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67 pages of results. 231. Abbreviations, Glossary and Bibliography [Books] [de Grazia books]
... 1977), "Recent Origin and Decay of the Earth's Magnetic Field," S.I .S . Review II, no. 2 (Dec.) See also, Milsom Barnwell, F.H . & Brown, Jr., F.A . (1964), "Responses of Planarians and Snails," in Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields, v.1 (Plenum: New York) Basilevsky, A.T ., see Florensky Bass, Robert W. (1974), "Proofs of the Stability of the Solar System," Pensée 4, no. 3 (Su.), pp. 21-6; also, loc.cit ...
232. The Ten Points Of Sagan [Journals] [Kronos]
... that the glass, and thus the lunar surface in general, must have undergone some shock, most probably thermal, at a temperature near 700 C. (The melting of the rocks requires, depending on their structure, temperatures of over 1200 C. However, many metals have melting points below 700 C.) V. Chemistry and Biology of the Terrestrial Planets. Sagan accuses me of taking "no note of the fact that Jupiter is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium while the atmosphere of Venus . . . is composed almost entirely of carbon dioxide" and maintains that, according to my work, "there are carbohydrates on both Jupiter and Venus". He also ...
233. When Venus Was A Comet [Journals] [Kronos]
... post classical Yucatan, Itzam Na (see Figure 7).(19) The dragon's bizarre conglomeration of features- serpentine body, feathers, beard, together with the fiery scrolls and spirals which frequently adorn his body- prompted Joralemon to remark that: Figure 7 "The primary concern of Olmec art is the representation of creatures that are biologically impossible. Such mythological beings exist in the mind of man, not in the world of nature."(20) Is it not possible that, rather than trying to dream up the "biologically impossible", Mesoamerican artists were perhaps striving to commemorate a most unusual and terrifying spectacle associated with a great comet? If this were ...
... earlier years declined to publish articles by Velikovsky. Further, a few scientists and other academics in good standing were prepared to expend time and effort in exploring, in relatively objective fashion, the substance of some of Velikovsky's contentions. All this, however, does not amount to acceptance of Velikovskian ideas intothe mainstream of astronomy, history, evolutionary biology, or any of the other recognized disciplines. The latter proceed as before, just as though Velikovsky's work had never appeared. But side by side with the mainstream there runs a Velikovskian stream, with its own journals, pursuing its own direction. There is little mingling. Velikovsky is rarely mentioned in the older, established journals of ...
235. Hoerbiger's Theory [Books]
... Beginning: God II Hoerbiger's Theory None of the mythologists who have hitherto investigated into cosmogonic myths generally, or into the Creation' and related reports in the Book of Genesis specially, seems to have invoked the aid of a theory of the life history of our Earth. This is not surprising, though, for none of the geological, biological, or astrophysical hypotheses appeared even partly helpful. On the contrary, most of these hypotheses, or rather, their professors, were definitely antagonistic. I shall not here enter into a discussion, criticism, or refutation of the scientific theories which have offered to explain, or which have declined to explain, the various myths in the ...
236. Ootek's Tale [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 3 No. 1 (June 1978) Home | Issue Contents Ootek's Tale Farley Mowat A Canadian government biologist was sent to the Barren Lands of central Keewatin, where the caribous were being decimated. He had been ordered to discover that the wolves were guilty and not the trappers. He found that there was no doubt whatsoever about the responsability of the trappers. He also made friends with Ootek, an Eskimo shaman who was able to communicate with Amorak the Wolf Being and could understand wolf language, and he was stunned to discover that Ootek had a better understanding of ecology than his superiors in Ottawa. "In the beginning there was a Woman ...
237. Obituary: Barry Fell [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon III:6 (Dec 1994) Home | Issue Contents Obituaries: Barry Fell Many of you know of Barry Fell, the Harvard Professor of marine biology who became the major exponent for the existence of ancient scripts in America. Barry died suddenly last April at his home in San Diego, Califomia. In 1974, Barry fommed the Epigraphic Society and began publishing the society's journal, ESOP (Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers), as a forum for reporting the discovery and decipherment of ancient inscriptions- primarily in the Americas. Over the years, Barry and his ideas and discoveries touched many lives, including mine. Many of us were inspired to pursue the subject ...
238. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 2001:2 (Jan 2002) Home | Issue Contents Bookshelf Ubiquity by Mark Buchanan (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2000, £20) Although there is still resistance in some quarters, the theory that the real world of complex systems cannot be explained in a uniformitarian way is spreading from geology and biology to economics and history. This book explains the idea of self-organised criticality and how history is punctuated by dramatic, unpredictable upheavals. The Little Ice Age: How climate made history 1300-1850 by Brian Fagan (Basic Books, New York 2001, $26) A study of how different societies were altered by major climate changes from the Middle ...
239. The Origami of Species [Journals] [Kronos]
... Origami of Species The Japanese art of paper folding- Origami- shows how many beautiful complex shapes can be formed from an essentially two dimensional object. One can appreciate the difficulties by attempting some of the more complicated patterns, where the paper convolutions almost seem to vanish within themselves in mobius-like fashion. In somewhat the same way, the genetic structure of biological organisms exhibits a conformation that appears to be, fundamentally, a three-dimensional geometric pattern- with its chemical properties as a natural outgrowth of the physical topology. Any changes in the molecular bits and pieces can radically affect the geometry, and this in turn would affect the chemistry through changes in molecular interactions. These changes which give rise to mutations ...
240. Quantavolutions [Books] [de Grazia books]
... at exploding meteoroids that might appear to be on collision courses with the Earth. Where once the evolution of coal beds was supposed to have occupied million of years in the ample time depots of natural history, today at least one authoritative textbook adopts great fires and floods as the most possible explanation of the origin of coal [2 ]. Biology is moving swiftly, but biology (and in the case of man-anthropology) as the history of life moves much more slowly, moves even in reverse motion, sucking up ever greater draughts of time. Still, Walter Sullivan, dean of science reporters, could declare in the New York Times in December 1981 that serious challenges ...
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