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664 results found.
67 pages of results. 271. Bombarded Earth by René Gallant [Books]
... III The consequences of cosmic catastrophism Chapter 1: Geology and Palaeontology. The Shaping of the Earth's Topography Extinction and Survival Lithological and Palaeontological Stratigraphy Faulting and Vulcanism Chapter 2: Palaeoclimatology The Variables in Climatic Evolutions The Astronomical Theory of Climatic Changes Milankovitch's Curves and Palaeoclimatology Conclusion Chapter 3: Radioactivity The Atom Radiations Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Geological Dating Radio-Carbon Dating The Biological Effects of Radiations Meteoritic Impacts and Radioactivity Chapter 4: Palaeomagnetism Magnetism The Earth's Magnetism (Geomagnetism) Palaeomagnetism and Archaeo-magnetism Cosmic Catastrophism and Palaeomagnetism Chapter 5: History and Chronology History Chronology Astronomical Computation Chronology and Cosmic Catastrophism PART IV General Conclusions Appendixes Calculation of the Angle of Shift Calculation of the Resultant Angular Velocity The Slip of the Earth's Crust under ...
272. Catastrophist Geology [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... 2. Decemher 1977 A magazine dedicated to the study of discontinuities in Earth history In this issue:Bone Breccias Augustus Sordinas, Robert O. van Everdingen, Richard H.Tedford .. . Fossil Cemeteries V.A . Obruchev USGS versus Fringe Johan B.Kloosterman Earthquake Lights USGS News Release Neocatastrophism? Otto H.Schindewolf Glaciations, Biologic Crises and Supernovae L.J . Salop Galactic Domains, G Fluctuations and Geomagnetic Reversals Harold Aspden Articles in other Magazines Meetings Apophoreta - 4 Johan B.Kloosterman Publisher: Johan R.Kloosterman, Caixa Postal 41.nol / Santa Teresa Rio de Janeiro, BRASIL Price for four half-yearly issues is Cr$ 180, in Brazil, ...
... a "Voice of America" broadcast in German in which he will discuss his theories and his book. The cited magazines described Velikovsky's book in glowing terms [141, 209, 217, 218, 271, 284]: a major synthesis of many disciplines, reflecting a thorough knowledge of such fields as anthropology, archaeology, astronomy, biology, chemistry, classical literature, folklore, geology, paleontology, physics, psychology, religion, world history; massive documentation from many texts- Old Testament, Talmud, Egyptian papyri- and from diverse traditions and legends: of Arabia, Babylonia, China, Finland, Greece, Iceland, India, Japan, Mexico, the Pacific ...
274. Extinction. Ch.14 Extinction (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... The end came, not in the course of the struggle for existence-with the survival of the fittest. Fit and unfit, and mostly fit, old and young, with sharp teeth, with strong muscles, with fleet legs, with plenty of food around, all perished. These facts, as I have already quoted, drive "the biologist to despair as he surveys the extinction of so many species and genera in the closing Pleistocene [Ice Age]."3 In the woolly mammoth the genus of elephants achieved its evolutionary perfection; as was already shown by Falconer and known to Darwin, the teeth of the mammoth were superior to those of modern elephants; and in ...
275. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... history from the last ice age until 10,000 years ago, and human adaptations to it. Endless Forms Most Beautiful: The New Science of Evo Devo and the Making of the Animal Kingdom – by Sean B. Carroll. W.W .Norton. US $25.95 Evo devo is the new science of evolutionary developmental biology. This book explores the relationship between embryological development and evolutionary changes on a larger scale. A consideration of how small changes in the timing of embryological development can cause large changes in the adult helps the reader to appreciate how major evolutionary change could occur. The Quest for the Shaman – by Miranda and Stephen Aldhouse-Green. Thames and Hudson ...
276. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... to meet local members or correspond with anyone interested in evolution, astrophysics, scientific reception or general aspects of Velikovskian theory. PSYCHOLOGY: Archimedes A. Concon, M.D ., 4939 Princeton Road, Memphis, Tennessee 38117, U.S .A . is interested in starting an internation correspondence. Interests include biblical history, evolutionary biology, mythology, psychology. WISCONSIN: Robert Rohrer, recently moved to W338 S4915 Fox Hollow Drive, Genesee, Wis. 53118, U.S .A ., wishes to meet local members or exchange ideas by correspondence on any area of the hypothesis. FOCUS Worldwide CATASTROPHIST GEOLOGY, c/o Dr J. B. Kloosterman ...
277. Forget Amnesia [Journals] [Aeon]
... subsequent generations repressed memory of the disasters. Contemporary practicing psychiatrists accept Freud's idea of trauma-induced amnesia- at least the ones I checked with do. They see no problem in extending the idea to embrace all humanity. Nor are they troubled by the question of how the trauma passes from generation to generation. They presume that an unknown form of biological encoding propagates the suppression of bizarre historical happenings. Perhaps it's in the genes, they say. In short, Velikovsky's thesis of "mankind in amnesia" conforms to mainstream Freud, and Freudian analysis is alive and apparently thriving. Immanuel Velikovsky. (Adapted from a caricature by Robert Byrd.) However, amnesia- traumatically or otherwise ...
278. S.I.S Review Vol. VI Number 4: Contents [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . Malcolm Lowery: A Response to Forrest 112 The first of a series of replies to Forrest on the crucial question of the "Papyrus Ipuwer". Features: Focus: S.I .S . Spring Meeting, 1983 86 S.I .S . 10th Anniversary Tour, 1984 88 Global Catastrophes: New Evidence from Astronomy, Biology and Archaeology 89 The Continuing Ica Mystery 92 In Passing: Darwinian Diary, Part I by Dr Trevor Palmer 95 Letters: from Artur Isenberg, Jim Clarke, Dr Eva Danelius, Carl Olof Jonsson, Roger Westcott, Irving Wolfe and Eddie Schorr 114 Briefings: Devil's Advocates 101 Archaeology and the Location of Ai - a letter from Christoph ...
279. C&C Workshop 2005:3 Contents [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... * Peter Fairlie-Clarke * Damien Mackey * Steve Mitchell * Eric Aitchison * Sjef van Asten 3 Articles Emmet Sweeney: Is Illig Right, and and AD Chronology Wrong? 10 Medieval Europe: Dating And Recent Developments . Steve Mitchell 15 In Passing Phillip Clapham: Ice Age Anomalies 19 Monitor Inside Science * Archaelology * Myth * Catastrophe * Electromagnetism * Biology * Geology * Evolution * Dating * Astronomy 22 Bookshelf 27 News From the Internet 29 Two gold masks : Jill Abery 14 Copyright (c ) October 2005 Society for Interdisciplinary Studies a registered charity (Charities Act, 1960) - registration number 286264 PRODUCTION TEAM: Jill Abery, David Davis, Val Pearce and Ian Tresman EDITORIAL TEAM: ...
280. Index of Titles
... The Biblical 40-Years Periods, The Biblical Archaeologist Biblical Archaeologist Biblical Archaeologist Biblical Pentapolis or Midianite Cities? Biblical Plagues Caused by Volcano' Bibliographic Meteor Database, The Big Bang Never Happened, The Big Bang Big-Jaw Varlamoff is Dead Big Lie, The Big planets form in cosmic flash Binkley Publishing Co Binomial Coefficients, Permutations and Combinations in Elam and Babylon Biology of the Cell Birth and Odyssey of Halley's Comet: From 2484 B.C . to the Present Time, The Birth and Odyssey of Halley's comet, The Birth of Athena, The Birth of Planets, The Birth of Vahagn: An Armenian Vision of Celestial Catastrophe?, The Birth of Venus from Jupiter, The Bit Creaky? ...
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