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99 pages of results. 191. Chapter20_21
... so you surround all the gods," and Soma and Agni supplement each other, as will come out eventually, but not in this essay; the proportions Mitra: Varuna, Agni: Soma, Ambrosia: Nectar are not as easily computed as wishful thinking might expect.]. This is no other "thing" than Hvarna (Babylonian melammu) which the "bad uncle" Afrasiyab attempted to steal by diving to the: bottom of Lake Vurukasha, although Hvarna belonged to Kai Khusrau (see above, pp. 40, 201). Thus in whichever dialect the phenomenon is spelled out, the fallen ruler of the Golden Age is held to dwell nearest to the ...
192. Of Lessons, Legacies, and Litmus Tests: A Velikovsky Potpourri (Part One) [Journals] [Aeon]
... (April 25, 1985), Owen Gingerich observed: "Although science cannot prove a Velikovskian scenario is impossible, it might well prove that it did not happen." This is a point Bauer had been reluctant to concede because so many "disproofs" have been either indeterminate or wrong. For Gingerich, Peter Huber's analysis of the Babylonian Venus Tablets in Scientists Confront Velikovsky (Ithaca, 1977) provides the crucial evidence. The small change in eccentricity for Earth indicated by the tablets, according to Rose and Vaughan's analysis, does not necessarily imply an Earth-crossing orbit for either Venus or Mars within the past 3500 years, or ever: It is consistent with but does not ...
193. On Comets and Kings [Journals] [Aeon]
... belief appears to the modern mind, similar beliefs prevailed throughout the ancient world. This very idea is expressed in the earliest extant Chinese astrological records, for example. Thus the cometary atlas from the tomb at Mawangdui has the following omen affixed to a drawing of a comet: "There will be deaths of kings." (20) Babylonian astronomical tablets likewise mention the appearance of a comet in conjunction with the death of kings. (21) Among the ancient Germanic peoples, according to Grimm, the belief persisted that a comet's "appearance betokens events fraught with peril, especially the death of a king." (22) Similar beliefs are attested among the Polynesian Islanders ...
194. The Four-planet System, Part 1 Venus Ch.8 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... be found. In an ancient Hindu table of planets, attributed to the year -3102, Venus alone among the visible planets is absent.(36) The Brahmans of the early period did not know the five-planet system,(37) and only in a later (" middle") period did the Brahmans speak of five planets. Babylonian astronomy, too, had a four-planet system. In ancient prayers the planets Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury are invoked; the planet Venus is missing; and one speaks of "the four-planet system of the ancient astronomers of Babylonia."(38) These four-planet systems and the inability of the ancient Hindus and Babylonians to see ...
195. The Bible as History? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... his conclusions are disturbing but his barbed wit is also thought-provoking. Because he has asked the right questions he often comes up with valid answers - but not invariably, as he does not always ask a broad enough sample of authorities - so the reader has to be constantly alert. For example, the repeated reworking of biblical texts during the Babylonian exile and in the centuries following is well attested but this should not be a denial of the survival of books which existed many centuries before the Babylonian exile (e .g . the Book of Generations, now incorporated into Genesis). One of his most startling conclusions is that much Old Testament ideology (and this flavours many a ...
196. Thoth Vol II, No. 11: June 30, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... mythology, as I've come to practice it, has three primary components, each entirely dependent upon the comparative method: (1 ) the demonstration of parallels between the myths and mythical characters of different cultures; (2 ) the identification of various mythical characters with the respective planetary bodies (or in some cases, as in that of the Babylonian Sin, with some property of this or that planet); and (3 ) a reconstruction of the celestial scenario behind the respective myths-specifically, an analysis of the unique behavior or visual phenomena associated with the planets which gave rise to the particular myths/characters in question. Although each of the three components should be considered necessary steps ...
197. Chapter 14 Agronomy and Climatology [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... the Soil (NY 1991), p. 34 According to conventional chronology, the so-called Sumerian civilization, located in the southern Mesopotamian desert plain between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (present-day southern Iraq), was established around 2900 B.C . There it reigned for almost a millennium and then was ruled in turn by the Akkadians and Babylonians, paying tribute to its conquerors. Prior to its rise it apparently had a rich prehistory during the Ubaid period that covered the fifth millennium B.C . and the Uruk period covering the fourth millennium B.C . The cities in that southern area are believed to have been well populated for almost 3000 years; they were highly ...
198. The Ring About The Earth at 2300 BC [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , as early as about 1700 BC, but can be shown on linguistic and other grounds to have originated by about 2300 BC. Many of the surviving Akkadian myths, on the other hand, are known primarily from Neo-Assyrian tablets recovered from the library of Ashurbanipal in seventh-century BC Nineveh, but can be shown to go back to the Old Babylonian era before the middle of the second millennium BC. Some contain still earlier material. ' Lenormant [3 ], about 100 years ago, spoke about a religious evolution' occurring in Sargon I's time, at the beginning of the Akkadian empire (about 2300 BC). Oldenburg [4 ] dated the mythology of the Ugaritic people ...
199. A Revised Astronomical Chronology for Egypt [Articles]
... , too, that we can take the Egyptian calendar back working perfectly regularly to somewhere around this time (points to figure), that's not such common knowledge and has a rather important bearing on Velikovsky's later chronology. I have two lines of evidence for that. The first is that Parker published a papyrus which gives the conversion from the Babylonian calendar into the Egyptian calendar. The conversion is of the sort that Nisan = Choiak. Parker of course believes in this idea of the Sothic dates and without further ado he says, that is evidence that this conversion was done back at about 500 BC. I can't argue like that because it would be completely cyclic reasoning, but ...
200. Ur of the Chaldees -- Once Again [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Ur is never ascribed expressly to the Chaldaean branch of the Aramaean group; (b ) The Chaldaeans could not possibly be dated before the end of the second millennium; (c ) The cultural background of many of the later patriarchal narratives is intimately tied up with "the Hurrians of Harran . . . rather than with the Sumerians and Babylonians in the south."[2 ] Speiser offered a textual emendation derived from the Septuagint (i .e . that "Ur" should be rendered "land"); as he confessed, however, the anachronism of the term "Chaldees" remains. How can these facts be harmonized? Concurrent with- and seemingly independent ...
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