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664 results found.

67 pages of results.
141. Conferences [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... impacts * Economic significance of impacts * Experimental and numerical studies. Sponsored by: Lunar and Planetary Institute; Stadt Nördlingen; Humboldt University, Berlin; University of Münster; Märker Zementwerke AG; Meteoritical Society; The Barringer Crater Company. Meeting Organizers: Burkhard Dressler, Lunar and Planetary Institute, email: Biological Processes in Impact Craters March 29-April 1, 2003, Cambridge, UK. The workshop, to be held in Cambridge, UK from March 29 to April 1 next year will examine the ecological characteristics of impact craters and the biological processes that occur within them. The ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 68  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/i-digest/2002-2/18conf.htm
142. A Comprehensive Theory on Aging, Gigantism and Longevity [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Why, in literally hundreds of species. are there giant antecedents to modern forms which have suddenly, and simultaneously, and continuously become reduced in size?1 As a third and seemingly unrelated question, are the ancients' claims of longevity on the order of 900 years to be taken seriously rather than considered as mythology? Is there a biological mechanism resulting in ancient gigantism or longevity? The theme of this work consists of heterodox, but defensible answers to these and similar questions. It is fairly well known that the fossil record contains 10-foot ostriches, 20-foot ground sloths, 12-foot armadillos, 14-foot turtles, beavers as large as contemporary bears, and so forth. The orthodox thesis ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/cat-anc/vol0201/13aging.htm
143. Pentecost [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... part, man is an electrical creature. The natural currents within our bodies are small, but their role is extremely significant; they govern our very lives. These minute currents can nevertheless be disrupted or overridden. In particular, "extremely low frequency (ELF) fields have the capacity to penetrate buildings and living tissue and hence are potential biological stimuli."[1 ] And when this happens, our perceptions can falter and our reactions and response times might prove beyond our control. Such stimuli might have many unpredictable effects upon man- but there are a few that can be described from experience. As to perception, certain fields can excite the human auditory system in such ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 59  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/cat-anc/vol0701/39pent.htm
... historical cultures the assumption of continuity in meaning from prehistoric, times seems reasonable. Evidence of significant food surpluses from domesticated crops and animal husbandry further suggest the likelihood of a long pre-history of cultural tore regarding the relation between astronomical and seasonal cycles. It also was observed that the basis for this global cultural phenomenon lies at far more fundamental (biologically rooted) levels than is proposed by the traditional view that ancient astronomy was a wholly intellectual achievement. It was shown that, from the perspectives of behavioral science, Nature is so arranged that not only human beings but much of the animal kingdom as well would acquire certain astral/ seasonal/behavioral associations through conditioned learning alone. The ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 58  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/horus/v0201/horus12.htm
... | III | IV | Chap 3: I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | Chap 4: I | II | III | IV | Chap 5: I | II | III | IIII | PART IV : Appendixes I | II | III | IV | Acknowledgements | Notes And References | VI The Biological Effects Of Radiations 1. We have seen in Section II of the present chapter what radiations are and under what conditions they are emitted. It should be remembered that radiations comprise: (a ) Material particles, which are electrically charged (a-and B-particles). (b ) Electro-magnetic waves: X-rays and y-rays. We have also mentioned ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 57  -  26 Mar 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/gallant/iiic3vi.htm
146. Religion and Education [Books] [de Grazia books]
... their academic locker rooms receiving congratulations. A few fans, carried away by remote analogies, say that we will have to tolerate Reaganism awhile longer, but at least not that bit about God building the world in a week. The expert testimony against the law may have been misleading, however, as to the current posture of science respecting biological change. Walter Sullivan (NYT Dec. 27) has deftly indicated the short-fall of truth: that theories of evolution now also include theories of genesis in outer space or in transferences from cosmic bodies; that evidence of transitional types or "missing links" in evolution is today scarcely richer than in Charles Darwin's time; and that, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 54  -  29 Mar 2004  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/degrazia/burning/ch23.htm
147. Surprised! [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... 11% ## ## ## ## ## # mythologists 568 54 10% ## ## ## ## ## historians 162,920 14,702 9% ## ## ## ## # meteorologists 13,288 1,222 9% ## ## ## ## # biologists 57,180 4,289 8% ## ## ## ## mathematicians 68,629 5,792 8% ## ## ## ## archaeologists 56,920 4,276 8% ## ## ## ## cosmologists 2,152 127 6% ## ## ## ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 53  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/i-digest/1999-2/22surpr.htm
... chapters dealing with so-called scientific creationism, rightly exposed as the epitome of an oxymoron and a wolf in sheep's clothing- i.e . religion posing as science- that stand out. These chapters should be required reading for students everywhere. Chapter 9 describes an evening in debate with Dr. Duane Gish, probably the most famous of the biologists espousing creationist views. Chapter 10 provides a very handy list of 25 leading creationist arguments together with detailed answers to each. Chapter 11, finally, presents a thorough summary of recent court actions designed to force creationist science upon an ever more scientifically illiterate, and hence more gullible, general public. Shermer's discussion here, as throughout the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 52  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0501/105why.htm
149. The Unworkable Polar Saturn [Journals] [Aeon]
... is nothing to warrant the notion that in prehistoric human times, the physiological cycles of advanced forms of life such as seals could have been so very much faster than at present. For these palaeoclimatic and palaeozoological reasons, the model is excluded. Avoiding the Saturnian tidal pull calls for a distance from Saturn of the Earth that is climatically and biologically implausible. If Earth is further from Saturn than 7,000,000 kilometers, to increase the orbital period and thus the biological cycle, the subannual fluctuation of temperature is worsened, and because Earth's distance from Saturn would then approach 7,600,000 kilometers, at which the Sun could detach Earth from Saturn's subsystemic orbit, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  30 Jul 2008  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0103/039unwrk.htm
... they certainly contain a surprising amount of truth and good observation; but they do not answer the question: Where does man come from? Nor indeed can this chapter offer any solution to this problem; it can only make it more difficult by introducing into it a peculiar element: the influence of the cataclysms. This influence is twofold: biologically, urging man generally upwards; culturally, throwing him down repeatedly from the heights he has reached, but making him inventive and intelligent. Before we enter upon a discussion of these points we shall recapitulate, very briefly, what man thinks he knows about man. The creation' of man out of stones or bones was only possible ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  26 Mar 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/bellamy/moons/21-rise.htm
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