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67 pages of results. 291. Velikovsky at Harvard [Journals] [Pensee]
... astronomers present, "could the satellites of Jupiter, plowing through the intense Jovian magnetosphere, do so without any observable effect? Or how can you explain the movement of cometary tails around the sun when, by ten to twenty thousand times, solar light pressure is insufficient to do the job?" Darwin, and with him all the biology and paleontology textbooks through the Fifties, "frequently invoked absence of the fossil record to explain what appear to be sudden changes. Today many of the prominent evolutionists of the Fifties have been forced to become catastrophists, but call themselves neo-catastrophists' to separate themselves from me." Further, "the theory that fossils are formed when animals ...
292. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the History of Science at the University of Frankfurt. BELLAMY, HANS S.: Moons, Myths and Men (Faber, 1931) An invaluable compendium of catastrophic myths, though hampered by the author's allegiance to the now discredited moon-capture theory (Welt-Eis-Lehre) of Hoerbiger. GALLANT, RENE: Bombarded Earth: An Essay on the Geological and Biological Effects of Huge Meteorite Impacts (John Blaker, 1964) Since the discovery of the Barringer Crater in Arizona and the reassessment of the origin of similar craters of enormous size, the theory of meteoritic origin has grown in strength. Gallant shows that the impact of meteorites of planetary dimensions must have caused a shift in the earth's polar axis ...
293. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... relativity; in physics the mechanics of Galileo and that of Newton, the existence of the vacuum, the complex nature of white light, the velocity of light, wave theory, the kinetic theory of gases; in chemistry the new chemistry of Lavoisier, the new theories of organic chemistry of Laurent and Gerhardt, and atomic theory; In biology the circulation of the blood, vaccination, the theory of evolution, Pasteur's ideas etc.... "It is an unfortunate fact, the importance of which cannot be neglected , that the hostility from other scientists met by many discoverers has sometimes been extremely brutal and quite unjustified. .. . In this respect routine and conformity ...
294. Horizons [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . Axel Firsoff of an address by the late Otto Schindewolf to the Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft in 1961, and deals with a theme running through the issue, the correlation of faunal discontinuities with the transitions of the great geological eras; L. J. Salop of the Leningrad geological research institute, in by far the longest paper, Glaciations, Biologic Crises and Supernovae, meticulously charts this correspondence. Both authors propose an external agent such as enhanced cosmic radiation: besides acting on the atmosphere and bringing about the Ice Ages, this can also cause the extinction and (by mutation) creation of species. In Galactic Domains, G Fluctuations and Geomagnetic Reversals, on the other hand, ...
295. Immanuel Velikovsky 1895-1979 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... probes, and new scholarly journals came into being to provide a platform for his ideas. The last ten years of Velikovsky's life were probably the most momentous of his long and eventful career. He lectured at NASA research centres, at colleges and universities - including Harvard and Princeton; he debated with a new generation of astronomers, geologists, biologists and historians on public platforms and in print, at the same time developing the implications of his theories in many fields. He avoided no challenge, even the notorious AAAS Symposium of 1974, where the manipulations of the organisers excluded his scientific supporters from the platform leaving Velikovsky alone to face four specialists in seven hours of gruelling debate. ...
296. The Siwalik Hills. Ch.6 Mountains And Rifts (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... species were extinguished to the last one; some are still represented, but by only a few species. Of nearly thirty species of elephants found in the Siwalik beds, only one species has survived in India. "The sudden and widespread reduction by extinction of the Siwalik mammals is a most startling event for the geologist as well as the biologist. The great carnivores, the varied races of elephants belonging to no less than 25 to 30 species . . . the numerous tribes of large and highly specialized ungulates [hoofed animals] which found such suitable habitats in the Siwalik jungles of the Pliocene epoch, are to be seen no more in an immediately succeeding age."4 ...
297. In Passing [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and Asian remains are all Homo erectus, so the story continues that early men moved out of Africa and spread to cover Europe and Asia, adapting to the more difficult life in colder, seasonal regions. One is tempted to ask why they should have left their African Eden at all. The known specimens exhibit some variation but "such biological variation arises when populations are geographically separated from each other for significant lengths of time". It is also a well-known tenet of evolutionary theory that such populations are then ideally placed to evolve into different species. How then did Homo erectus, with a brain three-quarters the size of modern man, after evolutionary stability for one million years, ...
298. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ". .. V. was unhappy with the support he received. It seemed that he would get agreement and aid from exactly those sources he did not himself respect while being rebuffed by those who should flock to his banner. One had to be an anti-authoritarian to support him, but such were rarely to be found in physics, biology, astronomy and geology. So he got support from people who usually were just plain folks, intelligent (and therefore I say rare) readers, and a great many confused believers, or at least people who V. at bottom thought had no right to pass judgement on him. Like Moses, V. spent a lot of ...
299. Saint Cuthbert [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . Could it be that - later on - someone needed such a perfect date? His tomb at Lindisfarne Priory quickly turns into a magnet for pilgrims from close by and far away. The miracles there become so numerous that his cognomen Wonder-worker of England is definitively deserved. Yet, the saint does not only work wonders he presents a major biological miracle himself. This becomes evident in 698 when, at Lindisfarne, his body is exhumed and found incorrupt. In 698 Cuthbert's incorrupt body begins a journey of 297 years. Illig (1991; 1998; 1999) proposes to cut 297 years - from 619 to 916 - out of early medieval history, a time span which he ...
300. Ice Core Evidence [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... : The above two fields [taxonomy and biostratigraphy] are based on many assumptions from historical geology. Just the classification of oceanic microorganisms is very complex, with many problems....There is a prolifeMtion of different names for the same organism, and much species-splitting [of one species into several]. Little is known about the biology and ecology of the modern organisms. Looking at the pictures in Ramsey's book...of the various foraminifera from various geological periods, one is impressed by how similar some of them looked to modern foraminifera. These impressions are reinforced by an article in Origins. Tosk... states how foraminifera[n ] fossils are often ...
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