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99 pages of results. 211. The Synchronistic Chronical: A Critique [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... of the Chronicle that concerns us here covers the period of the Assyrian kings Adasi to Assur-saduni- kings 47-64 on the Khorsabad king-list, dated 1648-1430,[3 ] Aligned parallel to these monarchs are, first, kings of the Dynasty of the Sealand and then the early Kassite kings. Attested synchronizations demonstrate a partial overlap between the first three Babylonian dynasties. Since the Chronicle begins with the Assyrian king Adasi and the Sealand king Damiqilishu, it would appear that the Amorite or First Dynasty was regarded as predating the period covered by the Chronicle. Under the proposals envisaged by Dr. Courville this dynasty is aligned parallel to the successive Sealand and Kassite dynasties. Thus the Chronicle appears to ...
212. The Ramesside Star Tables and Reade's Venus Tablet Reconstruction [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... to the equinox than to the solstices. But they are isolated examples. There is no link-up with the superior conjunction data. In fact, there is no overall pattern which one could relate to a change in the obliquity of the ecliptic. What then is the position regarding Reade's Venus Tablet reconstruction? It is only an assumption that all Babylonian months have 30 days. If it had resulted in a logical pattern of astronomical data there would have been an argument for accepting it. As it is, the assumption raises more problems than it solves. Accordingly, it has to be rejected. That being so, the Venus Tablets can have no connection with the Ramesside Star Tables ...
213. In Search of <i>Alter Egos</i> [Journals] [SIS Review]
... their 27th Dynasty? [10]. As well as Persia and Egypt, Xerxes also inherited sovereignty over Babylon, as did his Achaemenid predecessors and successors for several generations. In contrast, Sennacherib, although the most powerful figure in Mesopotamia, inherited the throne of Assyria but not that of Babylon. However, the anti-Assyrian activities of some Babylonians drove Sennacherib to fury, causing him to conquer and then sack Babylon. His successor, Esarhaddon, rebuilt the city and then ruled over it in relatively uneventful fashion. Esarhaddon invaded Egypt during the reign of the 25th Ethiopian Dynasty pharaoh Taharka, capturing Memphis and installing regional governors (including Necho, Prince of Sais) to act on ...
214. The Calendar [Journals] [Aeon]
... obtuse of peasants ever noticed a calendrical problem within his lifetime. It thus seems reasonable that the fleeing population of Israel, convinced that they were the chosen ones [5 ] of God, would allow their priests to install the same control measures. The Mosaic calendar instructions were followed without any reference to calendrical problems until the return from the Babylonian Exile. As this took place after 500 B.C ., the sudden awareness of a problem with the calendar assists in supporting the argument that the Mosaic system worked correctly for 750 years. It seems reasonable to assume that, had there been an extra day lurking within every fourth yearly cycle, then, within one lifetime, ...
215. Some Notes on the Revised Chronology (part two) [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... , breaks off in his quote from Luckenbill, just short of the explanation regarding Assur-nadin-ahe. The placement of this king in relationship to Ashuruballit is clarified by Poebel, whereas if we accept Courville's proposal that Ashuruballit may have been "a prince son of Shalmaneser III" then we have no Assur-nadin-ahe anywhere in his immediate ancestry. Velikovsky sees the Babylonian Burnaburiash as the "alter ego of Shalmaneser the Assyrian" - a most unlikely explanation, in view of Shalmaneser's own archives and Burnaburiash's request in letter no.9 , urging Pharaoh not to "carry on any business with the envoys of the Assyrians", hardly the sort of comment that an Assyrian king would make. As for ...
216. Saturn's Cosmos [Books]
... for the Creator, so that he appears as if surrounded by a circular or almond-shaped halo." (13) 8. Mithraic Saturn, with surrounding halo. 9. Japanese Buddha, with surrounding halo. If one accepts the immediate sense of the archaic terminology, the enclosure was no abstraction. It was Saturn's shining band. The Babylonian Anu- Saturn- was "the High One of the Enclosure of Life," (14) his dwelling "the brilliant enclosure." (Here, too, the enclosure becomes the place of the primeval "sunrise.") (15) The Maori of New Zealand know the planet Saturn as Parearau, whose name conveys ...
217. The Restoration of Ancient History [Articles]
... empire of the Medes [pre- Alexander period (2 )] : "A Median oral tradition as a source for Herodotus III 95106 is a hypothesis that solves some problems, but has otherwise little to recommend it .. . This means that not even in Herodotus' Median history a real empire is safely attested. In Assyrian and Babylonian records and in the archeological evidence no vestiges of an imperial structure can be found. The very existence of a Median empire, with the emphasis on empire, is thus questionable" (H . Sancisi-Weerdenburg, "Was there ever a Median Empire?", in A. Kuhrt, H. Sancisi-Weerdenburg, eds., Achaemenid History ...
218. Thoth Vol III, No. 2: Jan 31, 1999 [Journals] [Thoth]
... with spectacular disasters of one form or another, not the least of which was a great flood of water descending from the sky. Following Velikovsky's lead-but also modifying and elaborating upon his conclusions and chronology-I have confirmed that the ancients described Mars as being much closer in recent times, close enough, in fact, to dominate the skies. Various Babylonian omens, for example, associate Mars with prodigious eclipses of the Sun. Consider the following omen: "If the Sun goes down (by a Darkness/Eclipse) and Mars stands in its place, there will be an Usurpator." As a result of such reports, Gossman concluded that "Mars [was] the star ...
219. Index of Titles
... Ages in Chaos in the Light of C14 Archaeometry Ages in Chaos versus the New Chronologies' of Rohl and James Ages of Bristlecone Pine, The Ahab and the Battles of Karkar and Ramoth-Gilead Akhenaten as Moses Akhnaton: A Geneticist's View Akhenaten - Heretic or Visionary Akhetaten - Horizon of the Aten Akhnaten, Aten, and Venus Reconsidered Akkadian language (Babylonian and Assyrian cuneiform texts) Alalakh and the Collon Affair Alan Alford's The Phoenix Solution Albrecht/Glueck-Aharoni/Rothenberg Confrontation: Who was Right and Who was Wrong about What?, The Alexander and the Amazons: Ancient Belief and Modern Analysis Alexander At The Oracle Alfred de Grazia's Grazian Archive Allerød Conflagration?, An Alphabet and the Saturnian Configuration ...
220. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... experts like Woolley and Collon to level VII at Alalakh were arrived at by looking at all the evidence. If one looks at their dates one finds that neither Woolley nor Collon date level VII to the Old Akkadian period (despite the presence of bull-man seal impressions). Indeed, level VII corresponds more closely to the time of the Old Babylonian dynasty (Hammurabi and successors). It would be surprising to find Hammurabi-like figures and plentiful references to the name Hammurabi in a stratum some 200 years before that king came to power, would it not? I can readily see why Birgit would like to argue that level VII at Alalakh is of the Hyksos period, but has she ...
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