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67 pages of results. 241. Perilous Planet Earth – Catastrophes and Catastrophism Through the Ages, by Trevor Palmer (Book Review) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 2005 (Sep 2005) Home | Issue Contents Perilous Planet Earth – Catastrophes and Catastrophism Through the Ages, by Trevor Palmer Cambridge University Press, 2003. Reviewed by Alfred de Grazia Perilous Planet Earthis a useful general textbook on catastrophic quantavolution from the standpoint of an academic biologist. So handsomely produced is the book and by so respectable a publisher, that one suspects there must be something wrong with it, and there is. It is one more attempt, and a good show, to sneak the overwhelming new paradigm of quantavolution into Victorian England. I cannot recommend it as a record of the history of the scientific movement of the fringe ...
242. The Erratic Descent of Man [Journals] [SIS Review]
... [108-110,113]. Possibly regional variations, if they exist, could be due to interbreeding with local populations of archaic H. sapiens. The arguments between adherents of the two models continue, and were aired at the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference in New Orleans in February 1990 [114]. The relationship between biological and cultural evolution is also less than straightforward. There is some evidence that A. robustus had a hand capable of sophisticated manipulation [115]; australopithecines may have used sticks as tools, as do modern apes [58], but of course no evidence would remain of this. The primitive Oldowan' stoneworking tradition first appeared in ...
243. The AAAS Symposium on Velikovsky [Books]
... seems to think, the tides . . . would be hundreds of miles high." (156) [You can't have planets like Earth and Venus "scrape" and at the same time be "tens of thousands of kilometers" apart, as Velikovsky maintained they were!] Sagan the Critic: "Velikovsky's thesis has some peculiar biological and chemical consequences, which are compounded by some straightforward confusion on simple matters. He seems not to know (page 16) [in the early history of the Earth] that oxygen is produced by green-plant photosynthesis on the Earth." (157) Sagan the Scientist: "[ Sagan's] thesis has some peculiar biological and chemical ...
244. The Gaseous Complex [Books] [de Grazia books]
... bodies in place, eliminate cometary encounters and still explain catastrophes upon Earth. Thus Harlow Shapley, who led some scientists in an attack upon Velikovsky's catastrophism in 1950, himself had in 1935 proposed a solar nova as the explosive generator of space X-rays. Hurricanes, volcanism, interrupted rotation, ozone destruction, ice ages, geomagnetic field reversals, biological extinctions and even explosions of cometary and meteorological material on Earth can be rationalized up to a point as effects of solar misbehavior. Such a theory is possible, but it would be like hiring a thief to catch a thief. For the Sun would then become sole factor in quantavolutions, in the effort to exclude other bodies from trespassing ...
245. Introgenesis (Immanuel Velikovsky's Jewish Science) [Books]
... be doomed to "remain a busy healer of men all my life". (2 ) Faced with many problems, he turned- uncharacteristically for him- toward a mystical solution, albeit one that relied upon no supernatural communion. In his attempt to pull together the frayed strings of his destiny, he developed a system of "psychology, with biological and philosophical aspects" (3 ) which synthesized, as he claimed, Anna Freud's concept of "incorporating the parents" with the "collective unconscious" of Jung, the "universal unconscious" of the parapsychologists, and the "cosmic soul" of the pantheists (or, as Velikovsky preferred to call them, the "panpsychists ...
246. Radiocarbon Dating and Velikovskian Catastrophism [Journals] [Pensee]
... were living, the ratio reflects the approximate time since the demise of the organism. Thus, analysis of a series of cultural artifacts (organic in origin) can provide a time sequence, or chronology, of events. To yield consistent results, dating measurements must be corrected for the effects of isotope fractionation- the change in isotope ratios when biological or physical processes select one isotope more readily than another. This correction is made by first measuring the ratio of carbon 13 to carbon 12 in the sample. (Since this ratio may be subject to the influence of catastrophes, independent of the radiocarbon, this data can be applied to Velikovsky's claims.) The change in the radiocarbon ...
247. Questions from the Floor [Articles]
... in every field of knowledge, with the rate of material coming in so that even the most up-to-date computers can barely handle it, I can hardly expect this man, whose mind was as close to any computer that I've ever seen, able to hold all the information about the solar system, our planet, ancient civilizations, evolution, biology, microbiology, astrophysics, and so if he fell behind in the sixties while being weighted down by critical opposition, again, the man cannot be faulted, and whereas new evidence may have come in to support old ideas, these were still old ideas, they were still, shall we say at this point, preconceived notions, ...
248. Stephen Jay Gould and Immanuel Velikovsky [Books]
... that is what natural selection is, i.e . a form of natural breeding) is fundamental. As Loren Eiseley, a world renowned anthropologist, stated, "It would appear that careful domestic breeding, whatever it may do to improve the quality of race horses or cabbages, is not actually in itself the road to the endless biological deviation which is evolution. There is great irony in this situation, for more than almost any other single factor, domestic breeding has been used as an argument for the reality of evolution." (68) (Emphasis added) What scientists do not do, according to Gould, is refuse to accept the limitations of physical possibility ...
249. Contributors [Journals] [Kronos]
... Sourcebook Project, Frontiers of Science, and UFO Report. He presently makes his home in Vancouver and is preparing several long-range major works on cosmic catastrophism and related subjects. Bennison Gray (Ph.D ., Univ. of Southern California); The Drs. Gray are an independent husband-and-wife team specializing in heretical scholarship ranging from linguistics to biology. Their most recent book, Evolution and the Revolution that Faded: The Semiotics of Taxonomy (in press) analyzes both fields as manifestations of the problem of evolution. Their writing has appeared in numerous scholarly publications. Ken D. Moss; Mr. Moss studied Psychology and Sociology at the University of British Columbia and has published in ...
250. S.I.S. Workshop Vol. 4 No. 4 March 1982: Contents [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Satellite * A Book for Burning? * Variable Sunshine? * Venus Ruled Lives of Maya * Birth of Planets * Radiocarbon Anomalies * Dante's Inferno? * Meteorites from Mars? * Almost a Catastrophist * Astronomy's Follies * The Origins of Pluto and Charon * Cretaceous Catastrophe * No Plate Tectonics on Venus * Saturn's Dynamic Rings * Bombarded Earth * Biology Goes Electromagnetic 8 SOCIETY NEWS 24 REVIEWS 26 BOOKSHELF 30 LETTERS 31 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 40 Copyright (C ) 1982 Society for Interdisciplinary Studies THE VELIKOVSKY DEBATE TODAY ISSN 0260-2806 WORKSHOP was launched to provide for informal publication of articles that, for a variety of reasons, do not qualify for immediate inclusion in the S.I .S . REVIEW ...
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