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67 pages of results. 431. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... complexity theory. The concept of a superorganism', such as an ant colony or an ecosystem, with its ultimate expression in the Gaia hypothesis of the entire globe being one integrated unit, has often been rejected in favour of Darwinian competition between smaller and smaller units, ending in Dawkins' ultimate reductionism of the selfish gene'. Some biologists are reviving the superorganism' approach. Mathematical considerations of complexity theory indicate patterns of physical growth and behaviour automatically emerge as a property of any living system. Brian Goodwin of the Open University explains this in his recent book, How the Leopard Changed its Spots. He believes natural selection simply fine-tunes the order emerging from the system and cannot ...
432. Big and Little Science [Articles]
... can be done even if there is no agreement on fundamental views, or, to put it more brutally, science can be done without belief. The physicist does physics without being sure what matter is, astronomy is done without a secure knowledge of the origin of the universe, cognitive science is done without a knowledge of the mind, biology is done without a knowledge of life and psychology is done without a knowledge of the personality. As German philosopher Hans Vaihinger tried to tell us in the 1920's, we simply proceed as if there were atoms, as if there were bubble universes, as if there were a discernible mind, as if there were let us say a ...
433. Pole Shifts And The Arctic Ocean Ice Cover [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... theatre is a less known literary phrase which denotes "A theatrical hit; a sensational trick."115 This evidence is based on deep Arctic Ocean sediment cores. In Act I Mewhinney writes: "Since the 1960's several hundred sediment cores have been retrieved from the central Arctic [Ocean]. In the world's deep oceans sediments rich in biological remains normally accumulates at rates varying from 1.5 to 3 centimeters per thousand years... In contrast to this the sedimentation rate in the Arctic cores has been only about 1.5 to 2 millimeters per thousand years over the last 700,000 years or so, with the average at the low end of the range ...
434. Thoth Vol IV, No. 1: Jan 15, 2000 [Journals] [Thoth]
... be eccentric. The radiant energy received by the planet will be strongest at the blue and red ends of the spectrum. Photosynthesis relies on red light. Sky light would be a pale purple (the classical "purple dawn of creation"). L-type Brown Dwarfs have water as a dominant molecule in their spectra, along with many other biologically important molecules and elements. Its "children" would accumulate atmospheres and water would mist down. It is therefore of particular interest that most of the extra-solar planets discovered are gas giants, several times the size of Jupiter, orbiting their star extremely closely. It is our system of distantly orbiting planets that seems the odd one out. ...
435. Schizophrenia and the Fear of World Destruction [Journals] [Kronos]
... to grapple with the vital issues of life. And wherever the conflict is keenest, there we are likely to find both religious and pathological manifestations."(8 ) As a student of world mythology, Campbell is especially cognizant of archetypes and their universal existence. Adhering to Jungian analysis, Campbell believes that man "has both an inherited biology and a personal biography, the archetypes of the unconscious' being expressions of the first . . . As the first is biological and common to the species, so this second is biographical, socially determined, and specific to each separate life. Most of our dreams and daily difficulties will derive, of course, from the latter; ...
436. Past, Present, and Future [Books] [de Grazia books]
... , with substantial justification. A climatic change spelling death by famine and suffering for hundreds of millions of persons is already happening. Laboratories of micro-biology are coming under official scrutiny for the possibility that their experiments in genetics may leak uncontrollable diseases, even while people, perhaps mistakenly, feel relieved that the armies of the great powers talk about renouncing biological warfare and destroying stocks of germs and poisons. Writings and films about catastrophe command audiences of unprecedented size. One does well to appreciate, however, that throughout the past two centuries of scientific optimism and of parochial solutions for human problems, the mass of people has been convinced, as it always was before, that a catastrophic fate ...
437. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... catastrophic quote from Pope to illustrate the frequently-made equation of chance (randomness) with the ideas of disorder, chaos, and terror. In Darwinian evolution chance has its only role at the level of the genetic material: "the raw material for evolutionary change - and the raw material only - arises by a process of random mutation." Biologists have been unwilling to go further than that. It is argued that selection must act on this raw material, the gene pool, to produce the clearly well-designed features like birds' wings and the fins of fish. Gould argues to change all that. Unpalatable it may be, he argues, but the workings of chance operate at ...
438. Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, "Freud's Moses" [Journals] [Aeon]
... at once that Freud's theory of religion (as of race) relies heavily upon a belief in the inheritance of acquired characters. Yerushalmi, not surprisingly, chastises Freud for his naiveté here, it being fashionable nowadays to rank Lamarckians with Flat-Earthers, Scientologists, and, yes, with Velikovskyites. The author of Freud's Moses was not trained in biology, however, as was Freud, nor did he have more than 50 years experience analyzing the behavior of his fellow man, where instincts and the dream-life afford compelling examples of racial memory. Doubtless it is no coincidence that other prominent psychologists, including J.B . Watson, Ivan Pavlov, Jean Piaget, G.S . ...
439. The Catastrophic Substructure of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra (Part II) [Journals] [Kronos]
... desperately to try to shut the door. It is as if there were an unwritten, unspoken and indeed unconscious taboo against dealing with the possibility of catastrophism and thus celestial instability, and Dr. Velikovsky, who had broken it, must be destroyed. That is why they are guardians of the skies. ' The astronomy and geology and biology which they had constructed was apparently true, but, being uniformitarian, it was only a partial truth, revealing enough to keep man happy, but concealing what man should not know. The implications go further, for, if we consider man in this light- striving to erect what appear to be perfectly rational intellectual disciplines, but ...
440. The Races Of Homo Sapiens [Journals] [Kronos]
... parts- both following the Middle Pleistocene. The first appearance of the Ainu (Holocene) would then fit in with that of Caucasoids and Negroids (Upper Pleistocene). The drastic increase in ocean level must have been brought about by the Deluge. And here we find cause for numerous extinctions assigned to the beginning of the Holocene and the biological changes ascribed to the end of the Middle Pleistocene. Plant mutations at this time might have given rise to agricultural species such as maize. At the beginning of the Middle Pleistocene we also find extinctions and mutations, with Homo sapiens among the latter. The Golden Age is thus ascribed to the "Second Interglacial Period" of the Middle ...
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