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67 pages of results. 191. Life Itself: Accident or Design? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Cosmic Blueprint, on the other hand, Paul Davies is solely concerned with such possibilities. Davies is a theoretical physicist, formerly professor at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, and now at the University of Adelaide. His main theme is the remarkable self-organizing abilities of far-from-equilibrium systems', which he considers in relation to chemistry, physics and biology. Amongst the topics discussed are the origin and evolution of the universe, as well as of life, and whether quantum theory can be applied to biological systems. Like Origins and Blueprints, The Cosmic Blueprint is aimed at a non-specialist relationship and, if I found it a little harder going, that may simple have been because I ...
192. I.Q.: A University Program [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Quantavolution. A binary solar system; origins of planets, comets; electromagnetic effects; the surprise of space exploration. Q12. Geological Problems of Quantavolution. Ice Ages theory. continental drift and plate tectonics, general earth morphology as a record of changes in global motions and heavy-body space encounters. Q13. Quantavolutions in the Biosphere. Modes of Biological change, atmospheric fluxes and their biological effects; evidence of disastrous boundaries in evolution; fossil assemblages. Q14. Chronology and Quantavolution. Radiometric and other geo-physical methods of dating the past; critique of uniformitarian assumptions; determining archaeological time. Q15. Chronological Reconstruction in Ancient Europe and the Near East. Velikovsky's attacks upon Egyptian chronology and their ...
193. The Selection of the Site (Built Before the Flood) [Books]
... of that time, and of plant life too. The numerous practically or entirely sessile tribes were not only able to carry on agriculture and horticulture, but also to cultivate the arts and practise the sciences. At the time when Tiahuanaco was built, Andinia' was one of those tropical island refuges. This assertion is amply borne out by biological, palaeontological, and archaeological evidence. Among the biological proofs may be mentioned the occurrence of certain plants (stunted ferns, etc.) which seem to be out of place in so elevated a region, and the presence of hippocampi (sea-horses) in the cold waters of Lake Titicaca. Palaeontological proofs are, for example, the ...
194. Collapsing Tests of Time [Books] [de Grazia books]
... rings, but cannot explain aberrations among them. Despite all of this, if bristlecone pines could be calibrated over a span from 5000 to 8000 years, this would mean that the solar system has existed that long in a form not radically different from its present form. Also, no important element of the atmosphere or climate affecting rather similar biological organisms would have changed. Further no major annual motion of the Earth respecting the Sun must have changed (orbital distance; orbital speed; rotational speed of the Earth); or all three motions, if changed, must have added up to the same total solar-exposure time. MAGNETISM When rocks are near melting, they are stamped with ...
195. Gases, Poisons and Food [Books] [de Grazia books]
... shock probably accompanied the poison, and was succeeded immediately by great tides of slurried water. In 1975, Bramlette described deep fossil beds a plankton in the sea bottom that he tied to cosmic radiation storms [14]. Radiology is a new field of knowledge, whose development is producing a new attitude toward what can be transformed, in biology, geophysics, meteorology, and geology. Oparin some time ago began to call upon it to explain the long chain of chemo-biological events leading up to The Origin of Life. He wrote of inorganic meteoric material suffering far-reaching transformation from inter-stellar radiation before arriving upon the Earth, of transmutations, for instance of iron and nickel into aluminum and ...
196. Marx, Engels, and Darwin [Books] [de Grazia books]
... gravity and motion govern natural events rigidly; the heavens are constant and the universe is orderly; they operate through measurably equal units of time and through measurably equal coordinates of space; time is long and uninterrupted by sudden leaps; the surface of the earth has accumulated its features over long periods of time; nor are sudden leaps found in biology and cultural history, which have proceeded "by very short and slow steps" (Darwin); and social change is part of "cosmic evolution" (Herbert Spencer). The U paradigm can be considered broader than its circumscribed form as a mere hypothesis that rates of change in geology are to be considered as having been uniform ...
197. Mona Lisa And The Antarctic. File III (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... of radio signals- had been confirmed in the spring of 1955, as told in a preceding section. Years later Hess took the initiative to organize open discussions about my work. One of these was to be a debate on evolution based on the uniformitarian principle versus evolution based mainly on cataclysmic events. My opponent should have been Princeton professor of biology, Colin Pittendrigh. There was a mutual respect between us (earlier he had visited me and also inscribed to me a biology text that he coauthored with G. G. Simpson, my early antagonist), but Pittendrigh insisted that the problem of extinction in the animal kingdom should not be a part of the debate. I could ...
198. The Recurrent Scourge. Ch.5 The Age Of Terror (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... the hour seems late.] If there is in the human race an urge for destruction and self-annihilation that comes to the fore at intervals of fifty-two and possibly also of twenty-six years (the span from the midpoint of World War I to the midpoint of World War II), then instead of political and economic factors, psychological or even biological factors must be thought of as fuses igniting outbursts in human masses. A state of irritability is a precondition for the "patriotic" intransigence that leads to great uncontrollable conflicts with trespass and maiming and killing. With the human race merging into great communities divided into camps, the local, "tribal" periods of conflict are themselves being ...
199. Mid-fourteenth Century: Periodicity Of Frenzy. Ch.3 In Fear And Trembling (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... almost any century, forebodings of the final disaster. Elsewhere I have described a phenomenon to which I applied the term "psychic anaphylaxis". Anaphylaxis is a medical term for an increased reaction to a second application of an irritant. Psychic anaphylaxis I called: .. .That phenomenon in the psychic life of man which, like its biological namesake, is characterised by a special sensitivity to an agent which has at one time happened to act on the individual, and which when again experienced causes a second reaction far exceeding the first in intensity. It is evident that the changes (in the body or mind) must have been far-reaching at the time they were first produced ...
200. The Lengths of the Year [Journals] [Pensee]
... , however, were considerably higher than what either we or the Abraham to Moses people have experienced, for ratios in excess of 10 to 1 were common in both of those earlier periods. What can be inferred from all these reports, if they are reliable, is that the Adam to Noah people and the Arphaxad to Terah people were biologically similar to each other, but that they were biologically different from us. Whether this difference was genetic or environmental is not known, but it is impossible to avoid recognizing the difference if one attempts to make any sense at all of the reported vital statistics. The lowest ages of paternity suggest that the Adam to Noah "year" ...
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