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986 results found.
99 pages of results. 251. The Great Comet Venus [Journals] [Aeon]
... East a recurring association of Venus with celestial "hair" and with a celestial "beard," two of the most common hieroglyphs for the comet in the ancient world. But another popular glyph for the comet was the serpent or dragon, a form taken by the planet Venus in virtually every land. The same planet, among the Babylonians and other races, was called the "flame," or "torch of heaven," a widespread symbol of a comet among ancient peoples. According to Velikovsky the accounts and symbols of the comet Venus speak for a memory of global upheaval: earthshaking battles in the sky, decimation of ancient races on Earth, an extended period ...
252. The Stratigraphical Chronology of Ancient Israel [Journals] [Aeon]
... g ., at Hama (16) and Nimrud/Calah (17) ). The Persian period, therefore, seems to provide a more convincing environment for these powerful kings. (18) The impressive achievements of nearly 150 years of modern archaeology in the ancient Near East seem to have debunked Israel's biblical history from Abraham to the Babylonian Exile, which likewise is burdened with some big question marks (see Section II below). The opposing parties are well entrenched. One side defends the biblical period from ca. 2100 (birth of the patriarch in Ur of the Chaldees) to 586 (deportation of Judah). The other side insists on its "scholarly" ...
... Goddess of Life and Wisdom," AJSL, vol. 36 (191_20), pp. 258-64. Albright, William Foxwell. "Gilgamesh and Engidu," JAOS, vol. 40 (1920), pp. 307-35. Albright, William Foxwell, and Dumont, P. E. "A Parallel Between Indian and Babylonian Sacrificial Ritual," JAOS, vol. 54 (1934), pp. 107-28. Alexander, Hartley Burr. North American Mythology. MAR, vol. 10 ( 1916). Alexander, Hartley Burr. Latin American Mythology. MAR, vol. 11 (1920). Alfoldi, Andreas. "Smith as a Title of ...
254. News from the Internet [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... , whose name appears to mean her band quite surrounds her'.[3 ] He does not comment on the fact that Parearau was unequivocally regarded as a female instead of a male deity in M~ori astronomy, leaving his readers with the idea that Parearau is a good match for the masculine Saturnian deities of the ancient Greeks and Babylonians. Unfortunately, Talbott also omits to mention the dispute over the identity of Parearau. [4 ] Three native M~ori sages have identified Parearau as the planet Jupiter, but because they described it as having a ring scholars have inferred that they must have erred and must have had Saturn in mind, [5 ] at the ...
255. Astronomy and Chronology [Journals] [Pensee]
... , wars and peace treaties of empires and kingdoms, are allocated to centuries according to the rule of Egyptian chronology. When a document is unearthed which records the relations of some king with a pharaoh of a certain dynasty, the time of the king becomes fixed because the date of the pharaoh is known. The succession of the Assyrian and Babylonian kings with the dates of their reigns is studied with the help of the so-called king-lists, but is constantly adjusted to comply with Egyptian dates wherever a synchronism is assumed. Thus the lawmaker king Hammurabi of the First Babylonian Dynasty, who for a long time was placed in about -2100, in recent decades was transferred to about -1700, ...
256. Khima and Kesil [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Contents Khima and Kesil Immanuel Velikovsky Copyright (c ) 1978, 1979 I. VELIKOVSKY When identifying the biblical "Khima" as Saturn and "Kesil" as Mars, Dr Velikovsky promised support,for this interpretation in a later work. The paper below outlines the grounds on which these identifications were made. In the Tractate Brakhot of the Babylonian Talmud it is said that the Deluge was caused by two stars that fell from Khima toward the Earth. The statement reads: "When the Holy One decided to bring the Deluge on the Earth He took two stars from Khima and [hurling them against the Earth] brought the Deluge on the Earth." [1 ] The ...
257. The Holy Land [Books]
... - may either appear alone or as the wheel of a celestial wagon. All ancient sun-gods seem to own such a wheel or chariot. The one-wheeled chariot of the Hindu Surya clearly answers to the same cosmic form as "the high-wheeled chariot" of the Iranian Mithra. (33) An early form was the famous sun wheel of the Babylonian Shamash. 15. The wheel of Shamash, held in place by a cord 16. Triptolemus riding on a single wheel. 17. The wheel of Ixion. 18. Hebrew Yahweh on a single wheel. Greek art depicts the great father Dionysus seated upon a one-wheeled chariot, much like that of the old god Triptolemos. In ...
258. Can There be a Revised Chronology Without a Revised Stratigraphy? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... century pottery" [63]. Did this wall remain in use for nearly four centuries (surviving the conquest of Gezer by Tiglath-pileser III in 733 BC), as concluded by the excavators [64]? Or was it actually built after that conquest, being in use for just over a century before falling to the attacks of the Babylonians? Turning to the chambered gateways usually attributed to Solomon at Hazor, Megiddo and Gezer, we note the fact, rather surprising for the conventional view, that "This unusual type of gate has now been discovered outside of Israel as well, in Philistine Ashdod", where it is dated to the same time as the so-called " ...
259. Distorting and Reconstructing the Past [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... tired of repeating. Indeed, towards the end it seems even to have superseded Persepolis and Susa. Yet, here again, no evidence of Persian occupancy could be found. A typical Lower Mesopotamian stratigraphy (as for example at Bismaya, Der, Mashkan Shapir, and al-Ubaid) looks thus: Hellenists (after 330 BC)- Old Babylonians (2000-1800 BC) Ramessides, Medes, and Persians Sweeney 7- Neo-Sumerians (2200-2000 BC)- Akkadians (2300-2200 BC)- Early Dynastic Sumerians (to c.2300 BC) If the hiatus (period of non-occupation) observed in northern Mesopotamia between Neo- (or sometimes Middle) Assyrians and Hellenists caused surprise, the hiatus ...
260. The Ark Myth [Books]
... sum of all knowledge, and had been a family heirloom, having been given to Noah's grandfather, Adam, by the angel Raziel,.. as a present from the Lord. ' This must have been the prototype of all blueprints! (Note 82.) The great majority of living beings perished in the flood. According to Babylonian mythology, corpses drifted about like trunks of trees'. All animals were swept away, ' tell the Ahoms, an Assamese branch of the Shans, and all the race of man perished. The waters were covered with corpses, and [when the waters subsided] the earth too. Their stench was insupportable. ' Similar reports ...
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