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99 pages of results. 271. Ear Symbols [Books]
... magatama symbols and the ear – American - sliced shell symbol - Ear connected with sun - Ear-rings and the eye - Ear spirals in Polynesia - Polynesian idol - Polynesian sky child - taboo ear-rings - Ear-boring ceremonies - Ear-blood offered to gods - Magatama symbol and birth - Jewels become children - Japanese god "Great-Great-Ears Magatama in sun -120 Magatamas and Babylonian Zodiac - Divine years of Babylonia, India and Mexico - The three magatamas-The three seasons - American and Scottish magatamas. When the concepts that had origin in one particular culture area, were carried to another, the culture-mixing which took place was productive of new developments. As the beliefs were mixed, so were the symbols which illustrated beliefs ...
... Mars for another collision with Earth based on experience during previous perturbations. ' If so, Isaiah must have been able to solve the full three-body problem with electrical and magnetic forces thrown in, and it is a pity that this knowledge was not passed down to us in the Old Testament. "4 We have previously cited that, "Babylonian astronomers were masters of us all: they kept continuous, dated records of celestial events from at least 747 B.C ." 5 That is, by having an event recur periodically, it is relatively easy to make predictions and one need not have recourse to gravitational theory. In their chapter titled "Celestial Forecasting", which ...
273. Myth, Mandala, and the Collective Unconscious [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. I No. 1 (Spring 1975) Home | Issue Contents Myth, Mandala, and the Collective Unconscious David Griffard In a comparative analysis of Greek with Phoenician, Babylonian, and other Indo-European mythologies, Littleton describes various parallels to a general theme, the kingship-of-heaven. "In each instance a single pattern of events is present: an existing generation of gods was preceded by two (and in some cases three) earlier generations of supernatural beings, each succeeding generation being presided over by a king of heaven' who has usurped (or at least assumed) the power of his predecessor. Moreover there is generally a fourth figure a monster of some ...
274. Ear Symbols [Books]
... magatama symbols and the ear – American - sliced shell symbol - Ear connected with sun - Ear-rings and the eye - Ear spirals in Polynesia - Polynesian idol - Polynesian sky child - taboo ear-rings - Ear-boring ceremonies - Ear-blood offered to gods - Magatama symbol and birth - Jewels become children - Japanese god "Great-Great-Ears Magatama in sun -120 Magatamas and Babylonian Zodiac - Divine years of Babylonia, India and Mexico - The three magatamas-The three seasons - American and Scottish magatamas. When the concepts that had origin in one particular culture area, were carried to another, the culture-mixing which took place was productive of new developments. As the beliefs were mixed, so were the symbols which illustrated beliefs ...
275. The Saturn Thesis (Part 2) [Journals] [Aeon]
... cosmic history of Venus. Aphrodite Comaetho is a counterpart to the Incan Venus as long-haired star; a counterpart to the Egyptian Isis (Venus) who spreads her hair across the face of the sun god Ra; counterpart to the Sumerian Inanna who (in the form of Geshtinanna) "whirls her hair in heaven;" counterpart to the Babylonian Ishtar, "the one with hair." To understand Aphrodite Comaetho literally, as the Comet Venus, one need only seek out the concrete forms behind ancient words and symbols. What I intend to show is that the subject is a star whose "radiance" streams outward across the face of the ancient sun god, who is ...
276. Artificially Structured Biblical Chronologies [Journals] [SIS Review]
... to publish that small knowledge outside of their fraternities. Cabbalistic Chronology is designed to reconstruct that almost lost and forgotten early system of specialised chronological terms. It is divided into two parts with the first dealing with the artificial structures of the Bible and the second with Manetho's cabbalistic work called Aegyptiaca'. Further books will deal with the Assyrian, Babylonian and Chinese king lists. That which is reproduced here consists of extracts from Part I which have been abbreviated and modified to suit the requirements of a review paper. Example A: The postdiluvian patriarchal lists from Shem to Terah P. Wiseman, in this work titled Clues to Creation in Genesis [1 ] showed that Genesis had been ...
277. Rejoinder to Dirkzwager [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... into believing that this will solve the problems. As Jonsson has proved (" The Foundations of the Assyro-Babylonian Chronology," SIS C&C Review, Vol. IX, 1987, pp. 14-23, and in C&AH, X:1 , pp. 36-38), you cannot tamper with Assyrian regnal dates without also affecting Babylonian history. Dirkzwager's proposals in that regard are nowhere mentioned. Let us investigate the issues involved. Firstly, Dr. Dirkzwager has now amended his proposed Egyptian redatings. In C&AH, IX:1 he posited two sets of dates. Based on private correspondence, it can be stated here that he has indicated a preference for ...
278. The Creation of the Earth -- the Second Account [Books]
... fearful ' Fight' and its consequences. The Hero' naturally restores the Earth to its former state of perfection and takes various precautions to prevent the recurrence of similar happenings. The classical example of this kind of mythological account of the great cataclysm and there creation which followed it is, of course, the so-called Gilgamesh Epic, the grand Babylonian cosmogonical myth, which Assurbanipal had recorded at Nineveh on a series of clay tablets. Tiamat the cuneiform records tell, was a terrible primeval monster who ravaged the whole world. Therefore the gods, meeting in council, decided upon her destruction. But none of the great gods was able to overcome her. Finally Marduk, the youngest ...
... down seriously to finish it. But there is quite a work for me left." More importantly, "[ f ]or the first time in sixteen years that I occupy myself with this work I met a document that can be regarded as an obstacle." D. J. Wiseman of the British Museum had recently published a Babylonian chronicle of the end of Nabopolasser's reign and the beginning of Nebuchadnezzar's, and the latter was specifically named as the former's direct successor. Because of the requirements of Velikovsky's identification of the "Hittites" as Chaldean, Labas-Marduk should have briefly reigned between. I must admit that for days and nights I have turned the problem in my mind ...
280. Aphrodite The Moon or Venus? (Continued) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of other gods, who alone could be the causes of whatever embarrassment her shameless character would permit her. Battle of the Gods THE ILIAD is told as the wrath of Achilles on one level - the Poet says so, but it is of a type with the battles of the sky-gods recited in Scandinavian, Finnish, Hindu, Mexican, Babylonian and other epics. The Greek gods of the Trojan Wars engage in plain soldiering, hurling rocks and spears, shooting arrows, and driving chariots. They make onslaughts from heaven; they launch disasters upon Earth: plagues, fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, hails of stones and arrows, famines, fogs, and darkness in ...
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