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67 pages of results. 161. The Twelfth Planet: by Zecharia Sitchin [Journals] [Kronos]
... being - unlike civilization - a human universal, has an antiquity of millions of years and an uncertain birthplace. If we postulate Australopithecus as the earliest hominid genus, culture probably began in Africa; but if we accept Ramapithecus as his confamilial predecessor, culture probably began in India. Sitchin's linguistics seems at least as amateurish as his anthropology, biology, and astronomy. On p. 370, for example, he maintains that "all the ancient languages . . . including early Chinese . . . stemmed from one primeval source - Sumerian". Sumerian, of course, is the virtual archetype of what linguistic taxonomists call a language-isolate, meaning a language that does not fall into ...
162. 'No Impact': René Gallant (1906-1985) [Books]
... VII | Chap 4: I | II | III | IV | Chap 5: I | II | III | IIII | PART IV : Appendixes I | II | III | IV | Acknowledgements | Notes And References | No Impact'René Gallant (1906-1985) and his book of 1964 Bombarded Earth (An Essay on the Geological and Biological Effects of huge Meteorite Impacts) .H.S . Torrens Lower Mill Cottage, Furnace lane, Madeley, Crewe, CW3 9EU, U.K . "L'historien a pour devoir impratif de comprendre et non de juger" Franois Ellenberger. INTRODUCTION Much of science has a problematic relationship with its own past, ever seeking to show ...
163. Has Science Got it Wrong? – Remarks on the Arctic [Journals] [SIS Review]
... latitudes in those continents and Europe. Basically, both sets of deposits yield the same general faunas, although not unexpectedly sometimes with local variations. This picture is duplicated in the associated botanical record. The distribution of the Permafrost in the Northern Hemisphere. (After T.L . Pewe, 1966. In Hansen, ed., Artic Biology, Oregon State University Press) From many points of view, the remains present in the permafrost' are the more important because, in Siberia and Alaska, they have furnished examples of whole or partial carcasses of mammoths, rhinoceroses, bison, musk-ox, whales, and other large mammals, as well as many molluscs complete with soft ...
164. A POINT OF VIEW [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... , the following additional background provided by Dr. Shane Mage is offered. In a conversation, Mage explained that the true relevance of this apparent left-wing reaction becomes clear by enlarging the frame of reference to include Lysenkoism and the 1948 meeting of the Lenin Academy of Agricultural Science. There, Lysenko, an outspoken advocate of his version of Lamarckian biology, i.e . the inheritance of acquired traits, succeeded in extirpating Mendelian genetics from Soviet biology. Five Mendelian geneticists recanted, admitted their errors and committed themselves to Lysenko's biology. This event in Soviet science caused quite a stir in the West and was extremely embarrassing for those scientists who had been sympathetic to Stalinism. Thus, ...
165. The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies (Part II) [Journals] [Kronos]
... belt, the source of planetary atmospheres, the size distribution of celestial bodies, the cause of retrograde orbits of selected moons, and last, but not least, the magnetic fields of the planets. This must all be done in a context consistent with data (although not necessarily with uniformitarian theory) in other fields such as geology, biology, archaeology, anthropology, etc. III a) Sources of Comet Nuclei One source of comet nuclei has been identified as the dispersive spray of small conglomerates being ejected from the newly forming twin star systems at the base of the galactic arm.(2 ) Another possible source, which explains the existence of families of comets arriving from ...
166. The Age of Purple Darkness [Journals] [Aeon]
... to technical difficulties, the accent circumflex (^ ) will be used in lieu of a bar; other diacritics had to be sacrificed. The Age of Purple Darkness Roger Ashton Scientific Problems The Purple Darkness is a phase of mythical history with which a longer paper will deal in more detail.To be analyzed are the astrophysical, geophysical, biological, and other implications of the darkness with which myth maintains that creation began. The present essay is, in effect, a preview that surveys a few aspects of larger problems with as much independent treatment as seems possible. The total context forms, like knowledge, an indivisible whole, so that only parenthetically can the interlinked commencement and ...
167. Forbidden Science by Richard Milton [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... thoughts which I' puts forward vary from the sensible to the inconsequential but never startle the reader with insights of profound originality. Worse still, I' sometimes appears to take the credit for work which is clearly not his own. The worst example of this is in the Postscript', p. 224, where the cases of the biologists Ernst Haeckel and Paul Kammerer are discussed. Kammerer was the subject of Arthur Koestler's The Case of the Midwife Toad [4 ], a book which which challenged the previously accepted view that Kammerer, an Austrian biologist who claimed to have demonstrated that species could pass on acquired characteristics to their offspring, was a fraud. Milton claims that ...
168. Book Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... but note the close similarity in the evidence and views with those to be found in Earth in Upheaval' by Immanuel Velikovsky. Kloosterman, himself, in his Apophoreta' on the last page of the issue acknowledges that Velikovsky in his above work is one of those who proposed excessive radiation in catastrophic circumstances to account for sudden, massive, biological new species and likewise extinctions and enquires whether any study has been made to determine if abnormally high radioactivity in fossil bones correlates with the major faunal extinctions in Earth History. This particular topic forms the subject of an article by L. J. Salop in which is developed the themes previously adumbrated by other authors, that geological discontinuities and ...
169. A Cosmic Debate [Books] [de Grazia books]
... skies opened and engulfed mankind, the human mind responded and worked back and forth productively. Theology was the original queen of sciences because of its promise to control mankind's response to the disorders of the heavens. The government of the passions, both personal and social, is a persisting problem. Political behavior and dogmatic and aggressive ideologies have their biological origins in the physiology of humans, but their historical origins are founded upon abrupt as well as continuous change in human ecology. When the skies fell, man was shocked into self-awareness, religion began, and with religion and from religion came politics - the organization and direction of human efforts towards the propitiation and control of the gods and ...
170. The Coming Cosmic Debate in the Sciences and Humanities: Revolutionary Vs. Evolutionary Primevology [Articles]
... skies opened and engulfed mankind, the human mind responded and worked back and forth productively. Theology was the original queen of sciences because of its promise to control mankind's response to the disorders of the heavens. The government of the passions, both personal and social, is a persisting problem. Political behaviour and dogmatic and aggressive ideologies have their biological origins in the physiology of humans, but their historical origins are founded upon abrupt as well as continuous change in human ecology. When the skies fell, man was shocked into self- awareness, religion began, and with religion and from religion came politics- the organization and direction of human efforts towards the propitiation and control of the gods ...
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