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67 pages of results. 401. Velikovsky and Historical Anti-Naturism [Journals] [Kronos]
... to anthropological materials from remote places, Velikovsky spent a decade in the library at Columbia University. He evaluated the myths of many diverse peoples, a multitude of artistic and architectural styles, archaeological artifacts, philosophical discourses, songs, histories, and philologies. His researches led him to challenge the basic assumptions of astronomers, geologists, physicists, biologists, psychologists, historians, and other specialists. As William Mullen has pointed out, although Velikovsky's work was inter-disciplinary in the widest sense, his methodology was essentially historiographical.(18) But, unlike most historiographers, Velikovsky's view was not focused narrowly on any local group, and he frequently read a poem as though it were a ...
402. Some Additional References on Mass Extinctions and on Radioactivity (especially K-T) [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... 1968: Primary productivity, isotopes, extinctions and the atmosphere. Palaegeog. Palaeochmatol. Palaeoecol. 4:187-210. Tappan H., 1971:Microplankton, ecological succession and evolution. Proc. N.Am.Paleontol. Conv., H: 1059-1103. Terry K.D ., Tucker W.H ., 1968: Biologic effects of supernovae. Science 159:421-423. (See also the discussion that followed: Lister H., 1968: Science 160: 1138;Tucker W.H ., Terry K.D ., 1968:Science 160:1138-1139; Simpson G.G ., 1968: Science 162:140-14 1. Tolmachoff I ...
403. Showers of Glass [Journals] [SIS Review]
... explain the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinctions, and that this suggests ". .. the rigid anti-catastrophism characteristic of geological thinking since the time of Hutton and Lyell is now dead". One final thought remains as a challenge. He notes that tektites are known only from the last 35 million years: however, cometary impacts are being used to explain the biological extinctions throughout the Phanerozoic.* This is perhaps evidence that should give Alvarez et al. food for thought. It probably means that the same sort of catastrophic agent, i.e . comet, cannot be used to explain all the hiatuses in the geological record, and that extinctions not associated with tektite falls may yet find another ...
404. The Genesis of Religion [Books] [de Grazia books]
... . In summation, the age becomes confirmed as religious. The more intense, pervasive, and frequent the experiences, the more religious the age becomes. It is as certain as any other proposition of science, that, were an asteroid or comet of modest size to strike the globe, astronomy would promptly become astrology, meteorology divination, biology creationist, politics catastrophic, and theology revivalist. Evidence for this statement is strewn among all writings on the effects upon humans of close-in and crashing celestial bodies. This divinity, perhaps the same, perhaps another, is known not only by celestial or other natural apparitions; it is also manifested in ways that will be demonstrated in chapter ...
405. Obituary: Earl Milton [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of a Fallen Sky. We were collaborators on various projects _ notably the book, Solaria Binaria: a History of the Solar System according to the principles of Quantavolution, and an Encyclopedia of Catastrophes. Earl was 16 years my junior but always my equal and friend. When we came to study the origins of life, his knowledge of biology and elementary forms was a boon. Chemistry, spectroscopy, mathematics, and astrophysics were his main areas of knowledge. He cast electricity and electromagnetism as the principal players in all the forces that composed and activated the world and mind. His theories would even transform gravitational laws and phenomena into electrical processes. Earl Milton leaves over a thousand ...
406. Syllabi for Quantavolution [Books] [de Grazia books]
... . The Holocausts: the tendency of ancient collective traumatic experiences to repeat themselves in politics and war. IX. THE HUMAN MIND TODAY: CONFRONTING AND COPING WITH CATASTROPHIC IDEAS IN SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 24. The reception system of science A. Problems of natural science models clashing with unconforming natural history B. Evolution of Quantavolution: issues in the biological sciences 25. Developing forms of thought A. Catastrophism in contemporary religion B. Psychological therapy and the catastrophic mentality C. Cosmic and political catastrophism: the meaning of nuclear war SUGGESTED READINGS, ON RESERVE (Keyed to outline and fully cited in the master bibliography provided each member of the Seminar) I. Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan ...
407. The Personal Tragedy of Albert Einstein [Journals] [Kronos]
... metaphysics persuade us to doubt the testimony they bear." -Scientific American July 1875 Reprinted: July, 1975, p. 10B. To an experimentalist the above paragraph may be summarized as advising all scientists to adhere religiously to the spirit and letter of the SCIENTIFIC METHOD that we all were required to learn as beginning students of the physical and biological sciences. And the experimenter should always keep in mind that our apparatus and measuring instruments, no matter how sophisticated, are but extensions of our senses, thus liable to "let mistaken metaphysics persuade us to doubt the testimony they bear. " It was at Ulm, Germany that Albert Einstein was born, 1879, to become the ...
408. Cataclysms of the Earth [Books]
... Scottish seaweeds, Fucas speratis, in concentrations 10,000 times stronger than that found in the enveloping waters. "Soaking a fresh Laminaria (seaweed) frond in water . . . does not remove the trace elements, which appear therefore, to be in insoluble form." (Black and Mitchell, in The Journal of the Marine Biological Association, Plymouth, England.) This statement would appear to be substantial proof that the trace elements do not arrive in the seaweeds from waterborne solutions; but rather that the trace elements in the water come from plant life which, in turn, develops it from the energy of light rays which become occluded or frozen as atoms making ...
409. H. H. Hess and My Memoranda [Journals] [Pensee]
... 1965, Hess took the initiative to organize the Cosmos and Chronos Study and Discussion Group, and he placed in the Bulletin of the University an announcement of the first open discussion. Originally we planned a debate on evolution based on the uniformitarian principle vs. evolution based mainly on cataclysmic events. My opponent was to have been Princeton professor of biology, Colin Pittendrigh. There was a mutual respect between us (earlier he had visited me and also inscribed to me a biology text which he co-authored with G. G. Simpson, my early antagonist), but Pittendrigh insisted that the problem of extinction in the animal kingdom should not be a part of the debate. I could ...
... , which finally became the ecliptic' from which none of them deviated in any very pronounced way. Before we continue we have to consider another very important tenet of Hoerbiger's Cosmogonic Theory. The most important of all elements is oxygen. Evidently cosmic life', that is, the course of astrophysical development-requires its presence and action, just as biological life is only made possible by it. It would take us too far a-field to tell here the full story of oxygen and its ready manifold combination with practically all other elements, but it will be admitted that the most important of all oxides, both from a biological and a cosmogonic point of view, the first condition for any ...
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