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67 pages of results. 181. On Cosmic Electrical Charges [Books] [de Grazia books]
... stars - outnumber cosmic-ray electrons by at least two orders of magnitude, it is logical to conclude that within the region of the Sun most electrons are occupied with sustaining the transaction tending to eliminate the solar cavity. These electrons are not free: they form a => transactive matrix enveloping the Solar System. Cells, and maybe even whole biological organisms, are surrounded by charged "skins" or "sheaths" (Ency. Brit., 1974, Macro., vol. 3, pp. 1045 ff.) Their interiors are even more charged than their perimeters, which indicates to us that these biological entities are electron collectors. This, we argue, also applies ...
182. A Firmament. Ch.2 To Know And Not To Know (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... course of the struggle for existence- with the survival of the fittest. Fit and unfit, and mostly fit, old and young, with sharp teeth, with strong muscles, with fleet legs, with plenty of food around, all perished.[34] Eiseley wrote on this score that these facts: .. .drive the biologist to despair as he surveys the extinction of so many species and genera in the closing Pleistocene.[35] and again: It seems odd that a fauna which had survived the great ice movement should die at its close. But die it did.[36] He professed not to know the cause of extinction but he described ...
183. Myths, Monuments, and Mnemonics [Journals] [Horus]
... ? Why does the concept of advanced intellectual achievement three or four thousand years ago seem strange and unacceptable to so many people? There may be other reasons but one seems to stand clearly as the most general source for this prejudice - the long-standing "caveman" image of the first fully human beings. When the remains of the earliest people biologically the same as ourselves were discovered, the remote time of their origins, their apparent use of crude stone tools, and assumptions about the nature of their psychological and spiritual characteristics contributed to the scientific description which emerged. It was an unflattering picture. The Observatory at Chichen Itza, Yucatan Because the new species evolved from a lower form ...
184. Editorial [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Intersect 2001 I was fortunate enough to attend the Intersect 2001 conference myself for which I thank my wife, Caroline, who practically ignored my excuses, and booked up my tickets. The conference focussed on three areas: (1 ) The Saturn Theory (2 ) The Electric / Plasma Universe, and new to most, (3 ) Biological and extra-sensory phenomena. The Saturn Theory (the idea that the Earth was once a satellite of Saturn) is considered by many people to be balderdash, even to some of the open minded readers of this publication! And not being content with such a controversial theory, proponents insist that the planets Earth, Mars, Venus and Saturn ...
185. Lyall Watson Website [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... exciting supervision of Desmond Morris at the London Zoo. While involved in archaeological fieldwork in Jordan in 1967, I was invited to direct the rebuilding of a major zoo in Johannesburg. And that led (it's a long story) to my appointment as a presenter and producer of documentary programs for BBC Television in London. In 1970 I formed Biologic of London - a science consultancy that designed zoos, organized expeditions and ran a safari company. I personally led expeditions to Indonesia, the Indian Ocean, the Antarctic, New Guinea, the South Pacific and the Amazon, and still do from time to time. But my life changed radically in 1973 with the publication of Supernature, ...
186. De Grazian Discography (Reviewed) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , there is an audio introduction by the author and an essay - What is Quantavolution'?. Whilst one might quibble about the linguistic derivation of this neologism, it is impossible not to admire the pioneering spirit that has led him to explore almost all aspects of the catastrophist scenario embodied in that term. The books range through astronomy, biology, geology, psychology, biography and eschatology and, of course, the electric cosmos. Most of them have been reviewed or otherwise acknowledged in SIS publications [1 ]. If I had to single out some personal favourites, I would select 3: The Divine Succession, God's Fire and Cosmic Heretics. In the first, de ...
187. Science-Fiction and Collective Amnesia: "Dragon's Egg" [Journals] [Kronos]
... characters out of a comfortable, predictive environment into what is strange, unknown, and often chaotic. On such a journey, only the mentally agile survive. Like all fiction, science-fiction, though its subject matter is the empirically-observable universe, is bound to the catastrophic demands of fiction. Lyell's aeons of gradual geological development, Darwin's almost infinitesimal biological changes over millions of years, or Wegener's continents drifting mere centimeters apart each year, whether or not they describe an actual state of affairs, cannot be the stuff of science-fiction. Rather, sudden mutations, drastic and swift changes in the contour of the Earth, and violent perturbations in the orbits of planets or the matter of suns ...
188. Plate Tectonics and Catastrophe Theory [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 3 No. 1 (June 1978) Home | Issue Contents Plate Tectonics and Catastrophe Theory René Thom Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies Bures-sur-Yvette, France. INTRODUCTION I would propose that in the explanation of natural forms one encounters two types of approach: the reductionist' and the Platonist' This distinction is well known in biology, where a long tradition, going back to Aristotle, he sought to explain living forms by reference to archetypes' of abstract nature; Lord D'Arcy Thompson has been the last and the most brilliant representative of this line of thought. The fallacious successes of molecular biology have led during the last twenty years to the elimination of this line ...
... much good science is not quantitative at all (a distinction is sometimes made between so-called hard and soft sciences, the former ones being the more mathematically and quantitatively rigorous). We speak of the natural sciences in contrast to theology or moral philosophy; where does epistemology fit? Is it part of science? There are the physical and the biological sciences. We talk of modern science and of many other kinds of science. One can distinguish three different aspects of science (and people will often talk as though science is merely one of those aspects). In one sense science is a particular body of knowledge, more precisely a set of phenomena accepted as facts and a set ...
... consider the evolution of life on Earth in the context of a Solar System where major collisions and explosions are relatively common, on a time-scale of millions of years. Some events causing terrestrial catastrophes may arise on Earth, whereas others may be of extraterrestrial origin. It may once have seemed permissible to regard the evolution of life as a purely biological phenomenon, progressing solely according to its own internal logic, but that is no longer the case. One may still conclude that external factors, including those causing localised or widespread catastrophes, have had only a limited effect on the overall pattern of evolution, but one cannot ignore them altogether. Moreover, when all the evidence is taken ...
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