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67 pages of results. 211. Empedocles, Healer of the Mind (Part I) [Journals] [Kronos]
... , and does not miss his rib at all. The splitting of the Atman is more into equal parts. So it is with the Platonic division. So it is also, as we shall see later, with the collective mind.) Obviously, Freud is strongly attracted to the Symposium story, but he is also repelled: these biological unities, piles of doubled flesh, feature the required sort of repetition, but are lacking in credibility. Thus Freud remains extremely skeptical, to say the least, about this "hypothesis that living substance at the time of its coming to life was torn apart into small particles, which have ever since endeavoured to reunite through the sexual ...
212. Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... thought over the years. If there is an overriding theme or message from these perennially exciting, informative and insightful writers it is that the mythological record contains the undeniable facts of our celestial history and that maintaining faithfulness to these facts is more important than any retrospective analysis of what is and what is not possible according to current scientific fashions. Biology James Strickling presents a useful assessment of the Darwinian hypothesis in issue No.3 and demonstrates the unacceptability of natural selection and speciation according to the conventional principles of uniformitarian theory. Astronomy Contributors under this heading include Charles Ginenthal, Earl Milton, Frederick Hall, Roger Ashton, Frederic Jeuneman and Robert Driscoll. Ginenthal proposes his Electro-Gravitic Theory of ...
213. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol V No 4 (1984) Home | Issue Contents Bookshelf METEORITES AND GEOLOGY Classics of Castastrophism Occasional reviews of non-current material BOMBARDED EARTH: An essay on the geological and biological effects of huge meteorite impacts by René Gallant (John Baker: London, 1964; out of print) ERIC CREW There was a brief mention of this book in S.I .S . Newsletter 2 (Sept. 1975) but I did not read it before The Reversing Earth by Peter Warlow. It came as a revelation and is truly described in the Introduction as an Earth-shaking book. It was written when most scientists followed Lyell and Darwin in their belief in uniformitarianism ...
... Earth, from a small mass accumulation to a quite considerable one; then they imparted rotation to it; they supplied it with water; they arranged the pattern of continents and seas; and, finally, they were responsible for the formation of stratified rocks, and the mountains, and most of the mineral wealth of our Earth. The biological influence of the satellites, especially in the cataclysmal times of general instability, is obvious, but is really outside the scope of this book. Before we proceed, or go into geological details, it may be of interest to hear more of what Hoerbiger has to say about the former satellites of our Earth. As has been said ...
215. Velikovsky and his Critics by Shane Mage [Books]
... . Everywhere he found not refutation but strong confirmation of Plato. From his analysis there irresistably emerged an entirely new account of human history This reconstruction, presented in its essentials in the books Worlds in Collision (1950), Ages in Chaos (1952), and Earth in Upheaval (1955), has four main tenets: Geological and biological evolution took place, not with slow uniformity but discontinuously forced by a number of brief catastrophes each causing extermination of numerous well adapted life forrns, the origination of new species through massive violently induced mutations and drastic tectonic and hydrographic changes on the surface of the earth. Our solar system assumed its present basic form thousands, not billions, ...
216. Whence Homo? [Journals] [Aeon]
... have never seen such a thing in the lives of animals. And ritual is a product of the human mind. We must therefore be cautious in what we conclude about the mental nature of Homo erectus. The use of fire could be the only significant aspect of behavior separating him from the rest of the animal kingdom. Terrestrial Upheaval and Biological Transmutation I am of the belief that major biological changes occurred suddenly in the past, and that most of them seem to have been in the midst of terrestrial cataclysm. The available evidence suggests that man was created in the same way. I also maintain that the eras and periods reflected in the standard geological column were actually relatively short ...
217. New Scenarios for Solar System Evolution [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... that are in use today allow us to determine ages spanning from the Earth's age to the late Quaternary. During this time a series of events of paramount importance for the history of the Earth took place and the use of isotopic geochronometers can set in a precise chronological scale the most relevant of those events, otherwise impossible to be dated. Biological fossils can be used for the last 700 million years of the Earth History; geochronometers based on radioactive decay act as isotopic fossils and allow the entire history of the Earth to be traced back. The age of the Earth, of the moon and meteorites, the oldest Earth rocks and the primeval forms of life, as well a ...
218. The Saturn Thesis [Journals] [Aeon]
... the Terrible Aspect of the goddess. Eye: From Egypt to Mesopotamia, from Mesoamerica to Polynesia, the planet Venus (or the goddess identified as Venus) was the Eye, or Great Eye. Mythically, the Eye means both center and radiance. And yet, because the meanings are universal, it's all too easy to forget that biology provides no basis for either of the meanings. Nor does anything outside biology support these meanings today. The explanation, in other words, is entirely dependent on the contexts- the collective celebration of a solitary, radiant eye in the center of the primeval sun, exactly as shown in the Shamash wheel. That the creator-king's eye was ...
219. The Origin and Decay of the Earth's Geomagnetic Field [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... One is that it will not last to the year 10,000 A.D . in any significant strength. And the other seems to be that the Earth's geomagnetic sheath did not exist before the Mars-Earth warfare. If a geomagnetic sheath, shielding the Earth's crust from alpha particles in the solar wind, is necessary for the existence of biological life, then biological life on our planet is not millions of years old- nor are the Earth's strata sequences or crustal deformations. This is a massive deduction, contrary to most contemporaneous philosophy. Conternporaneous philosophy, however, misinterprets uniformitarianism: uniformitarianism in Earth history is only 2700 years old- before that was the era of the Mars-Earth ...
... has revealed; and especially not from his system that . . . the sun has its horizontal course over our heads." - Karetotte, High Priest of Ce3 lon, in Dr. Edward Upham s Buddhism in Ceylon, London, 1829, p. 85. . THE BUDDHISTIC UNIVERSE 99 region has a mythologic population appropriate to its biologic and other conditions, and in that population every individual is capable of reach ing by processes of reincarnation any and every other place in the universe. Eighth. In the Buddhistic world-view the relation of the Patalas to the Narakas appears to be identical with that which we found in the Puranic teaching. Finally, in each system the respective ...
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