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664 results found.
67 pages of results. 341. Genesis Research & Education Foundation [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... of origins research to medical, agricultural & environmental concerns. As well as primary research, we provide multi-media presentations & field expeditions for the public, and educational equipment, training & support for students. Our facilities include a laboratory, museum & computer rooms; multi-media resources, a library & an archive. We have a growing collection of biological, geological, palaeontological & archaeological artifacts. Our current research interests include: (1 ) The evolution of co-adapted gene complexes, with special reference to the discontinuous nature of both living and fossil taxa. (2 ) Mathematical theories of the nature of space-time and its relation to matter and energy. (3 ) The New Chronology of ...
342. SIS Internet Digest 2002 Number 2 [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... . 16 Rockart at the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistoric i .. 16 Speed of light has changed .. 16 Second Law of Thermodynamics broken .. 16 .. SIS Message Forum .. 17 SIS Conference 2002: Ages still in Chaos .. 17 Conferences .. 18 .. Third International Conference on Large Meteorite .. 18 Biological Processes in Impact Craters .. 18 Cambridge-Conference Email Network .. 11 Names for New Moons of Jupite r .. 19 Why Mars Rock Hits Earth Every Month .. 19 Biblical Plagues Caused by Volcano' .. 19 Sun's Rays to Roast Earth .. 19 First UK Impact Layer Discovered .. 19 Impact Showered Debris Over Britain ...
343. Contributors [Journals] [Kronos]
... poetry in a number of Spanish language periodicals. Richard K. Severs (Ph.D ., Univ. of Texas); Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Dr. Severs' work on air quality, its evaluation and effects, has been published in Chemosphere, Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine, Archives of Environmental Health, Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, and the American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, among others. He has also contributed chapters to several books. Alban Wall (Graduate, United States Merchant Marine Academy); Former Instructor, Dept. of Navigation and Seamanship, U.S . Merchant ...
344. Doomsday: The Science of Catastrophe by Fred Warshofsky [Journals] [Kronos]
... to one of the interplanetary orbital entanglements.) 9. That "nature's plans for the end of the world" are eons away: p. 227. (The Velikovskian view is that the frequency of protohistoric catastrophes makes this assessment optimistic, to say the least.) Some remarkably incisive discussions of the application of catastrophist theory to specific biological and geological problems are found in chapters 6, 7, and 8. On pp. 122-123, Warshofsky resolves the paradox of the striking biochemical similarity and the equally striking anatomical dissimilarity between man and chimpanzee in terms of a genetic "mini-catastrophe," involving not the genes themselves, but their chromosomal arrangement. On pp. 137-143, ...
345. Contributors [Journals] [Kronos]
... of the excavations at Isin, published in the Abhandlungen of the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil-hist. Kl., Heft 79 (1977), pp. 135-145. Bennison Gray (Ph.D ., Univ. of Southern California); The Drs. Gray are an independent husband-and-wife team specializing in heretical scholarship ranging from linguistics to biology. Their most recent book, Evolution and the Revolution that Failed: The Semiotics of Taxonomy (in press) analyzes both fields as manifestations of the problem of evolution. Their writing has appeared in numerous scholarly publications. Peter J. James (B .A . - Hons. - Birmingham Univ.); Mr. James is ...
346. Ancient Astronauts [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Studies in London in 1975 and have since developed the model in collaboration with Professor Earl R. Milton. It calls for a binary system of the Sun and Super-Uranus, electrically connected by a pulsing axis of fire and enveloped by an electromagnetized tube reaching between the binary partners and providing a vast intervening space with a viable atmosphere for planetary and biological genesis. The breakdown of Solaria Binaria occasioned the set of catastrophes that originated and imprinted homo sapiens. The rotating magnetic tube that enveloped the planets in the age of Pangea on Earth endured for a long time. Hence the planets would have shared an atmosphere, and might possibly have engendered similar life forms. Passage from one planet to ...
347. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , so its iron core should be solid and incapable of generating a field by the dynamo action used to explain the fields of other planets. Even more puzzling is the fact that the molecules of its surface minerals, at least, are strongly left-handed. On Earth there is a 50/50 split between left and right-handed - except for biological material which is almost always left-handed. Jupiter - a star? New Scientist, 5.1 .02, p. 11 Until now no one has been able to explain how Jupiter radiates more heat than it receives from the Sun. Now new calculations confirm previous idea that the heat could come from nuclear fusion, as it does ...
348. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 11th century Western crusaders. Josephus By Tessa Rajak, Duckworth, 2002, £14 99 A well researched, up to date account of the life and times of this leading figure of Jewish and Graeco-Roman history. The Journey of Man by Spencer Wells, Ancient & Medieval Book Club, 2002, £14 99 An accessible overview of humankind's biological history by a geneticist. Mapping Human History by Steve Olsen, Ancient & Medieval Book Club, 2002, £11 99 This version of early human history traces links between languages, migration patterns and gene distribution to determine our origins. Lost Languages by Andrew Robinson, McGraw-Hill, 2002, £25 99 A detailed study of 8 mysterious ...
... God' and Lord God' used in the mythological parts of the Book of Genesis cover several different conceptions of the deity. Since those parts of the Book are actually scientific' in trend none of these conceptions of the deity is, naturally, a strictly religious' one. The pantheon comprises: First - Deified powers of nature or biological forces, like the God of Genesis i, an elevated conception; Secondly - World Moulders, like the God of Genesis ii, a much more primitive conception; and Thirdly – Culture Heroes, deified human characters, which are referred to here and there. These three types are gods of humanity in general: not gods of Israel ...
350. Solaria Binaria in Relation to Chaos and Creation [Books] [de Grazia books]
... question of why humans worshipped the early Moon does not depend upon the Moon's motion in that era: its size, its prominence, and its observed birth and subsequent assembly before man's eyes provide sufficient motivation for worship. The time span of Solaria Binaria, unlike that of Chaos and Creation, includes the whole of the geological, atmospheric and biological development of the Solar System. The authors feel that, although they may have drawn liberally upon Chaos and Creation, they have introduced so many novel concepts and solved so many hitherto unrecognized cosmological problems in the present writing, that this book appears as a complete and independent treatise on cosmogony, which, whether or not Chaos and Creation ...
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