capture theory for the origin of the solar system (OSS), is indispensable. A major result of this paper is also the quantization of Newtonian space. Finally, the link between planetary formation, geomagnetic reversals, and biological evolution is examined. PREFACE This paper was produced during the 1979-80, 1980-81 academic years while the author was a lecturer in the Physics and Mathematics Departments of Cornell University (Ithaca, N. Y.) Only minor grammatical changes have been made for publication and numerous footnotes have been added for clarification. The article is a condensed version ...
472. The Sun's Galactic Journey and Absolute Time [Books] [de Grazia books]
... sculptor of change because it operates more variably within a given cosmic setting. A simple lightning bolt can cause extensive surface damage, liberating megajoules of energy within a few meters of surviving observers. Only thousandths of a second are involved in the event. Yet, too, an undisturbed geological surface may be the setting for a large number of biological mutations provoked by a radiation storm of cosmic origin. What "gravity" is supposed to accomplish in aeons, electricity could quickly accomplish before the eyes of the earthly observer. Driven by the powerful motivator, electricity, quantavolution becomes not only possible - but also essential. Furthermore an understanding of electricity's role provides a powerful new and unified ...
473. Settled Sky and Unsettled Mind [Books] [de Grazia books]
... based upon atrocious political acts for an example. Still, the question gnaws at us: "Did Homer really not known of the disasters of the century before him?" The catastrophist reaches, all too easily at times, for the "proof by non-existent proof," which comes close to begging the question. Thus, physical and biological destruction, if complete, makes memory non-existent, therefore impossible. Psychic destruction (total amnesia) also makes proof impossible in the sense that the remembering mind cannot remember any of the events one is called upon to remember. Total Psychic Destruction and/or Total Physical Destruction equals Zero Proof, hence zero recall of the catastrophic events. ...
474. Comalcalco: A Case for Early Pre-Columbian Contact and Influence? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the world. However this isolationist' view is countered by diffusionists', who believe that post-Beringian oceanic travel was undertaken by certain Old World peoples prior to Columbus and that there was trans-hemispheric contact and influence between the Old and New Worlds. The evidence for pre-Columbian oceanic contact, especially via the Pacific, is vast, stemming from anthropology, biology, botany, genetics, art, language, calendars, epigraphy and geography. It is complex and diverse, hard to recover and often ambiguous. The most competent investigators tend to be specialists who probe deeply into narrow aspects. Unfortunately, their communication with each other is restricted and their findings are not reinforced by other specialities, so ...
475. Anomalous Occurrence of Crocodilia in Eocene Polar Forests [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 3-5 month long polar darkness to attain dormancy. Prolonged darkness combined with temperatures near 50 degrees Fahrenheit would have led to the death of the plants. However, the crocodilians have been consistent throughout their long evolutionary history in their limited tolerance of the cold. Crocodilia have never occupied ecological niches where near-freezing cold persists continuously for months. The incompatible biological imperatives of flora and fauna necessitate placement of these Eocene forests at a much more southerly latitude. Acceptance of a polar locale in spite of these demonstrated incompatibilities at the very least renders continental drift theory redundant as an explanation of past climates. 1. Geological Evidence of Warm Climates North of the Arctic Circle Discoveries made in the nineteenth century ...
476. A Personal Report on, and Irreverent Look at, the World Conference 'Planetary Violence in Human History' Portland, Oregon, January 3-5, 1997 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and it's going to strike us again if we don't take precautions! ' He repeated his theory, from The Cosmic Serpent and The Cosmic Winter, that the catastrophes reported in mythology were caused by the break-up of a super-comet c. 40,000 years ago at the start of the last glaciation. This was one super-comet among many and biological evolution itself had been determined by comets throughout Earth's history. In the 19th century, the French,who had become very meteorite-minded because of a meteorite landing in their midst, published Chinese data on meteorite falls ( 'fireballs'; apparently the Chinese called them very interesting times on Earth'). The data indicate peaks of activity ...
477. The Eye Goddess [Journals] [Aeon]
... transformational role we must turn to another rhythm of time, the movement of the sun from dawn to dusk, rising in the eastern horizon each morning, crossing the sky at noon, and then sinking each evening into the west. As a solar goddess, the beneficent-destructive Hathor-Sekhmet participates in this daily rhythm which also links her qualities with the biological life-cycle of birth, maturity and death." [3 ] Fig. 1: Three forms of the Egyptian goddess Hathor. But if Hathor represents the Sun, how are we to understand her intimate relationship with Horus or Ra, both of whom are typically identified with the Sun by Egyptologists? Wallis Budge saw the difficulty here and ...
478. The Garden, the Fall, and the Restoration [Journals] [Kronos]
... son killing the father in order to possess the mother, this presumably having been a widespread practice in prehistoric times; Jung, however, maintained that mankind's collective subconscious is populated by primeval archetypes which shape our patterns of thought and behavior. Both Freud and Jung assumed that the content of the collective subconscious is ultimately an inherent aspect of the biological organism: for Freud, the Oedipus drama was the inevitable outcome of universal sexual urges; for Jung, archetypes were the psychological analogue of a wider range of instincts. Velikovsky, however, considered the irrational aspects of the collective human subconscious as acquired, not inherent. As an historian as well as a psychoanalyst, with an awareness ...
479. The Exo-Synchronous Molecular Evolutionary Clock [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... survivors the maximum tolerable DNA changes. Introduction and Summary The last few decades have brought about a revolution in man's ability to understand, decode and manipulate deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules, the molecules which make the genes which direct life's processes. One aspect of the revolution concerns the ability to trace, by genetic means, the pattern of biological evolution to an extent that was previously unavailable. The phrase molecular evolutionary clock', already coined from protein investigation [1 ], is becoming increasingly prominent and is used to describe the startling discovery that proteins, and to a more precise degree the DNA molecules, tend to evolve at rates more correlated to absolute time than to species ...
480. Ice Cores of Greenland [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the brink of the bore-hole, but it happens that if the ice core were to demonstrate the regular passage of a long stretch of uneventful time, quantavolution would simply have to surrender its claims to serious scientific consideration. The glaciologists begin their investigations with a natural pastiche: All kinds of fall-out from the atmosphere, including airborne continental dust and biological material, volcanic debris, sea salts, cosmic particles, and isotopes produced by cosmic radiation, are deposited on the ice sheet surface along with the snow. The passage of time, it appears, has little effect on the frozen material, except by tiny regular increments: The snowpack is gradually compressed into solid ice with small cavities ...
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